Chapter 106

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Guardian adults rarely show a shy look, which makes a few tough women more interested, even Hongyun this girl also joined their army.

If it wasn't for the tofu that was about to come out of the pot, all kinds of coquettish chats of these girls would make the stone bear walk away.

Fortunately, when the stone bear some can't wait to open the lid of the pot, the girls just shut up.

Lift the lid of the pot, a strong smell of bean sprouts out, a few women and stone bear, are intoxicated with a deep breath.

At this time, the tofu is still hot, but it does not condense into a ball, because there is too much water in it.

In fact, at this time, the tofu in the pot should not be called tofu, but bean brain is the most suitable. If you want to turn bean brain into the final tofu, you still need the last step, that is "shaping".

Shi Xiong used a piece of clean cotton cloth to spread it in a wooden box. This wooden box was made by him yesterday with old wood. It was a special mold for pressing tofu.

With a wooden spoon, all the tofu in the pot was scooped into a wooden box, and then the piece of cotton cloth was covered. Shi Xiong covered the tofu with the wooden board which was a little smaller than the wooden box, and then picked up several moderate weight stones found yesterday and pressed them on.

"This is the last step in making tofu. First of all, we need to make a square wooden box, and then spread a larger piece of cotton cloth inside. Then we ladle all the beans in the pot into the wooden box, cover it well, and press a proper amount of weight on it. The purpose of this is to squeeze out the excess cooking water, so that the bean curd is densely combined to form a tofu with certain water content, elasticity and toughness. Well, this process also takes about half an hour. "

It will take half an hour to hear that, and the eyes of these girls will shine again, so will the young girl.

Stone bear is very simple to red cloud said: "you watch first, I go out to do something."

Said, the stone bear steps to go outside, the result did not walk two steps, a familiar woman stopped him.

"Guardian, what are you going to do? Have a chat with us, sister grey swallow, but I really want to have a chat with you. "

This girl, Shi Xiong, knew Hongyun. When she first saw Hongyun, she was beside Hongyun. Shi Xiong remembered that she was called lvshi. She was a very straightforward girl.

The stone bear stopped, looked at the green stone, looked at the gray swallow with a look of expectation, and said helplessly: "green stone, I want to stay and talk to you, but my stomach doesn't allow it."

"Ah? Are you hungry, guardian? It doesn't matter. Our sister grey swallow is a good cook. Let sister grey swallow cook a pot of porridge for you. "

The stone bear rolled his eyes and said: "I said greenstone, my stomach is not allowed. It's not that I'm hungry. My stomach is not allowed. It's special. I want to have a shit..."

A few women stay, immediately burst into laughter.

Stone bear opened the door and disappeared in a series of laughter behind him.

Comfortable to let go of the belly of the inventory, stone bear only feel refreshed.

Of course, in order to avoid the tough girls, the stone bear squatted for a while. Estimating that time was almost up, he just picked up his trousers and walked towards his cabin.

As a result, when I opened the door, a few women were eating there with relish. The box of tofu that had just been pressed out should have been very flat, but now it has become the surface of the moon, which is uglier than the dog.

A few girls don't need anything. They eat tofu one by one, regardless of the hot tofu. That posture can definitely compete with the starving ghosts who have been starving for three months.

"His sister's!" The stone bear who saw this scene couldn't help but burst out a rude remark. The scene in front of him was too subversive.

It's unbelievable that the high priest kabulu, who has always been calm and steady, seems to be reincarnated as a starving ghost.

Hearing the voice of the stone bear, red cloud raised his head. On his face, chin and mouth were all bean curd foam.

But even so, Hongyun still smiles at the stone bear, "well, the tofu you made is really delicious..."

After that, the girl picked up a piece of tofu and put it into her mouth to eat.

The scene in front of him made the stone bear feel like a drop of blood.

Lao Tzu's painstaking efforts in selecting, soaking, grinding, boiling and ordering bean curd make a box of bean curd, which has been ruined by you

But the stone bear can't say anything to these girls.

The education he received in his previous life made Shi Xiong always adhere to the principle of "good men don't fight with women". In this life, he also had a nominal superior -- kabulu sacrifice, and the woman praised herself just now. What can stone bear do when facing these girls?

You can't yell at these girls and drive them out without mercy.

However, it doesn't matter if you eat tofu. Do you have to leave some for me?

What are you doing? Don't you know that pressed tofu should be cut open to eat?

Er... It seems that these women really don't know that the tofu should be cut into pieces.

Stone bear reluctantly patted his forehead, stamped his last foot, and quickly stepped forward two steps. With a big hand, he picked up the wooden box.

Fortunately, in the four corners of the box, there are some tofu that have not been damaged by the claws of these women

The stone bear took away the wooden box, and the girls gave up.

It's delicious. Why do you want to take it away?

Red cloud tilted his head and looked at his guardian, not happy. The girls next to me are the same.

By a few pairs of resentful eyes staring at, Rao Shi bear is powerful, but also a little unbearable. What I know is that I took away the tofu box.

The stone bear coughed a few times and said, "it's wrong for you to eat tofu like this. Don't you think it's delicious to eat tofu so raw? "

Several girls shook their heads together, and the bold and pungent little sister, the paper gray swallow, said, "guardian, it's delicious to eat like this. Besides, the tofu you made is really delicious. We like tofu... "

"We like tofu..."

"Like tofu..."

"Eat tofu..."


Stone bear almost scurry with the box in his arms