The God forbidding weapon is only one of the weapons specially developed by the Kerry empire for thousands of years, which can cut off the connection between the father level strong and the laws of the universe.

Although this method is sharp, it can not really cause any real harm to the father level strong.

In addition to the proselytic weapons, there are even many kinds of individual weapons specially used to hunt and kill the heavenly Father level strongmen in the study of Kerry Empire, such as the supreme ray weapons, adjustable individual split guns and so on.

Even if the heavenly Father level strongmen fall into the field caused by the God forbidding weapons, and are surrounded by a large number of Kerry Empire hands with terrible individual weapons, they will only die.

Otherwise, the Kerry Empire did not dare to let mieba lead the fleet to attack sowelin alone.

The Kerry Empire naturally believed that the means to stay on the warships were sufficient to restrain and deal with the extermination of hegemony.

However, these members of the Star River corps and warships did not expect that the means originally used to fight against hegemony were first used on others. Even one of the secret weapons of Kerry Empire, the God forbidding weapon, fell into Jordan's hands.

"Mr. Jovovich, we Kerry Empire have no intention to be an enemy to you. As long as you put down what belongs to our Kerry Empire, I can make the decision to send a warship to send you away from this kuarad!"

"This is the war between Kerry Empire and Sauvignon. Once you participate in this war, can we think that human beings on earth should take the lead in tearing up the parliamentary agreement of the dark palace?"

"If so, I don't know if human beings on earth are ready to face the advanced war in the universe?"

Maybe it's because of the arrival of those powerful weapons, maybe it's because of enough cards. After Jordan sensed that a large number of Kerry people in the fleet surrounded this area, the Star River team leader, who was still a little nervous, suddenly shook up again.

With a strong backing, the leader of the Star River team spoke a lot more forcefully, vaguely, with a sense of threat.

Jordan's eyebrows were slightly raised, and his expression was just a little pause. After that, the scepter of God in his hand suddenly beat on the ground, and the holy light lines spread wildly in all directions with Jordan as the center. Just a moment later, it suddenly burst out, showing a bright and extremely shining light.

This is Jordan's skill of applying the law of light. It is similar to the flash bomb, but it is much more powerful than the flash bomb. The bright power of light can not only make people blind in an instant, but also immerse the power of light into people's soul and spirit.

Any living creature, no matter inside or outside the body, as long as there is a little dark existence, will be dazzled by the power of light for a moment.

For the vast majority of people, this moment of vertigo, simply can not do anything.

But if it's for a top player like Jordan, a moment's time is enough to do a lot of things.

A burst of light.

The members of the Star River team and the many Kerry soldiers who were gradually surrounded by him felt that they were just in front of their eyes. When they opened their eyes again, Jordan was surrounded by more than ten special weapons.

The leader of the Star River team knows very well that these special weapons floating around Jordan are the secret weapons used by the Kerry Empire to deal with the super power of the universe.

"Is that your card and your courage?"

Jordan is very casual, fiddling with the floating special weapons around his body. Finally, a strange silver white gun falls into Jordan's hands. With Jordan's palm, he is very casual, aiming at the members of the Star River team.

In an instant, the head of the Star River team, who had been hard up, soon had a lot of sweat oozing from his forehead.

I'm careless!

No, to be exact, the Kerry Empire underestimated the heavenly father.

The power of these weapons, no matter whether they are the God forbidding weapons or the adjustable individual split gun in Jordan's hands, is beyond doubt. The Kerry Empire has personally tested them.

But even if you have these weapons that can threaten the life of the father level strongman, it depends on who uses them.

Before the soldiers of Kerry Empire broke out, those heavenly Father strongmen had been able to clean up all the threats.

Only the strong can deal with the strong.

Otherwise, even if the soldiers of Kerry empire are equipped with powerful weapons, they are like children playing with swords. Unless they are lucky, even a group of children with swords can't hurt a real adult.

"Mr. Jovovich, you must believe that our Kerry Empire has no intention to fight against you and has no malice to the earth at all..."

Originally strong, inexplicably weak down.

Without saying a word, the leader of the Star River team couldn't help trying to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

Jordan was very abusive, smiling at the leader of the Star River team. His split gun seemed to aim at each other intentionally or unintentionally. He said, "is the Kerry empire so friendly to the earth? In this case, you must agree to give these weapons to the earth, right? "

The leader of the Star River team showed a stiff smile, which was worse than crying. He didn't dare to give those weapons to Jordan, nor did he dare to say no.

Looking at each other's happy appearance, Jordan laughed again and said, "since you don't say it, I'll take it as your default! I'm really curious about these weapons. I think as a friendly neighbor, you don't mind telling me how to use them? "

This time, the leader of the Star River team is really going to cry.

If it wasn't for countless subordinates and colleagues, I would not mind giving them a good introduction, or even writing them a 3000 word detailed instruction manual.

But now if I really say it, I will not have to mix up in the future. Even if I go back to the Kerry Empire, I can't escape death.

Jordan's smile was like a devil. He gave a snap of his finger, and the power of light broke out again. He dazzled most of the members of the Star River team and Kerry soldiers again, and then said, "now I don't know that you leaked the secret. You certainly don't want to introduce it to me, do you?"

Leader of Xinghe team

Devil, the other side is a devil!