Chapter 486

I was guarding the tower well. As a result, I screamed and went out to open the regiment, but one by one, I was in danger on the road. I didn't say it. When I saw it on the road, I wanted to attack the regiment?

What can I do when I meet such a teammate? I'm desperate, too!

"What's going on? What happened to Gustav's fleet?" ISAR looked puzzled.

Is the opponent so strong? A face-to-face almost three kills?

Nie Yun's timing was very clever.

Because Gustav's fleet runs around the orbit of Kara star, when the battle breaks out, the battlefield is just on the back of Kara star. Therefore, ISAR's spaceport stationed fleet on the second planet naturally cannot receive the optical picture of the battle, which can only be judged by radar.

"Well... Sir ISAR, from the observed overflow trajectory, it seems that the attack did not come from Kara, but from within Sir Gustav's own fleet!" an officer said.

From within the fleet? ISAR suddenly changed her face when she heard the speech.

All things return for a while, and the mysterious spy finally doesn't hesitate to expose himself?

Gustav's escort fleet was originally elite. If it wanted to complete the three killings in a short time, even if it was unexpected, it could not be done by the firepower of a frigate.

In addition, there is only one rather suspicious flagship left on the battlefield at this time

It's very likely that the hands-on will be the only winner!

Think about it carefully. Only the destroyer level sea family flagship can have the strength to solve three frigates at the same time!

So, the spy is not only inside the flagship of the sea clan, but also probably has controlled Gustav, obtained the highest authority of the flagship by kidnapping or other means, and finally created an internal rebellion!

In fact, from the beginning of several internal leaks, ISAR guessed that the spy was likely to hide around Gustav, and his position was not low and had certain senior authority.

However, this is the internal affairs of the sea family. She is not easy to intervene. She just reminded Gustav a little.

Now it seems that the other party's spy is very likely to succeed!

"Get me Gustav!" ISAR said immediately.

This is undoubtedly the quickest way to prove your judgment

But unexpectedly, the communication was quickly connected, and Gustav's familiar face appeared in front of ISAR.

ISAR stared at Gustav closely and observed for a full 3S.

There is no tension, the eyes are calm, and even a smile on the corners of the mouth... It doesn't look like being kidnapped. It looks normal.

But very normal is the biggest abnormality!

Who will be able to smile and calm as usual after losing his escort fleet and leaving only the bare pole commander?

At this time, if you don't say that you are facing a great enemy, at least your eyebrows are locked and your face is black?

something the matter! There's definitely a problem!

"Gustav, what happened to you?" asked ISAR tentatively.

"What happened? Didn't you already guess?" "Gustav" smiled strangely.

Seeing the other party's completely unreasonable look and answer, ISAR's heart gradually sank

Is it... Impossible?

She thought about many candidates for spies, but she just didn't think about Gustav.

As her old partner, although they are not very good at dealing with each other, ISAR thinks she has seen through Gustav.

Sometimes he does play a little smart, but generally speaking, he is a straight boy. He can see his head at a glance. ISAR absolutely doesn't believe that he is the material for espionage!

But now this situation... Are you even deceived by the other party's acting skills?

Are you so clever?

"No! You're not Gustav. Who the hell are you?" ISAR asked.

As like as two peas technology, we want to copy a person exactly the same way. There are not many ways to do it. One face can not explain what it is.

What's more, Gustav was originally the commander of the Legion. He was in a high position. What price should he pay to turn back and work for an unknown organization?

This is not scientific at all!

"If I wasn't, how did I sit in this position?" "Gustav" asked with a smile.

ISAR frowned.

The commander's position is not that anyone can sit if he wants. Without the identity authentication and authority of intelligent brain recognition, the alarm will be triggered immediately when he sits on it.

The authority identification method of the Gemini military is quite high-end, and the face can be copied, but the identity identification can never be fake. Even if it is a clone, it can not falsely claim the identity and authority of others.

Judging from the current situation, the other party does have the original authority of "Gustav", otherwise it can't control the whole warship to rebel.

"Gustav once used vomit, he's not the spy!" ISAR still shook her head.

"Hehe! There is no antidote for the true spitting agent. I just need to hide an injection in my prosthetic limb in advance, and I can test it at any time.

Do you think... I'm really so stupid to take the vomit test? "

"You said you did it on purpose?!" ISAR was really surprised this time.

Is this guy... So thoughtful?

"Ha ha! I'm afraid Arthas is very proud. You see, I just paid a little price and completely cleared the suspicion of spy. No one doubted me even though I was big. Why not?" "Gustav" smiled quite proud.

"No! Gustav I know can't betray Gemini. He has no reason to do so!" ISAR shook her head after a long silence.

“   The so-called loyalty is just because the chips of betrayal are not enough! "Gustav smiled.

"What chips did the other party offer you?" ISAR frowned.

"They... Gave me this..." Gustav smiled, reached out and gently pressed the elbow of his right arm prosthesis, and then his right arm shook violently.

"Hua La ~" a pile of steel parts were shaken off, revealing the bronze skin inside

"You..." ISAR's eyes widened in surprise.

It was a complete arm, with muscles twisted and full of explosive power like marble.

"Gustav" stretched out his right hand and grabbed a scattered steel part. He pinched it into shape with his bare hands, which made ISAR's eyebrows jump.

"Longer life span, stronger body, higher level of evolution! What do you think?" "Gustav" smiled at ISAR.

"You mean... The water of life?!" ISAR said in shock.

I didn't expect the other party to use what they haven't got in the enemy occupied area as a chip to buy Gustav. It's a white wolf with empty hands!

"That's right! Don't you think it's unfair that we beat the living and killed here, but the cosmic wonders we finally grabbed are cheaper than those old politicians?" "Gustav" said angrily.

ISAR was silent.

She naturally knows that even if the rare strange thing of water of life comes into the hands of the Gemini civilization, it will be secretly divided up by those politicians, and there will never be anything wrong with them, but

"This should not be your reason to betray civilization!" ISAR said seriously.

Because he has been wronged, he has to retaliate against the society? You love the 19 years of compulsory education of civilization and feed dogs?

However, at this time, she was finally skeptical about Gustav's betrayal.

According to Gustav's character of pursuing power, he may really have a different mind for the "water of life". After all, the temptation of this thing is too great. If ISAR and the family behind him need to be taken into account, otherwise he may be moved.

However, in this situation, whether the spy is Gustav or not has little impact on the overall situation.

"Hehe! Really? Different ways don't work together, but as an old friend, I can remind you that you can't imagine the strength of everything returning for a while.

They not only gave me the water of life, but also more powerful subordinates! As you can see

So... Don't die on the battlefield! Ha ha... "