Today's earth, even if it is placed in the whole universe, is definitely not weak. The large number of high combat power is enough to deter any force in the universe and make it dare not act rashly.

What's more, today's earth, through the invasion of the void Zerg, has been able to realize the coordinate positioning of a large area of void debris world. Once Tony's global God plan is promoted, a large number of human beings on the earth will reach a fairly good level of evolution in a very short time.

Once the individual ability is improved, the only thing that can limit the earth is time and population.

However, even if it is so, the war potential of the earth at that time will be enough to make the whole Universe tremble. You should know that even Asgard, who has a tiger's eye on the universe, is only able to ensure that the whole people will enter the first stage of life evolution. In this way, it can be called the Athar Protoss.

In Jordan's eyes, it doesn't matter whether Sauvignon will die or not.

However, Jordan doesn't mind if he can save soverin in this fleet trip.

After hearing Jordan's suggestion, Adam, xingjue and others felt that they could have a discussion. They soon split into two. Adam, xingjue, Xingyun, Carmela and bald Tang went to the central control room to steal the information of the secret channel. Jordan and Wanda wandered among the warships to see if they could find the weapons of the forbidden God field.

This kind of formation allocation, as early as in Jordan's expectations.

And without the burden of Adam, star Baron and others, Jordan feels much more relaxed. He holds Wanda's hand beside him, and the soul skill tree in his mind shakes slightly. A strange light falls on Jordan and Wanda. They are like shadows and blend into the shadow.

This is a skill that Jordan learned from Serena. It belongs to the shadow attribute and covers a large area in the dark attribute.

It's very difficult for Jordan to be an assassin if he really wants to be dominated by shadow like Serena, but he doesn't mind using this sneaking ability to achieve some of his own goals if he needs to.

"Wanda, feel for a moment and locate the weapon location of the forbidden God field!"

In the shadow, Jordan and Wanda are on the whole warship. Even if they are swaggering, it is difficult to detect the existence of Jordan and Wanda by ordinary scanning and monitors as long as they don't bump into people.

However, for Jordan and Wanda, even if they can move freely and freely on the warship, the area of the whole warship is still too large.

Wanda is very clever nod, hand a pinch, dark red Ether particles, like water flowing out of Wanda's body, forming a dark red gem.

There is a crimson light shining in Wanda's pupil. When he breathes and breathes, it forms a very mysterious echo with the real gem. Then, the real gem breaks up again and spreads out like sand, forming a map. On the map, Jordan and Wanda form two small love light spots, in a secret base not far away from them, An X-shaped target appears.

The power of scarlet is close to the gem of reality. As long as there is enough energy and enough cost, it can even change the whole universe and restart everything.

Wanda naturally does not have such powerful ability, but it is easy to display a map of weapons leading to the forbidden God field.

"Joe, this way!"

With the excuse of leading the way, Wanda's face was extremely excited, and he grabbed Jordan's big hand, which was not enough. His fingers were connected directly, and the whole happiness was like a dancing butterfly.

Looking at Wanda's excited and happy expression, Jordan couldn't help sighing.

As a mature veteran, Jordan has no reason to refuse Wanda. But after all, Jordan and Wanda grew up together. They have regarded Wanda as their own sister for a long time. If they really want to start, there is always a sense of crime in their hearts.

Bah, bah, what do you think? No matter how exciting you are, you can't be a beast.

Under the pressure of taboo like excitement, Jordan Nemo followed Wanda silently. After a while, he came to the front of a seemingly thick steel gate.

The steel gate in front of Jordan and Wanda is all black, as thick as the gate of a vault in a bank.

On the map, you can clearly see that the weapons of the forbidden God field are behind the closed gate.

Whether it's for Jordan or Wanda, such a seemingly heavy gate is not an obstacle, but Jordan is still considering whether to break through or sneak in.

Both methods are good and bad.

If you break into it strongly, it can help xingjue and others to attract some attention, but it will alarm the Kerry people on the warship, and even destroy the hegemony.

If you sneak into it, your actions will be more secret. You can hide in the dark and be a yellow finch when xingjue and others get it or expose it.

One side is to sacrifice oneself for others, and the other side is to sell teammates. I am really in a dilemma.

"Well, forget it, I'm not born to be a bad guy!"

"Wanda, do it! Anyway, the weapon of God forbidding is in hand. Even if it startles mieba, it doesn't matter much! "

Jordan has some salted fish and often shows selfishness, but after all, under the influence of the "justice envoys" of the Avengers alliance, Jordan still has a very honest three outlooks.

Selling teammates or something is too bad, but it just adds a little more trouble.

As soon as Jordan's words came to an end, Wanda was eager to jump out. The crimson light in his eyes twinkled, and the red light surrounded his body. He stretched out his hand to pull the steel gate, which weighed more than ten tons, and was torn down directly by Wanda from the end of the passage.

Then, with Wanda waving from left to right, just like swatting a fly, he controlled the huge steel gate and patted more than 10 members of the Star River team who were ambushed in the secret base into meat cakes in a way of destroying the decay.

The harsh alarm has been ringing wildly in the first time.

After seeing the tragic end of those members of the Star River team, Jordan twitched and touched Wanda's head. He said gravely, "Wanda, you are a girl. Next time, try not to be too cruel!"

Wanda did not care, perfunctory way: "well, I know! Joe, let's take a look at what the forbidden weapon looks like