Chapter 768

After these mecha entered, the opened wormhole shrank rapidly until it disappeared.

Although the secret treasure has the function of opening the super long-range fixed-point space-time gate, it obviously has no way to maintain the existence of wormholes for a long time, nor can it transmit troops on a large scale.

Nie Yun breathed a sigh of relief and turned his eyes to the slightly tragic knights.

Obviously, this is a suicide special force with no retreat.

A thousand years ago, the scientific and technological level of both the Woolf Empire and the mechanical family could not be compared with that of today.

At that time, 300 legendary mecha, which can be called the ace so far, can definitely be called the most terrible "special forces" in contemporary times!

The imperial royal family put the remaining 300 Knights of the star cross on the gambling table at one time, which was obviously desperate under Gaia's pressure.

The Star Cross Knights did not live up to its reputation as the strongest fighting force of the Empire. The next picture can only be described in four words - overwhelming!

These legendary mecha are equipped with huge auxiliary propulsion and weapon devices. The firepower of each is comparable to that of a warship, and the defense and mobility driven by the core of the legendary mecha are superior.

Although legendary mecha will be submerged in the ship sea all the time, the more than 300 legendary mecha of the Star Cross Knights always stand like a reef in the storm.


The Star Cross knights are rapidly downsizing, but no matter how rough the ship sea is, this famous wolf Empire trump card is always like a sharp sword chopping waves and slowly approaching the central star.

Gaia was clearly aware of the danger, and the reaction inside the star became more and more intense.

However, it seems that because the blow just hurt his vitality, Gaia could no longer launch the previous terrorist attack, and could only watch the enemy get closer and closer to him.

Finally, the legendary mecha in the front broke through the layers of containment and finally approached Gaia!

Without hesitation, the knight of the star Crusade jumped into the corona like a moth to the fire.

Gaia's flare could not break through the Crystal Shield of the legendary mecha, and the legendary disappeared in a strong light in the blink of an eye.

The scene seemed to stand still for a moment.

Then Nie Yun found that... The light emitted by the star seems to be fading?

At the same time, the Galactic network of light, which is almost equivalent to Gaia neural network, seems to have lost some support and disappeared one by one.

The huge star seems to have lost its energy source, gradually extinguished and dimmed until it lost its dazzling light and turned into a pile of charcoal as if only embers were left

Eventually... The stars fade! Galaxy has no light!

The burned body seems to mean the fall of a king in the starry sky!

"What's that?" Nie Yun asked.

Inside these legendary mecha, there are obviously weapons that can damage the body of the star.

"The 'afterglow of doomsday', a catalyst that can block the nuclear reaction chain," replied the Duke of dawn, but his eyes remained fixed on the "remains" of Gaia.

Block the nuclear reaction chain?!

Nie Yun was surprised.

The Woolf Empire really paid for this beheading. Super weapons opened the way, super Knights suicidal charge, and secretly developed big killers.

It's not very useful. It's obviously developed especially for Gaia.

Gaia fell and was buried with more than 300 Star Cross Knights left in the Empire.

Just when Nie Yun thought that the battle was over, he suddenly saw the last light on the star, which seemed to flash in an instant, even though he "heard" a sound.

"Goth 16! The 999th inning, you won, but you didn't win! The eternal curse... Will follow..."

Sound is transmitted throughout the galaxy in the form of light code, even beyond the galaxy.

"Did you hear that?" Nie Yun looked at Duke dawn in doubt.

"Yes! This was Gaia's last words at that time." Duke Liming nodded affirmatively.

"So, what does this mean? Goth XVI? I remember fighting with you thousands of years ago. Wasn't it Goth XVI?"

Gothic is the surname of the imperial royal family. For example, the current emperor is also known as Gothic XIX.

However, as Nie Yun knows, the decision to go to war with the mechanical family is not the Gothic 16 in Gaia's mouth, but the ambitious Gothic 17.

This sentence seems to be... A curse?

Can you even leave a last word and scold the wrong person? This is unreasonable!

"And according to Gaia, he knows this gothic sixteenth very well?"

Game 999

Although I don't know what the relationship between them is, even if I bet on it more than 900 times... It's definitely a good friend who hasn't run away?

Is it difficult... In the seemingly life and death race struggle, there is still an unknown love and killing?

"Although Gaia did not mention it, Gaia did travel to the Woolf empire as a scholar for hundreds of years after his birth. Therefore, it is understandable to know the Gothic XVI."

"At that time, our mechanical group rose rapidly under the leadership of Gaia, and the group developed rapidly. It took only a few hundred years to become a first-class strength.

However, Gaia has a gentle personality, so although we are strong, we do not like foreign aggression. We often take the initiative to avoid the civilization circle and only develop along the remote no man's land.

During that time, because of the similar strength of the two sides, the relationship between the mechanists and the Woolf empire was not friendly, but it was also peaceful.

The only honeymoon period between the two sides was during the reign of Goth XVI.

However, when Goth XVI died and Goth XVI ascended, the desire for expansion of Woolf Empire suddenly became strong.

The other side not only blocked all the trade and technology acquisition channels of the mechanical family, restricted the development of the mechanical family, but also annexed several weak civilizations around the mechanical family. The spearhead was directed at the mechanical family whose strength was only slightly inferior to the other side at that time. Gaia was forced to fight back. "

"So Gaia has a lot to do with the Woolf Empire?" Nie Yun said in surprise.

Unexpectedly, there is such a history between the mechanical family and the Woolf Empire, but the interior of the Empire never seems to publicize these

"Wait! So, those intelligent lives that once appeared in the Woolf empire..." Nie Yun suddenly thought of a question.

"Yes, that's the student Gaia taught during his visit to the Woolf empire."


Nie Yun was speechless.

The elder "kindling source" seems to be a good teacher. Where he goes, he will "enlighten" him. Will he not let go even inside the enemy

"Unfortunately, Gaia has no intention to form ideological imprisonment, so the intelligent life after birth often has its own unique thinking and emotion.

So our "homing" plan only persuaded one of our companions to return to the mechanical family. The remaining three were unwilling to betray and finally died in Goth's stupid retaliation. "

Stupid? Nie Yun couldn't help but curl his lips.

The "homing plan" of that year, the commander-in-chief intelligent life belonging to the Woolf Empire suddenly defected without warning, and dozens of mechanical legions under its control immediately rebelled, which directly led to a tragic defeat of the Empire.

Who is the commander in chief, and it is impossible to continue to use this unstable bomb?

Who knows how many others are in Cao Ying's heart in Han?

Regardless of the positions of both sides, it is really difficult to tell whether Gothic XVII was right or wrong at that time.

"If so, maybe Gaia thought that the behavior of Gothic XVI was instigated by Gothic XVI?

Even from the Gothic 16th, the Woolf Empire had formulated a strategy to suppress the mechanical clan, so he finally targeted the Gothic 16th? "Nie Yun touched his chin.

"Maybe..." Duke Liming had deep eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

The starry sky slowly disappeared.

Nie Yun finally learned about the war that changed history thousands of years ago and untied part of the historical text.

However, the doubts are not reduced, but more