In fact, the secret room guarded by members of the Star River team is not too big. It's only the size of a classroom. In addition to some corpses killed by Wanda on both sides of the room, there is only a ring-shaped platform in the whole room. Above that platform, there are light blue energy lines converging together to guard a stick about a foot long in the air.

"Is this the forbidden weapon?"

Wanda was obviously a little curious about the forbidden weapon. It was a crimson energy, and he was about to roll the stick out of the air.

However, when the scarlet energy touched the stick, the originally entangled light blue energy suddenly turned into white, slightly staggered, just like a wave, which annihilated all the scarlet energy from Wanda.

Just the power of those white energy burst out in a moment is enough to threaten the life of the peak power in the third stage.

Obviously, the Kerry empire's level of defense against this God forbidding weapon is quite good.

The members of the Star River team who were photographed dead are just appetizers. Only the super ray spontaneously protected on this platform is the real protection of the God forbidding weapon.

For ordinary people, this level of protection can't be turned on at all. The terror ray that can instantly threaten the peak life of the third stage is no worse than the gamma ray burst that Tony made before.


Seeing the scene that the scarlet energy was annihilated, Wanda looked at Jordan with some worry.

Before Wanda, it seemed that it just rolled out a stream of energy at random. In fact, only Wanda knew that just now, he had quietly combined his mind with real gems, and the burst of energy was the purest attack that Wanda could burst out.

This level of energy can't break through the super ray protection net on the ring platform, let alone other things. Even Wanda is worried that if Jordan grabs the forbidden weapon, he will be injured.

Jordan pats Wanda, smiles and goes straight to the ring platform.

Without using any energy, Jordan stretched out his hand directly towards the [stick] in the mid air. At this time, those super rays, like flowing water threads, suddenly wrapped around Jordan's arm like a shark smelling fishy smell.

The powerful super ray has unprecedented lethality. The first time it twines around Jordan's arm, it is like a fish scale blade. It rubs off the flesh and blood on Jordan's hand until the flesh and blood fall off, leaving burnt marks on Jordan's bones.

But fortunately, although the power of this super ray is strong, it has a limit. It can break Jordan's flesh and blood defense, but it can't really destroy Jordan's skeleton.

A moment later, with the stick in his hand, Jordan abruptly withdrew from the circular platform. Under the powerful recovery ability, layers of flesh and blood fascia began to quickly cover Jordan's arm again.

When the evolution of life reaches the heavenly Father level, it is almost another life form.

For instance, as long as the soul tree is immortal and the resonance between Jordan and the laws of the universe still exists, it is basically difficult to be completely killed. It can only be sealed and slowly worn out.

It's like the sentry that Jordan and master Guyi found in the sun, or the abyss black dragon suppressed under the world tree.

Except for a few special cases, the existence of the heavenly father is almost immortal.

Jordan's palm recovered quickly. Looking at the smooth stick on his hand, he bared his teeth for a long time. Then he said, "Wanda, how do you say this thing should be used?"

Wanda didn't care about the forbidden weapon, just caressed Jordan's newly recovered arm and looked at him with complaint.

Jordan couldn't bear Wanda's more and more obvious attack recently. He could only smile and said, "Wanda, would you like to have a try and show me the instructions for using melee weapons?"

Wanda pouted and gave Jordan a white look. He didn't cooperate.

However, at this time, the originally smooth God forbidding weapon suddenly trembled in Jordan's hands. With Jordan's tentative input of a divine power, the stick, which was only about a foot long, soon extended and grew, forming a scepter similar to a spear.

"So that's what the forbidden weapon really looks like?"


With the scepter in hand, Jordan found it very interesting. He took advantage of the situation and gave a heavy meal on the ground. Then, a light blue wave burst out from the top of the scepter.

It's just a blink of an eye. The light blue wave diffuses hundreds of meters, forming a strange field.

In an instant, Jordan can clearly feel that in the field of hundreds of square meters, all the forces of the laws of the universe that Jordan could clearly sense were blocked.

Without the help of the laws of the universe, the father level strong and sub father level strong will not have much advantage over the third stage of evolution.

Even if they are killed in such a field, the father may not be able to revive with the help of cosmic law.

"So this is the effect of the God forbidding weapon!"

Jordan was stunned for a moment, and then he thought about the situation of the Kerry Empire, with a look on his face.

Kerry Empire has always been very strong and powerful in the universe. Its strong military force, martial spirit, vast resources, strong fleet and advanced technology are enough for Kerry Empire to start another round of crazy expansion.

But in fact, for a long time, the Kerry Empire has been suppressed by those powerful heavenly fathers in the universe, and has been pressed to death in the galaxy. There is no chance of expansion at all.

Those heavenly fathers may not be as powerful as the Kerry Empire, but their deterrence can not be ignored at all.

The biggest weakness of the Kerry empire was its solid foundation but lack of high-level combat power.

However, as long as they have this forbidden God weapon, the Kerry empire will have the capital to deal with the father level strong. Within the scope of the forbidden God field, the biggest capital of the father level strong will be completely deprived.

If in the real battlefield, a heavenly Father who can't communicate with the will and law of the universe, with a few Star Destroyers, may be able to deal with it, and don't be afraid of the Revenge of those heavenly Father who escape or are reborn.