As soon as Bai Xueyan left with her front foot, a pile of reporters ran to Zhengxing group.

Zhang Zheng took the balm drop in the corner of his eyes in advance, made it look like he was going to cry, and then kneaded his fist and said to the reporter in righteous words: "I am the agent of Zhengxing group, and I dare swear by the reputation of the whole Zhengxing group! It is not our Zhengxing Group employees who commit murder in the street! Our Zhengxing Group employees have punch in records! It is impossible to go out at will during working hours!"

As he spoke, Zhang Zheng deliberately choked twice.

Liu Liu and Sisi, who had finished their lines, went to the reporter timidly with red eyes and crying and said, "Uncle reporter... We can testify that we didn't see the bad guys who beat us in this company!"

Liu Liu and Sisi, two little girls, are only teenagers. They look even more pitiful when they stand in front of a group of adults.

Seeing the parties present, the reporters carefully asked, "are you sure?"

The silk whispered: "yes, the bad guys who beat us are fierce... We are so scared... But the uncles in this company are very gentle. We are sure they are not them."

"We Zhengxing group are innocent." Zhang Zhengyi said in a straight line, "although... Although I don't know why the women's strong organization said that we insulted women and had to pay a fine of 300 million... We firmly believe that things will come out and time will give us an innocence!"

"Well... How much fine did Zhengxing group pay to women's strong organizations?"

Zhang Zhengdao: "300 million, they say that we don't respect women. It's the remnant of feudal society. If we don't pay a fine, we'll lose our money! We can only..."

The reporters looked at each other. They knew that the headlines were going to be lively tonight.

Zhang ZHENGJING cried conscientiously in front of the reporters. After talking about all the things, he sent the reporters away exhausted.

Until all the reporters left, Zhang Zhengcai straightened up and breathed a sigh of relief: "acting is really tired... Let's go, two little ancestors. How about inviting you to dinner?"

In the evening, Zhang Zheng and his group had a happy dinner in Yuehua. The interview with Zhang Zheng in the afternoon has been broadcast on TV.

"It's ugly to cry." Xu Zihan disliked it very much.

Zhang Zheng smiled bitterly: "shouldn't you praise my acting skills?"

Xu Zihan took another look and disliked it more: "it's really ugly to cry!"

If you cry well, you can't press the table first. The response is good. Once the news is broadcast, the voice on the Internet is even greater.

"300 million? I always knew Zhengxing group had money, but I didn't expect... So rich!"

"A fine of 300 million yuan will be paid as soon as it is paid... The world of the rich can't imagine."

"The point is not why strong women's organizations can ask for a fine of 300 million at will? What are they? Why should they ask for a fine!"

"You have no brother upstairs. The strong women's organization will come to your house tomorrow and ask for a fine of 300 million."

For a time, the $300 million fine has become a hindrance. There are "300 million warnings" on the Internet. Similarly, strong women's organizations with different praise and criticism have also been pushed to the forefront.

In the interview, Zhang Zheng deliberately stressed a sentence: "I paid the 300 million fine, so I'll buy a lesson, but I don't want more people to be entrapped for no reason! Entrapped without evidence!"

The companies that had been cheated by women's strong organizations United for a time, spontaneously stood up and complained about their innocence, and expressed their willingness to be in the same camp with Zhengxing group.

In the past, the arrogant women's organizations were also silent, and they didn't dare to release a dynamic for several days.

Finally, there was news from the women's Federation. They said they would thoroughly investigate the matter, including the organization of women's strength.

So far, the result is completely certain.

In the Tianle club.

Zhang Zheng came to see the two injured girls as usual and took them out to play.

Ah Qiao looked aside and said, "it's just a flesh wound. You don't have to come every day."

"That's not good," said Zhang Zheng with a smile. "How important is the little girl's face? What if she leaves a scar? Can't she take good care of it?"

Ah Qiao smiled and shook her head.

"Brother Zhang!"

Liu Liu, who put on her new clothes, jumped out and said happily, "where are you going to play today?"

Zhang Zheng smiled and touched the top of her hair: "listen to you."

Watching them leave, ah Qiao sat on the stone table in the yard and slowly fanned the fan.

"You picked up those two children from the welfare home?"

The cold female voice sounded, and Fu Xue slowly came out of the corridor.

Ah Qiao looked at her with a smile: "I like picking up things. You don't know it."

Fu Xue smiled: "you."

Ah Qiao moved a position and asked Fu Xue to sit beside him. They were stunned for a while. Finally, ah Qiao said, "you don't care about the little devil?"

"Evergreen? Don't worry about him. If he can't even deal with this little thing, what can he use to prove to me that he has grown up."

Ah Qiao smiled: "you are so cruel."

Fu Xue said, "this is how I came here. Children like me and evergreen, who are shrouded in the shadow of their parents, can't be weak. All we have to do is become stronger."

"All right, all right." ah Qiao shook her calf. "Then you say... How about Zhang Zheng? He's about the same age as evergreen."

Fu Xue thought carefully: "Zhang Zheng... Is a good seedling. Although his practice this time is a bit rogue, the effect is unexpectedly good."

Ah Qiao said happily, "I seldom see you boasting."

"He is really excellent, although he still has many mysteries... If he develops well, his future achievements will not be small."

"I know. Don't be so serious about everything. Smile and be happy, okay?"

Fu Xue was stunned and got up and said, "I'm going back to accompany uncle Chang. He has been preparing Evergreen's birthday party with Chang Qing recently."

Ah Qiao cried and laughed: "people have gone in. You still have leisure to prepare a birthday party. You are so strange."

Fu Xue said faintly, "well, fortunately, Zhang Zheng... I can meet him alone and talk with him when I'm free. I'm really curious about him."


Zhang Zheng sneezed so hard that he almost bumped into the electric pole in front of him.

Liu Liu bit the ice cream and looked at him: "what's the matter with you?"

Zhang Zheng rubbed his nose: "someone praised me for being handsome."

Liu Liubai glanced at him and went to play roller coaster with Sisi.

Zhang Zheng sat alone on the bench and looked up at the blue sky. He always felt that there was something wrong. Where was it

At this time, the mobile phone rang, and Zhang Zheng looked down. It was a document sent by Li Yan. It seemed to be an invitation from a charity in the city. He asked politely whether to donate.

Zhang Zheng did not hesitate to send Li Yan 20 million in the past. Under the condition that he had just been "cheated by 300 million", he did not hesitate to donate money to charities, which could set off an entertainment storm. How good.

While Zhang Zheng was thinking, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Ding - your return amount has reached the standard. Now you can choose to unlock the new ability."