Chapter 363

Three days ago, Nie Yun took advantage of the opportunity to land on Kara star and lost three reconnaissance UAVs in the jungle. From that moment on, the trio embarked on their own alien journey.

Nie Yun's daily task "Kara star three-day tour of local customs" made the three people fully appreciate the beauty of the jungle and... The beauty of the jungle.

The planet is just like a paradise for life. They are stunned by all kinds of strange plants and animals in the jungle. Most of Kara's cities are built on towering giant trees, but now most of them have become scorched debris.

Because of their arrival, there was a commotion in the jungle. Three visitors from the solar system were warmly welcomed by local residents.

Swallowed by terrible cannibals, chased by ferocious monsters, encountered a huge rainstorm like a rain curtain, and seen the ruthless flame land in the forbidden area of life

They have been ambushed by Kara guerrillas as geminists, and raided by Geminis reconnaissance aircraft as Kara guerrillas... These three-day journey is definitely not friendly for them, and it is not too much to say that the whole world is enemy.

However, relying on the powerful hiding and fighting ability of the Mithril knight, the three almost trod all the traps in the whole jungle, and they have only adapted to this complex battlefield.

The learning ability given by the brain chip made the three people quickly adapt to the jungle environment here and complete the task of familiarizing themselves with the battlefield. Nie Yun also collected a large number of local intelligence of karaxing through their continuous stepping on thunder.


"Anyway, this task can still fight at least occasionally. Some time ago, I was either trained or pulled by those scientists to be a new weapon tester. My whole body is getting rusty!"

The third said, dragging a strange creature with the shape of a hairy sloth on the trunk around him, ignoring its "squeaky" protest, he wiped it on himself as a towel.

"You still have the face to say!" the boss yelled at the third.

"If you didn't rush over with excitement as soon as you saw the Gemini patrol, how could you be stared at by people with the stealth ability of the secret Silver Knight!

This is behind the enemy. The "Kara star three-day tour of local conditions and customs" is still a survival task. If you lose these three precious bodies and the task fails, I will be deducted 198453 infinite coins. Ya, the boss's math is still so good! "

It has to be said that the boss is still very talented in financial management. With the market's thirst for unlimited money, he used his unlimited money to make investment and directly stepped into high-income groups in a short time.

However, no matter how good his investment skills are, he can only stare at Nie Yun's unreasonable "one click Reset" punishment.

The third man was embarrassed to throw away the creature in his hand. The guy had become colorful. He looked at the third man sadly, and then slowly climbed to the edge of a tree trunk to rub his beautiful hair.

"It's just a few patrolmen. I'm just trying to increase some extra income," the third said unconvincingly.

Just yesterday, they met a small group of Gemini scouts who went out on patrol. When they saw their Gemini unique type B logo, the third naturally wouldn't be polite to them. It was a fat beating without saying a word.

But then, like stabbing a hornet's nest, he was surrounded and intercepted by Gemini. The one who was chased was called sour.

Then the Kara guerrillas who heard the news were unwilling to be lonely. After seeing the three people, they actually regarded them as the power armor of Gemini, and then joined the pursuit team without saying a word.

In short, the scene is chaotic. Even the trio don't know how many people are chasing them now.

"How many patrols? It's the era of interconnection of all things. Do you think it's a sentinel on the head of the ancient city!

Tens of thousands of people are staring behind us. Any light beam gun can send us back to the city for free. How many times have I told you to keep a low profile? This mission should be low-key. The dog can be lucky in the end. I don't know if the gun hits the head bird! "The boss pointed to the third man's nose.

The third boy bowed his head and admitted his mistake, and ER Mao came forward to rescue. "Boss, look at the coordinates. The position of the 'magic sword' is 300 kilometers away. How can we get there now?"

Before the boss spoke, the Kara star creature who was still rubbing its hair suddenly moved its ears, and then quickly disappeared into the grass with far more agility than usual.

"Alas! Originally I wanted to sneak in, but it seems... Our friends are too enthusiastic and have to keep us..." the boss said, helplessly pointing to the front.

"Shua Shua ~" there was a rustle in the dense jungle. Dozens of black coated power armor, holding gravity hammers and various firearms appeared in front of the three people and surrounded them faintly.

"Hum ~" in the slight roar, a shadow shrouded over the three people, and the strong air flow made the surrounding vegetation fall down one after another.

They looked up and saw that a black spaceship tens of meters long and container like was slowly opening the hatch on both sides. The next moment, one dish shaped UAV after another was ejected and circled in a ring, completely blocking the top of the three people

"Well... Why didn't our radar respond?" the third couldn't help scratching his head when he saw the scene.

"It should be a strong invisible material coating. They are prepared this time!" Er Mao took out the long knife behind his back and said.

The battlefield analysis instrument on their helmets can analyze some components of each other's black coating through spectral analysis. After preliminary comparison, the most possible material uses are given.

"Oh! It's good. The system prompts that it's worth 300 infinite coins. Remember to leave some in the storage box later." the boss took out two pistols at his waist and sent out a signal of war.

He doesn't want to cause trouble, just to reduce the mission risk, but it doesn't mean he's afraid of these Gemini ground forces


Gemini communication channel.

"This is special capture unit A3, we have found the target, coordinates XXX, XXX"

"Attention, all units, these three men are quite powerful. They are probably equipped with new colonial equipment of Kara civilization. If possible, they will be caught alive! If necessary, ensure the integrity of the wreckage!"

"It's said that the three of them turned over a 12 person team. Is it true?"

"I watched the battle video. One of them did it, bare handed..."


Just then, the three people opposite moved!

"Bang bang!" three shallow pits were left on the ground, with the same smooth movement as the colonial soldiers, and the quick body shape like a cheetah almost left a remnant in place.

But before the three approached, the drone overhead opened fire.

"Poof poof!" a mass of transparent mucus shot from the special launch port into the forward route of the three people.

The three people dodged at a turning angle. The mucus shot behind them and quickly solidified into translucent colloids.

This kind of slow weapon can't touch the edge of the three people at all. However, just when the three people are about to kill into each other's besieged crowd, "bang bang!" they suddenly shoot a dense mesh under their feet, directly covering the three people!

"Zizizi!" the black wire mesh immediately sent out violent high-voltage electricity, and the blue arc splashed everywhere.

"What?! how could it be!" however, to their amazement, the arc didn't react at all after it sank into each other's armor.

Without a normal shiver, the opponent seems to have no paralysis.

"Sorry, our suit attribute, lightning resistance + 1000%!" the third man tore the black mesh off his body with a force in his hand