Chapter 364

Located in the jungle not far from the trio battlefield, three colonial soldiers covered in camouflage are carefully exploring forward.

They are Kara civilization guerrillas spontaneously organized nearby, but they look a little tired at the moment. They are tired of coping with the Gemini patrol forces and pervasive unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and their supply and living space are rapidly shrinking.

According to the information obtained by Nie Yun, in addition to directly destroying the large-scale inhabited cities of the Kara people, the Gemini people are catching a large number of scattered and hidden residual Kara people on the Kara star, or sending them to the laboratory or transporting them to other planets in the neighboring galaxy as labor.

Gemini is reducing the number of Kara people on Kara in various ways to complete the thorough cleaning of Kara and prepare for subsequent large-scale immigration and construction.

This civilization war has lost nearly 70% of the population of Kara civilization, and the rest is rapidly decreasing in the harsh living environment and the pursuit of Gemini. At this speed, Kara civilization will gradually die out and disappear in the long river of history soon

The law of the jungle, the strong have the right to decide the fate of the weak according to their own interests and needs!

This is the cruel civilization war!

"Shh!" the leader of the guerrilla group suddenly made a gesture to make everyone quiet.

The other two stopped and looked at him. The team leader frowned and listened for a while, then leaned down and put his ears on the ground.

Colonization enhances hearing, and all kinds of sounds turn into information into ears

"In the northeast, 5 kilometers away, 30 to 40 people are fighting!" he carefully distinguished his voice.

"Captain, our compatriots must have met the Gemini patrol. Let's hurry to save people."

"What are you talking about? A patrol of that size must be equipped with a large number of auxiliary aircraft. Are we just three people who threw ourselves into the net?"

"Then you can't die!"

"Even if you want to save, you have to do what you can!"

The other two guerrillas were divided over whether to rescue.

"Shut up!" the captain whispered. His face was strange at the moment. He thought for a moment and finally made up his mind.

"There's a lot of noise. I think something's wrong. Let's go and have a look first!"

Although one of them was reluctant, it was obvious that the captain had some prestige and still carried out the order according to his words. The three opened the stealth mode and rushed to the battlefield.

Five minutes later, when the three were still hundreds of meters away from the battlefield, all kinds of explosions and roars of the battle clearly came into their ears.

"My darling, this movement is like a small-scale battlefield. Is it our people ambushing the Gemini patrol?" one of the team members said excitedly.

"It's strange that we haven't heard that guerrilla can make such a large-scale ambush around here. Moreover, all guerrillas should have received new instructions for dormant self-protection these two days. Is it a guerrilla that drifts away from the 'dark net'?" the captain said strangely.

The dark net is a secret communication network established by them with plant roots. It is intertwined and very hidden. It is said that the source of the dark net is controlled by the surviving Princess Rose. Through the dark net, the royal family maintains the only remaining control over all places.

With the discussion, the three finally sneaked to the edge of the battlefield and saw the battlefield ahead from the dense trees.

At the next moment, their eyes widened slowly.

The battlefield terrain in front of us has been completely destroyed, the jungle within 2 kilometers has disappeared, the remains of various trees lie on the ground in disorder, and many places are still burning unquenched flames.

The battlefield is full of craters and ravines, as well as a large number of Gemini power armor and UAV debris.

The battle has come to an end. Three soldiers wearing strange silver armor are scattered in the field. "Zi!" a very thin red laser penetrates the smoke screen of the battlefield. The last Gemini UAV is shot down with smoke, smashed on the ground not far from the guerrillas and fell into a fireball.

"Hoo ~" the boss blew the muzzle. The high-energy beam pistol with a very sci-fi shape was flexibly spared three times on his index finger and accurately inserted back into the special fixed holster at his waist!

These two bright silver pistols are an experimental high-power laser gun developed according to the super performance of the "secret silver" material in the "secret silver laboratory" specially established by senior scientists. Nie Yun distributed them to the secret Silver Knight as medium-range weapons.

It not only uses the energy crystal as the independent driving energy, but also the processing level of the laser reflection mirror has reached the atomic level. The energy loss of the reflected laser is directly after the total reflection mirror of the degenerate material.

The test power of this experimental pistol in the laboratory is comparable to that of a small laser gun. The energy output of instant violence can even shoot through the small force field shield carried on the Gemini power armor!

This result frightened many scientists. Recently, they have taken Mithril as a "sacred thing"


The three Kara guerrillas have been completely shocked by the scene in front of them!

There are only three people. Those Gemini people who killed from the front have no power to fight back, and they are almost intact!

What kind of combat power is this? Even the top colonial soldiers may not have this strength? When did such a strong man appear on our planet?

"Where on earth did they come out? Look at their movements. They are a little similar to our colonial soldiers, but I have never seen this type of colonial clothes. Is it a secret weapon belonging to the royal family?"

"I remember. I heard that another guerrilla found three strange armor Men nearby two days ago. They were quick and powerful. They were mistaken for the new weapons of Gemini, but now it seems that they are not together!"

"Anyway, record this scene and report it..."


Er Mao pulled down a strong colloid on his shoulder. After all, he couldn't avoid dense stray bullets at high speed. However, the effect of this degree of imprisonment is not much worse than that of jelly in the face of a 100000 horsepower secret Silver Knight.

But this scene once again frightened the Cara guerrilla's eyeballs. This kind of aerogel, which looks like a group of smoother and transparent with no reality whatever, is extremely strong and resilient. It is a common tool for Gemini to catch Cara people, and even if they are trying to get rid of it, they will be afraid to tear it down.

From this small detail alone, they can roughly judge that the strength attributes of the three strange armor warriors are at least five times higher than theirs!

The powerful material performance brings unparalleled speed and power. The Mithril knight is not an agile weapon that attacks the strong and defends the weak, but a comprehensive warrior that can fight and resist.

Er Mao threw the glue on the ground and glanced at the hidden position of the three. "Boss, there are three more over there, but they look like colonial soldiers of Kara civilization."

"Well, don't worry about them. I'm afraid they don't dare to do it. These guys are yellow neutral forces now. They will be detained for unlimited money to kill them!" the boss waved.

"Er... Boss, this matter can be discussed later. The current situation seems a little bad..." the third pointed to the sky.

I saw a sea landing boat that the three were familiar with. I didn't know when it had been suspended over the three, aligned with their orientation, and stretched out golden mechanical components like umbrella handles.

"The threat level of the target is increased, the living capture plan is abandoned, and the wave gun... Is fired!" the Gemini finally lost patience with the capture of the three people, and planned to press the three people directly into small cakes and take them back to slice

"Zizi ~" the huge energy converges, "hum!" and the blue force field fluctuates to form a shield halo below.

"Hum!" another force field ripples and spreads, and the light becomes even more after it is combined with the halo below!

"Hum! Hum..." then the third and fourth

The whole 7 force field fluctuations are superimposed continuously, and the halo completely forms a downward arc light curtain!

This familiar scene will not be unfamiliar to the three. The battle field of Ganymede can be said to be completely ended by the 12 layer wave gun superimposed by Gemini.

Today's wave cannon obviously doesn't want to cause large-scale damage to Kara star and has restrained some power, but it is still an irresistible terrorist attack for the three!

In fact, when the first halo was formed, the three were already running at full speed. Before leaving, they didn't forget to pick up three scared Kara guerrillas and flee.

After a short 8s energy accumulation, the light curtain suddenly fell after a buzzing sound resounded through the world!

The next moment, tens of kilometers around, the earth shook and the mountains shook, countless birds flew, and all kinds of animals and beasts in the jungle fled everywhere as if they had been destroyed!

A ring-shaped shock wave diffused away, and an area of about 3 kilometers collapsed under the pressure of a strong force field, a huge ring-shaped pit tens of meters deep


When the smoke and dust dispersed, a mound at the edge of the deep pit suddenly moved. The next moment, three silver figures broke through the earth, shook the soil covered on their bodies, and threw away the three colonial soldiers who were shocked in their hands.

"Fortunately, he ran fast. If he was in the attack center, he would be crushed into hemiplegia!" the third looked at the injury prompt on the system interface and said with lingering palpitation.

There are still some sparks on his body, which shows that the damage is not light.

"Hum! Today's us is not the previous mass production model. We offended. We directly killed their stronghold and took their nest!" the boss leaked.

Although they avoided the attack center, the strong gravity afterwave still affected their bodies. Although the three colonial soldiers who vomited blood were not dead, they had only half their lives left.

"Boss, why should we save them?" asked Er Mao, puzzled.

"Oh, it's all right. Try to catch a neutral monster to trigger a hidden task..."
