It's not hard to deal with a group of Star River team members who have no resistance ability with the strength of Jordan. After putting all the secret weapons of Kerry empire into the backpack space, Jordan imprisoned all the members of Star River team to one corner of the warship.

At this time, Jordan and Wanda also received signals from star Baron, Adam and others.

Jordan and Wanda attracted most of the attention of the whole warship. The pressure of the galaxy escort was reduced by 90%. Naturally, they got the information they wanted from the control center.

However, to the surprise of xingjue, Adam and others, after the Galactic convoy successfully obtained the secret channel information of the Kerry Empire, Jordan and Wanda did not choose to retreat with the Galactic convoy, but turned the gun head and went in the direction of the hegemony.

Jordan and Wanda came to help the galaxy guard and soverin this time, but it was just easy.

Their real purpose has always been the infinite gem in mieba's hands and the abyss demon God who "does not speak of martial arts" hidden behind mieba.

With the current strength of the earth, it is not realistic to go out of the earth and quickly enter the era of interstellar expansion.

Even if the earth's science and technology reserves are enough, with the earth's population and resource reserves, it will not be able to get out of the solar system in a short time.

Ten billion people, this number sounds very huge, but scattered in the whole universe, it is nothing.

You know, in the space war, just this kind of skirmish between the Kerry Empire and Sauvignon, the Kerry Empire has used more than dozens of space fleets, more than one million fighters, and hundreds of millions of soldiers.

Without such a large army, even if the Kerry empire could defeat soverin, it would not be able to suppress the rebellion on soverin's territory.

For the earth, the number of population and resources is the biggest constraint to the expansion of the universe.

Fortunately, with the power of the earth today, even if it can't expand outward, it can still firmly hold the whole solar system. With the seal of Argo motorcycle, the only thing to worry about is space gems.

If not, in the case that the earth will not stage the Zerg crisis, we will let Jordan and Wanda go to soweling.

The Galactic convoy escaped from the warship.

Most of the Kerry soldiers in the Star River corps and even the warships were detained.

At this moment, in the middle of the whole warship, everything is quiet. The dark green light is flickering. Jordan and Wanda are like pedestrians walking in the scenic spot, walking calmly in the direction of mieba.

The sky is vast and the meteorites are like the sea.

The place where mieba is located is still the viewing cabin without a ray of light, with only one throne suspended in the void. The whole person is like the king of the universe.

Dong Dong!

Jordan stepped into the viewing cabin and met mieba again, but he didn't choose to attack him at the first time. Instead, he politely knocked on the bulkhead. When mieba turned his head, he said hello to each other in a friendly and brilliant way: "mieba, long time no see!"

Looking at Jordan, mieba was still wearing the golden armor, no helmet, and his face was full of purple wrinkles. He didn't like it, but he had a deep melancholy.

Since the defeat of the last attack on the earth, mieba has actually had a bad time.

The vanguard guards have been beaten to death. After being badly damaged, the qitarui people directly abandoned mieba, and even some of the generals around mieba died and fled.

He almost became the despot of a lonely family. In the desperate situation, he could only put down his former arrogance and chose to take refuge in the Kerry empire.

But even if he took refuge in the Kerry Empire, the situation of exterminating hegemony was still not so wonderful.

The Kerry Empire had a good eye on the powerful power of exterminating hegemony and the infinite gems in its hands, but they were extremely afraid of the ambition of exterminating hegemony.

Even in the war of exterminating hegemonic power to capture the city and pull out the stronghold for the Kerry Empire, exterminating hegemonic power has only temporary command power. Once the war is over, exterminating hegemonic power will be given up as a mascot.

Once a mighty emperor of the universe, now it has come to such an end.

If you die before your ambition is fulfilled, even if you are a strong hero like mieba, you will always be extremely depressed and melancholy.

To mieba's surprise, I didn't feel too angry when I thought I met my biggest enemy on earth this time. Instead, I felt almost relieved.

Of course, it is impossible for mieba to ask himself if he really wants to make mieba smile like Jordan.

Ignoring Jordan's smiley face, mieba and Jordan looked at each other for a long time before he said, "Jovovich, you are a capable person. With your cooperation, we can make the whole universe better. My life is only for the dream of the balance of the universe. When I eliminate half of the universe, the whole universe can be controlled by you!"

Take a deep breath. When mieba faced Jordan again, he didn't choose to fight, but rarely chose persuasion.

As the master of the universe, mieba's self-confidence can make any living thing move.

But unexpectedly, instead of being moved, Jordan shook his head in disgust.

Mieba's face was ugly, but he was still depressed and angry. He continued to persuade him: "don't you believe me? I can swear to the will of the universe... "

"No, I believe you," he said! You enter into the life evolution of the heavenly Father level by the law of balance. Your ambition has always been to maintain the balance of the development of the universe, rather than to rule the whole universe. I guess once you achieve your goal, you may find a beautiful planet, or go back to your parent planet, and then live in seclusion in the mountains and forests! "

Hearing the words of Giordani, mieba's face was slightly moved, and then he said: "unexpectedly, the one who knows me best will be my biggest enemy! In this case, we can choose to cooperate... "

Jordan wanted to roll his eyes and interrupted again: "that's your fault! As an enemy, I know you so well. Don't you ever collect information about me? You don't respect me


With a look of disgust on his face, Jordan continued, "haven't you heard a word? Only when you know yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles! My dream is smaller than you, I just want to be a salted fish
