Chapter 487

Staring at the closed communication interface, ISAR was silent for a long time, and the bridge was quiet and terrible.

A senior military officer at the rank of regiment commander openly rebelled against the enemy and stabbed his own side in the back at a critical moment. This kind of thing is not seen with his own eyes. Who can believe it?

Everyone was in a state of shock and aphasia.

ISAR frowned, and she couldn't judge whether Gustav opposite was true or false, but once the conversation between the two got out today, it would undoubtedly cause an uproar within the military.

This is a huge blow to the prestige of the military, and Gustav's faction must also be involved.

The resulting unrest may even lead to mutual suspicion within the military.

Since the other party can buy a Gustav, who can guarantee that it can't be bought, but Gustav openly jumped back, and the position of the whole marine fleet is ambiguous, which makes ISAR a little timid.

Even if the Sea Fleet lost a lot, the flagship joined the enemy camp, but the strength of the remaining fleet still can not be underestimated. At the moment, it tastes like chicken ribs.

This is also the real intention of Nie Yun to write a script and disguise Gustav's identity to make this call with ISAR.

A betrayed Gustav and a dead Gustav have a very different impact on the interior of the Gemini Legion.

The former can make the other party fall into a "chaotic" state, while the latter can only stimulate the other party to share a common hatred. Maybe in the end, it will make a strong buff such as "fanaticism" and "bloodthirsty".

In fact, after taking the initiative to disclose the "Gustav" rebellion, Nie Yun began to spread all kinds of interference information towards the Marine Corps, disturbing ISAR's takeover of the command of the fleet

But at this time, ISAR naturally did not know.

"Your Excellency ISAR, a massive object has been detected on Kara into the orbit of the planet. After the other party meets with the flagship of the sea family, it is accelerating towards the inner star!" at this time, an officer reported to ISAR.

The news made ISAR frown deeper.

If the hidden danger of the sea fleet is only internal worries, there are signs of growing foreign aggression.

Everything in the solar system is beyond ISAR's expectation, and the other party's forces are still pouring into the wormhole.

And there is a major crisis in the rear of Kara star!

The other party did not hesitate to expose Gustav's "trump card" at this time, which is obviously desperate. Its purpose... Is undoubtedly to clear the channel for the biological fortress.

Wormhole invasion, then Kara's biological fortress appeared, and then Gustav openly rebelled

A series of actions around a strategic goal... Is to put the secret fortress built on Kara into space and join the adjacent Galaxy battlefield!

Let them not hesitate to use so many forces. Even if Gustav is exposed, they should break their own blockade and escort this biological Fortress into space... It seems that it is of great significance to the return of all things.

There is a great possibility of cosmic wonders that can make the water of life!

ISAR is worthy of being a thoughtful person. Through a series of clues on the battlefield, she probably restored Nie Yun's plans and events.

And she also saw from the other party's resolute attitude that everything will return to one day and will not hesitate to fight.

After this war, if the Gemini wins, everything will be in the hands of the Gemini, and the cards will be exhausted. The vitality will be greatly damaged, and the neighboring galaxy will be completely controlled by the Gemini!

But... If everything returns for a while, unless the Gemini continues to put more expeditionary legions at all costs, I'm afraid the two sides will move from attack to defense.

ISAR's mind was turned by electricity, and she had analyzed the powerful relationship clearly.

Obviously, this time, the other party is not a small fight, but wants to fight with Gemini to seize the interests of the neighboring galaxy!

"Order! Immediately inform the whole army of Gustav's betrayal. As the supreme commander of the pioneering corps, I officially take over the command of the marine fleet. Violators will be punished as traitors!"


ISAR's first order was to seize the command of the sea fleet. Even if Gustav had the ability, he could not pull the whole fleet to join all things for a while, otherwise he would not even have to clean up his own escort fleet.

Even if there are hidden dangers, we must strive for it!

"Order Alsace's third fleet to stay at the spaceport, and all the other fleets to pull out immediately, follow our flagship to Kara star and destroy the other party's biological fortress!"


With ISAR's series of orders, the feather fleet took action immediately, and a large number of warships sailed out of the spaceport and began to assemble

The second planet spaceport is the base of Gemini, as well as the material warehouse and the most important logistics base.

ISAR was not disturbed by the current crisis, but still kept a cool head. Gemini's strategic position should not be lost!

She left the third sub fleet, which is heavily guarded. With the defense facilities of the spaceport and a whole sub fleet, it can be said to be as solid as gold.

Alsace's third fleet has just been established and does not have rich combat experience. ISAR's arrangement is also in consideration of the maximization of combat power.

But on the other side, Nie Yun, who received the order, couldn't help laughing.

Keep the Third Fleet in the spaceport?

Is it different from throwing a weasel into a chicken nest?

As long as the third fleet also turns against the water directly at this time, Nie Yun can undoubtedly lock the victory in advance and finish the killing of the Gemini Legion!

But after thinking about it, Nie Yun gave up this very tempting idea.

After this war, the role of "Gustav" will be greatly reduced. Playing this card is to maximize interests, but the identity of "Alsace" is different. It also has great long-term strategic value and must not be easily exposed.

However, although he could not really launch a more amazing "sub fleet level" rebellion, he wanted to take this opportunity to carry out an internal "clean-up" of the entire spaceport.

Strong attack is only the next policy. Quietly "stealing the tower" is the king's way