With the God forbidding weapons, Kerry Empire has the power to fight back against those heavenly Father level strongmen, which can form a great threat. No wonder in this era, Kerry empire will not hesitate to join the fight for the leading role in the universe.

"That's a good thing!"

At the first time when he got the forbidden weapon, what Jordan thought was not to use it to deal with mieba, but to bring it back to the earth and give it to Tony to study.

If this forbidden God weapon can be mass produced, improved and sent to hell, it may become a kind of mace for Lucifer, Guyi and Odin to deal with the strong in the abyss.

Even if we thoroughly study the principle of this kind of God forbidding weapon and add it to the seal of the Argo motorcycle, we can strengthen the protection of the earth. For example, gods like domam, the Lord of the dark dimension, will never dare to step into the earth easily.


The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the weapon was really fun. He could not help waving it and pounding it on the ground again.

Instant time, light blue halo, with a more ferocious attitude, spread to kilometers away.

This kind of energy field, as if it were nothing, can penetrate a large number of physical walls, but will not cause any harm, just cut off the power of law in all areas.

At the same time, with the second wave of the forbidden God field blooming, in the channel hundreds of meters away, an old man with a faint smell of blood suddenly fell from the air, and the whole person was lying on the ground.

Obviously, this is a sneaky strong man.

Jordan can clearly feel that this is also a father level strong man, and even the sense of danger in him is no worse than that of guru Yi and Odin. At the same time, he also has a faint sense of familiarity and disgust in him.

"The abyss?"

Jordan frowned slightly, and then reflected that the sense of familiarity and disgust came from the devil breath in the abyss. Once on the sentry, Jordan also noticed some similar breath.

It's just a random trial of the God forbidding weapon. I didn't expect to find something unusual.

Looking at the appearance of the embarrassed old man falling out, he was obviously an abyss demon who was very good at hiding and assassinating. Otherwise, he would not have given Jordan such a strong sense of danger.

Sneaking close to be found, the old devil was scared from the ground with a face of indignation, with a strong sense of discomfort, as well as a strong incomparable caution and fear.

Not long ago, Wanda directly started to tear down the door of the chamber of secrets. The movement caused has already shocked most of the people in the whole warship.

Those members of the Star River corps and the Kerry soldiers, though quick to respond, still need a little time to gather here. On the contrary, the blood Lord who has been around the exterminator, with the help of his natural ability to hide and escape, has arrived at the scene in a twinkling of an eye.

For Jordan, the father of heaven, the Lord of blood was afraid.

Jordan grew up too fast, and even defeated the plan of exterminating hegemony in the former space ring, even seriously injured it. Compared with the blood Lord, his strength is no worse.

So when the Lord of blood came, he had already thought that he would not have a conflict with Jordan. He just wanted to find a chance to get the real gem.

Blood Lord was born with the ability to escape from the void. He was able to hide in the void and water vapor. He also learned how to sneak with the shadow demon when he was in the endless abyss.

So the Lord of blood is very confident. If he doesn't take the initiative to expose himself, even if he is close to Jordan, the other party will never find his existence. It's easy for him to seize the gem of reality.

Who would have thought that the blood Lord came in a hurry, only a few hundred meters away from Jordan. He saw that Jordan waved his scepter and burst out a light wave, which directly cut off the blood Lord's control of the power of the cosmic law, interrupted the blood Lord's special stealth, and let the blood scale clan fall on a horse.

What is this special ability? It's better to be cautious.

As a demon who has survived in the endless abyss for countless years, the Lord of blood had a very good sense of prudence when he was young.

Without the control and induction of the power of law, if you want to get the real gem from Jordan, you have to grab it.

Hum, that's what Mangfu did!

The Lord of blood sniffed and stood up awkwardly. Then he glared at Jordan and said: "young people don't talk about martial arts, they attack! I'll make sure you look good next time! "

After that, the Lord of blood flies back hundreds of meters. After sensing the power of the law again, he turns into nothingness and disappears into the air.

At this time, Jordan and Wanda were all muddled. They didn't know why the blood Lord suddenly appeared. After a flat fall, they were just like rabbits, and suddenly disappeared.

"Young people don't talk about martial arts? Did the other party want to attack us first? "

Looking at the direction of the blood Lord's disappearance, Jordan asked Wanda around him.

Wanda rolled his eyes very speechless, and then the whole person was entangled by the scarlet energy, and floated up slightly. With a wave of his arms, the original hundreds of meters long passage was like being torn by a pair of invisible hands, and large pieces of walls were torn down and burst into pieces.

On both sides of the broken wall of the passage, hundreds of people were ambushed, all of them were wearing the battle clothes of the Star River team, and many people were playing with some strange instruments. It was obvious that they were preparing to ambush Jordan and Wanda in the hundreds of meters of passage.

Jordan smashed his lips and said, "I think these Kerry people really don't talk about martial arts! It's an ambush! Imprison

Before Wanda's frenzy, Jordan snapped his fingers and black tentacles at the foot of the members of the Star River team, just like the roots of plants, entangled the hundreds of members of the Star River team and bound them in the air.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have some small questions that I would like to consult..."

"Bah! Damn thief, intruder, you can't think about it


Jordan originally wanted to be a gentleman, calm and natural and unrestrained, pretending to force something. Who ever thought that before he finished a sentence, he was so severely criticized.

For a moment, Jordan's face turned black and his eyes turned to the swearing guy.