Chapter 862

Seeing the strange silence of the scene, the ninth Prince looked at the emperor in some confusion.

"Father, I didn't, you have to believe me!"

"Well, I naturally believe you." the emperor smiled calmly, as if he had not put the words of the second prince in his heart.

The ninth Prince breathed a sigh of relief. As expected, his father still trusted me.

He looked angrily at the second prince. "Do you think this method can provoke the relationship between my father and the emperor? No matter how cunning you argue, you can't change. You always have the greatest motivation and suspicion!"

"Oh! Father, you are still so eccentric. You used to be the eldest brother, but now it's the ninth brother's turn. What are we brothers still fighting for?" the second prince sneered.

Although his family affection has been extremely indifferent, he is really angry that he has to bear the black pot for others without doing so.

However, the emperor shook his head and showed a strange smile.

"No, I've never been partial to anyone, and I never thought any of you had a hand on me."

When this remark came out, everyone was stunned.

what do you mean? If it's not the two of them, can it be the fourth or eighth?

This possibility is completely untenable!

Nie Yun looked at the emperor who had been indifferent even if the second prince had just made amazing remarks. He faintly felt that the emperor's performance was strange.

Could it be that the other party already knew who it was?

"You knew who moved the hand?" the second prince took the lead in reacting and made the same judgment as Nie Yun.

"Ha ha! Who said... Someone did it to me?"

Everyone was stunned.

The emperor smiled. "Haven't you ever thought that this disease is really an incurable disease of my own?"


"This... How is this possible!" even the ninth Prince looked unbelievable.

"Yes, father emperor, as the king of a country, how can you have such a coincidence and suffer from an incurable disease, and it is a case never seen by the Empire?"

The fourth Prince did not believe it either.

Not to mention them, even all the nobles of the Empire would think in this direction.

Because it's such a coincidence!

Coincidence makes people unconsciously associate with conspiracy theory.

What's more, there is the natural target of the second prince. Most people's "this is... The Royal emblem of the Gothic family!" Nie Yun recognized the emblem at a glance.

Then, in the surprised eyes of the people, "click! CLICK! Boom!"

The royal family emblem began to open slowly from the middle to both sides.

The exquisite mechanism bite structure is opened layer by layer. After five thick armor protective layers, the foot suddenly opens up and reveals a huge underground space!

At this time, the crowd was like standing on a huge transparent glass, overlooking the underground world below.

Yes, it is indeed called an "underground world".

Towering buildings, flying shuttles and countless pedestrians are like a huge prosperous city.

Looking around, I can't see the boundary of this underground space. It is conservatively estimated that the area of this underground space is at least 100000 square kilometers!

Nie Yun's pupil contracted slightly and swept through the crowd below.

The uniform white uniform can't see the expression clearly, but the behavior pattern is quite disciplined, just like a group of soldiers living in the city.

Nie Yun also found that there were a large number of mechanical guards standing quietly in the underground city, which seemed to be the guards of the city.

"This is..."

Soon, Nie Yun found some abnormalities in this underground city.

Except for several buildings with hundreds of floors, most buildings do not look like living or entertainment buildings, but like some scientific research institutions.

Nie Yun also saw a huge square covered with a large number of instruments and equipment with unknown uses and transparent culture compartments, which seemed to float human objects.

The fourth Prince's face was startled, "father, what is this place?"

The emperor smiled but did not speak. Instead, the eyes of the second prince gradually became a little different. He murmured the answer word by word.

"Ah! Lai! Yeah!"

Nie Yun's ears moved.

Alayer? what do you mean?

"Yes! This is Alaya, the core secret of the Empire." the emperor nodded.

The nine princes on one side were a little distracted.

Even when the emperor handed over all his power to him, he still failed to step here.

Unexpectedly, it was built under the emperor star and connected with the refuge system.

The emperor said slowly in a low voice.

"Alayer was founded in the period of Goth XVI, that is, 1300 years ago. At that time, the Empire had just discovered the unique magical power of spiritual power.

The whole empire was like a treasure. At that time, it was even called "the power closest to the soul"!

At that time, Goth XVI immediately realized that this was a science and technology branch with great potential to change the whole civilization, gave full R & D support, and established alayer.

However, the development and diffusion of spiritual power also brought challenges to the rule of the Empire.

A small number of awakened spiritual powers have enough power to threaten the rule of the Empire, which makes Goth XVI feel the crisis. "

The worst and elite rulers present naturally understand what the so-called "threat" is.

From the case of the second prince, it can be seen that if ordinary technologies such as artillery, mecha and warships are "brush strange skills", then spiritual technologies completely belong to the "PK special skills" for their own family.

And it's still the kind that can't be prevented.

Xia breaks the ban with martial arts.

As long as you are a ruler, of course, you want to be the best in martial arts in the world, but unfortunately, this spiritual talent is the same as martial arts talent - it depends entirely on your face!

The Woolf Empire did not have such strange things as "water of life", and its talent was completely random. Such power could not be completely used by the imperial royal family.

"At that time, many ambitious nobles began to quietly carry out large-scale human experiments in the name of scientific and technological research and development.

In order to nip the potential threat in the cradle, Goth XVI used force to forcibly destroy several rising nobles, confiscated all scientific research achievements and destroyed all research institutes.

Subsequently, Goth XVI issued a decree to list this technology as a "taboo project" on the grounds of "major civilization threat". It is strictly prohibited to develop spiritual technology without permission, otherwise it will be regarded as conspiracy.

This Law continues to this day.

During this period, many nobles tried to defy the law and were completely eliminated by thunder... "

Nie Yun was shocked to hear the secret of Woolf Empire thousands of years ago.

Even if the emperor described the details in spring and autumn, he can imagine that this incident must have caused a bloody storm, which is no less meaningful than "burning books and pitching Confucianism".

"We have heard about this more or less, but father, what are you bringing us here for?" the eighth prince was obviously a master who couldn't hold his words.

The emperor smiled with deep meaning.

"Because... Here's the answer you want."