Chapter 863

Before they understood what the emperor meant by the "answer", there was a sudden shock at the feet of the people, and then the whole ground suddenly separated from the palace and fell down as a whole.

They found that they were in a force field suspension device wrapped in a transparent cover like a snowflake ball.

Like taking them sightseeing, the suspension device lowered its height and floated slowly over the city.

This also allows people to see the interior of the underground city more clearly.

"This underground space is self-contained, completely isolated from the outside world, does not need any material circulation, and is fully managed by mechanical guards and dusk.

There is no dispute here, which weakens the concept of self. Every life comes to death with only one goal.

That is to explore the mystery of spiritual science and technology! "

The emperor, like a tour guide, pointed to the bottom and talked.

"It has a total population of about 1 billion, of which only a small part are natural people. It provides research materials here through natural reproduction.

Most of them are artificial people produced in the laboratory.

In addition to genetic optimization, many people have been transformed with spiritual power since childhood to make their brains more adapted to the growth of spiritual power.

When they grow up, a small part of them are lucky to become mentally competent, and then continue to voluntarily embark on the experimental platform.

All the residents here are both experimenters and experimenters.

It's an interesting ecological model, isn't it? "

Both experimenter and experimenter?

The cruel meaning in this sentence makes everyone tremble.

Soon, the levitation device took the people down in the middle of a huge square.

Looking around, there are Petri dishes all around. In the Petri dishes, there are many experimental objects from infants to adults, just like a human body exhibition hall.

The researchers who wear uniform around and work with each other seem to turn a blind eye to them and study others.

Or... Study yourself.

Like a walking corpse.

"Father emperor, is this... Too cruel?" the ninth Prince looked at the scenes in front of him, and his face was a little pale.

For the first time, he realized that his fatherly emperor had an unknown side.

No no no! This is just the legacy left by previous emperors. It's not my father's fault!

The ninth Prince is still defending the emperor's pale heart.

"Ha ha! You are still so kind, but this kindness is not suitable for becoming an emperor."

As soon as the emperor said this, the ninth Prince immediately turned pale.

Because this is tantamount to a formal announcement that the heir chosen by the emperor is not himself!

The faces of the fourth Prince and the eighth Prince showed a trace of joy, but the second prince, who should have been equally happy, looked at everything around him, but his face gradually became gloomy.

"Tell me, your so-called 'answer' is here. What exactly does it mean?"

"Ha ha! It seems that you have noticed?" the emperor smiled inexplicably and immediately sighed.

"Yes, this is the biggest secret of the imperial family!

My body is not the hands and feet of outsiders, but here. This is heaven and hell... "


Everyone was surprised.

After Nie Yun was surprised, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, "it turns out... It's a side effect of mental strengthening..."

no wonder! No wonder this guy is also a hidden spiritual ability.

You know, how many spiritual people are there in Woolf Empire? Divided by the huge population base, the probability of a country's emperor being hit in the face by spiritual talent is almost zero!

But it was such a chance that his majesty, the emperor who lived in dignity, was hit.

So this is not natural selection, but artificial synthesis?

The symptoms of aging are probably not physical problems at all, but mental problems!

The human body and spirit are like the hardware and software of a computer. If there is a problem with the hardware, it will die naturally, but if there is a problem with the software, it is still possible to crash!

Now think about it, the emperor's physical condition is similar to that of a madman.

From the example of madmen, we can see that if the spirit does not match the body, and there is a situation of encouraging the young, it is likely to damage the life span of the human body.

This is like the so-called "overdraft life" and "five decline of heaven and man".

So the aging of the emperor is actually because the body can't bear the side effects caused by the huge mental power?

No wonder Nie Yun was negligent. He didn't think of this possibility with so many clues.

He didn't expect that the great honor of a country would accept this extreme spiritual strengthening transformation?

wait! So, the ability of the second prince will not be the same

Thinking of this possibility, Nie Yun's face suddenly became wonderful.

"You don't want to tell me that you Gothic royalty are all the products of this laboratory, and you... Belong to a failed product?"

Nie Yun's words changed everyone's face.

Only the second prince's face was blue, and he obviously had his own answer.

"Failed product? Hahaha! Yes, I am a failed product!" the emperor laughed as if he had heard something interesting.

"But we succeeded in the end, didn't we?" the emperor stopped laughing and looked at the second prince as if his eyes were hot.

The second prince's face was gloomy and his fist clenched and loosened.

He doesn't want to admit that his talents and abilities come from an invisible laboratory.

However, he had to admit that reason told him.

The power gained at such a price is worth it!

"This... This can't be true!" the ninth Prince obviously couldn't accept this reality, and the whole person seemed to have collapsed.

"Why not? Natural evolution is too slow. If you want to keep up with the times, you need to abandon something.

In fact, from Gothic XVI, the Royal newborns of the Empire will be secretly received here for strengthening and transformation, and then select the nine most qualified people.

Alaya, the God of war code, and of course you, are all to make the imperial royal family win at the starting line in a new round of competition!

Now that you know the horror of enchantment, you should also be able to imagine that if such power is controlled by people outside the royal family, what is waiting for us will only be subverted! "

"So, of the nine of us, only the second brother is qualified, isn't he?" the fourth Prince's lips trembled.

It turned out that the throne they competed for was just a process of "qualification appraisal" from the beginning.

All the results, in fact, have been doomed from the beginning

"No! It's not just me..." the second prince looked at the emperor with a complicated face.

"You mean... Big brother!" the ninth prince was stunned, as if he understood something.

Among them, in terms of the ability shown since childhood, only the great prince who has died can stabilize the second prince.

"Yes! Unfortunately, his ability is only to enhance his affinity and intelligence, far less perfect than your second brother." the emperor evaluated his son as if he were evaluating goods.

"So, I am the final candidate?"

Although there are some twists and turns in the process, which involves the amazing secrets of the imperial royal family, the second prince is relieved that things seem to be developing in a direction that is absolutely beneficial to him.

"Of course, the winner is the king, and the Empire doesn't need tears."

In the desperate eyes of the other princes, the emperor looked at the two princes and slowly took off his crown.

Then he smiled and stretched out his hand to him