Chapter 767

"How is this possible? You mean it's a stellar photonic computer?" Nie Yun was completely restrained by the pen of the mechanical family.

When a star is made into a super giant photonic computer, the celestial bodies of the whole galaxy are transformed into its sub terminals?

What a contrarian project is this?

Not to mention how the tyrannical star will become a photonic computer, Nie Yun can't even imagine how to write data into the star.

This means that every beam of light and every quantum of light radiated by the star is likely to hide the data signal from Gaia.

How far can light go, how far can thought go?

Has the computer technology of the mechanical family broken through the sky?

This is no longer a computer, but a celestial life, isn't it?

no Strictly speaking, the whole Gaia galaxy seems to be the body of Gaia, so should it be a galaxy level life?

"Gaia often says, 'nothing is impossible for this universe'."


I know this, but your technological leap is too big. Nie Yun said that his little heart was a little scared.

"Is it difficult for you mechanical family to exist like this?"

"No! Only Gaia is unique. We can't replicate this miracle."

"Miracle?" Nie Yun was stunned. He just wanted to ask something, but he found that the Gaia Galaxy in front of him had suddenly changed dramatically.

It seems that the central star is stimulated by something, and suddenly bursts out huge flares, and the brightness of the star has been increased by a level visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the spaceship ocean like the Star River is like a swarm of intruders found. Whether they are loading and unloading operations, or flying out of the galaxy with full loads of goods, whether cargo ships or warships, they all drive crazy towards the central star at full speed!

Many defense facilities on various planets, satellites and fortresses also began to operate at full strength. Fort after Fort rose, and the Blue Shield bloomed one by one like fireworks in full bloom in the festival.

Gaia, seems to be aware of the danger!

Nie Yun looked in the direction of all the muzzle points, and finally found the abnormal source that shocked the whole galaxy.

... it's a dark vortex spinning and expanding at a high speed!

"Wormhole!?" Nie Yun's eyes coagulated!

Unexpectedly, a wormhole suddenly appeared without warning in the Gaia galaxy, the core of the robot family!

Judging from the abnormal posture of the wormhole's rapid expansion, the probability that the wormhole is naturally formed is very small.

Close the field of vision, you can see that many mechanical flying objects like small black spots are swarming out and sprinkling in all directions, which seems to be conducting investigation and mapping.

Obviously, this is a sneak attack!

"You should have guessed that this is the ability of the secret treasure of Woolf empire." Duke dawn looked at the wormhole with no anger and hatred in his eyes, but with a touch of sadness.

Nie Yun was shocked.

Space jump? Super remote fixed-point space-time gate?

So this is the true face of the secret treasure!

This is unconventional strategic magic! Wolf Empire, you're cheating!

Even Nie Yun has some Muggles about his cheating ability to open the "back door" in his opponent's nest.

Imagine that he was heavily pressed to the front line. As a result, the solar system was suddenly opened a wormhole. Tens of thousands of warships played a sneak attack. Even Nie Yun had to kneel!

"This... Seems a bit like the ultimate advanced version of wormhole expansion technology of Woolf Empire?"

Looking at the wormhole still expanding rapidly, Nie YunRuo thought.

Before fooling Gemini to buy technology, scientists had imagined that the advanced version of wormhole expansion technology was likely to be space jump. Unexpectedly, the Woolf Empire did it in advance with its secret treasure.

It seems that the wormhole detection and expansion technology of Woolf empire is the reverse engineering result of this secret treasure?

It's possible!

Even if we can't analyze the secret treasure itself, as long as we repeatedly observe the process of wormhole formation and collect data, we will gain something and greatly speed up the progress of scientific research.

Legendary mecha and wormhole expansion technology are the same. The Woolf Empire obviously obtained a lot of super technology from several secret treasures.

While Nie Yun was thinking, countless mechanical spacecraft had swarmed under Gaia's command, almost blocking the path between the wormhole and Gaia, forming an increasingly thick steel wall!

It is the instinct of almost all intelligent creatures to be attacked by riding a face and mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized to protect themselves, and Gaia is no exception.

But Gaia obviously didn't expect this to happen. There are not many warships left in the galaxy, and more are still coming from the periphery of the galaxy.

Therefore, these ships seem to be densely packed. In fact, most of them are cargo ships with only physical armor.

Even Galaxy defense weapons are mostly used to defend against enemies from outside the galaxy, and few can cope with this situation.

The quality is not enough, only the quantity can be made up.

Gaia galaxy also has local advantages. Other things aside, there is absolutely no shortage of spacecraft. It can drown its opponents even if it is flooded.

Therefore, while Gaia is strengthening the meat shield, a large number of spaceships and warships are flying towards the wormhole in order to give full play to the quantitative advantage and prevent the enemy's invasion.

However, the next moment, a light shot out of the wormhole!

The terrible energy attack easily tore the coming mechanical spacecraft in front, then left a huge gap on the steel wall formed by Gaia and continued to shoot at Gaia's body!

Nie Yun is hard to judge the specific energy level of this attack, but visually, it is at least level 20 up, and almost nothing can stop the destruction it brings.

Obviously, behind the wormhole, the Woolf Empire has definitely prepared a stellar or even beyond stellar super offensive weapon!

A devastating beam of light swept almost half the galaxy and soon came to Gaia's body.

The Woolf Empire seemed to have known for a long time that the central star was Gaia's lifeline, and its goal was quite clear from the beginning.

Although Gaia is not well prepared, it is obvious that he will not wait to die.

At the next moment, the star suddenly erupts a violent helium flash reaction, which makes the star instantly produce 100 billion times the energy of a normal star.

The terrible potential of the star was stimulated.

A thick column of light rose from the inside of the star and hit the surging torrent of energy head-on!

Energy collides with each other and vanishes until both disappear into the void.

Nie Yun is a little silly.

Can this work? Direct excitation of stellar energy? What if it's just a photon computer?

Are you sure Gaia is not the one who eats the fruit of light?

Obviously, Gaia's form of existence has exceeded Nie Yun's imagination.

However, despite this terrible attack, Gaia's condition is obviously not very good. There is an extremely unstable flare reaction on the stellar surface due to the just forced excitation, as if the whole planet is restless.

It seems that the optical network in the galaxy has also been affected, and many optical networks have been interrupted or even disappeared in a large area.

Although accelerating the fusion reaction of stars can explode huge energy in a short time, it is a damage to the life of stars.

In other words, Gaia just used a self mutilation secret skill.

Gaia suffered a lot from the first blow of the Woolf empire.

Then, a wave of enemies poured out of the wormhole again. The number was not much. There were only more than 300 mecha alone!

However, the robot family is like a great enemy, and all the ships rush towards these enemies more madly.

"Is this... The Star Cross Knights!"