Zhang Zheng was stunned. He subconsciously turned his head and looked around. Everything was as usual.

Wait, what was that sound?

If he heard right... Luoxi? The girl who somehow gave him ten times his ability to return?

Zhang Zheng suddenly remembered that he still had the ability to stay drunk. If he could get an ability when the return amount reached a certain amount, as Luoxi said at the beginning, he would not know how much money he had accumulated during this period, so he could choose the ability? Is there such a good thing?

Just when Zhang Zheng was still thinking about how to choose ability, a transparent screen suddenly appeared in front of him, and the font on it was still scattered with Yingying blue light.

There is a table on the screen. The top of the first column reads "5 billion unlock", the second column is "10 billion unlock", the third column is "15 billion unlock", and so on. Even the last column is "200 billion unlock", which makes Zhang Zheng cool.

In the three rows below the first column are written "never get drunk", "never invade a hundred poisons" and "kneel down for me".

In the two rows below the second column are written "fighting" and "perspective eye".

The lower grid of other columns is "unlocked".

In the middle of the top of the screen, there are several big words "reached: 15 billion".

Although it was inexplicable, Zhang Zheng still understood it after reading it carefully for a long time. The amount he returned should have reached 15 billion, so he can see the ability that 10 billion can be unlocked. The latter abilities can only be seen when the amount returned reaches so much.

That means... He needs to spend more money in the future, and he can unlock a similar super ability after the return amount reaches a certain amount?

Zhang Zhengxin was so happy that he immediately felt invincible in the world and began to feel happy about his ability to prepare for selection.

Which one to choose... There is already one capacity of 5 billion. Let's put aside the 5 billion. Let's look at the expensive one. Anyway, there should be another 5 billion left by then. You can choose another one by the way.

Perspective eye?

Zhang Zheng is interested. If he really has perspective eyes, will he... Cough... Forget it.

Zhang Zheng shook his head and threw out those messy ideas.

But if you think carefully... He may need fighting skills more now. After all, Xu Zihan has to take care of his mother and can't protect himself 24 hours. His three legged cats don't have enough Kung Fu. In case of any accident, he doesn't have any self-protection ability.

After much thought, Zhang Zheng decided to unlock the fighting technique.

He tentatively reached out to click the words "fighting skill" on the screen. At this time, a familiar voice came from his ear: "Ding - you have obtained the ability. It takes 10 billion to upgrade from six to seven, and up to nine. According to the return amount required to unlock the ability table next time - 30 billion."

"What?" Zhang Zhengren listened stupidly.

The whole screen burst like glass and turned into countless blue lights. All of them poured into Zhang Zheng's body. Zhang Zheng was startled and subconsciously stood up.

The passers-by couldn't help but cast curious eyes. Zhang Zheng's scalp was numb. When he looked down again, it was as if nothing had happened. The blue light disappeared cleanly.

The incident was so sudden that Zhang Zheng was only suspicious.

What's going on? So... You've got fighting? Luoxi just said six grades? It seems that the ability can be upgraded? Need 10 billion to upgrade once? Is this... Money robber! He spent more than a month with Sheng Gao before returning 10 billion!

Zhang Zheng has a headache.

But he was more curious, why can't he unlock another 10 billion ability?

It wasn't long before he figured it out.

Although 15 billion is displayed on the screen, 5 billion of them should be used when unlocking "never drunk". The displayed data should be superimposed.

That means that when his return amount reaches 30 billion and he can unlock it, in fact, the amount he can use is only 15 billion, and he can't even see the shadow of 20 billion. He can't take a look at 20 billion when he can unlock it next time. What are those capabilities?

This is too pit! He also wants to unlock the perspective eye next time and try five billion other abilities!

But if he does, how long will it take him to see those abilities of 20 billion! This is not the first level 10 billion to upgrade "fighting", hiss

Zhang Zheng was crazy for a moment. Is this... Is this to let him spend money according to the rhythm of death! Even if he burns money every day, he can't burn so much!

After going crazy for a while, Zhang Zheng also calmed down. Forget it, then start pretending and start spending money. Anyway, I don't know how long it will take. It's over!

Because of something in his heart, Zhang Zheng didn't accompany the two girls for too long. After playing for a while, he hurried back to school. Now only learning can give a trace of comfort to his broken heart.

Zhang Zheng was very depressed and went to school. He didn't forget to send a message to Xu Zihan: "I've gone back to school. Remember to eat after you accompany your mother. I'll invite you for the school holiday."

In fact, Xu Zihan's mother's condition is much better. Unfortunately, because the old man is not young, he has delayed treatment for so long before, and his body has been dragged almost.

Seeing that Xu Zihan didn't reply, Zhang Zheng had to put away his mobile phone and prepare to go to the dormitory to sleep.

The final exam is still early, so we don't have to work hard for the time being, but the younger brothers and sisters have to work hard. There are still CET-4 and CET-6 exams. Now the campus is full of younger brothers and sisters running around with a pile of materials.

Zhang Zheng inexplicably wanted to sigh: "it's nice to be young, not so much trouble, more comfortable..."

If spending money is a worry

"Help! Call an ambulance! Help her!"

The cry broke the tranquility of the campus.

Zhang Zheng subconsciously turned around and saw a thin girl stumble out holding another girl, but she was so thin that they fell to the ground together before running two steps.

The girl put her companion in her arms in a panic, but the girl closed her eyes and gushed black and red blood from the corners of her mouth.

"Call an ambulance!" cried the girl hysterically. "Please! Help her!"

The students on campus are just young people who are not involved in the world. They are shocked to see this scene one by one, let alone close to it.

A few brave people barely clenched their teeth and looked closer, but they didn't dare to call an ambulance. What if they were wronged.

"I'm a medical student and I'm going to graduate school."

A senior student strode forward and said, "what's the matter with her? Let me see."

The girl seemed to have caught the last straw. She hurriedly said, "my friend drank medicine... Help her! Please!"

The senior squatted down, looked at it and asked, "what's your name? Where's your friend?"

"My name is Liu Bingyan! My friend's name is Dong Cui! We are all from the finance department! The senior please help her!"

"It's hopeless. Bury it." the senior student faintly got up. "Don't call an ambulance. It's a waste of dozens of dollars to pull the body."

Liu Bingyan's lips were shaking: "no... impossible... Cui Cui is in good health... She will be fine! Please! Senior, I beg you not to give up her!"

The senior frowned in disgust: "can't you understand people? She's dead. Inform her family to move the body!"

Liu Bingyan was stunned for a long time, holding her best friend's gradually cold body and crying.

"Wait a minute!" Zhang Zheng hurriedly pushed aside the crowd and came forward, "don't worry! Your friend will be saved! Don't worry!"

Then Zhang Zheng hurriedly called an ambulance and knelt down next to Dong Cui with a soft voice: "don't be afraid, the ambulance will arrive in the future, don't be afraid."

The elder frowned impatiently: "what are you? I'm a graduate student in medical school. I said she was hopeless if I didn't save her. Do you still want to refute me?"

Zhang Zheng ignored him and comforted him.

The senior smiled: "cut, it's a fool at first sight. Little girl, you'd better call an ambulance to pull the fool away!"

Dong Cui vaguely opened her eyes and looked at Zhang Zheng. She seemed to want to say something, but she couldn't make a voice anyway.

Suddenly, she frowned slightly, coughed up a mouthful of black blood, and then began to cough violently.

"Cuicui! Cuicui, are you okay?" Liu Bingyan panicked.

The headmaster gloated and said, "they're dying. You have to shoot her twice. Are you afraid she's not dead enough?"

Zhang Zheng's face was livid and his fist was tightly clenched. He clenched his teeth and whispered, "try again."

The senior student was stunned and shut up and didn't dare to speak.

Just then, the ambulance rushed to the hospital.

The nurse immediately evacuated the crowd. Several doctors got out of the car, hurriedly but gently checked Dong Cui's pulse, peeled her eyelids, turned back and said angrily: "how did you call an ambulance so late! You're not afraid of human life! Come on! Get in the car and get ready for rescue!"

Zhang Zheng's heart was pulled up: "is there any way to save..."

"Nonsense!" said the doctor angrily. "It must be saved!"

The senior student's face turned green: "it's impossible! It's impossible!"

Zhang Zheng couldn't bear it. He just punched him: "get out!"

The senior student was beaten directly and stepped back for several steps. He fell to the ground and didn't get up for a long time.

Zhang Zheng didn't care so much and hurriedly took Liu Bingyan to the ambulance.

After more than three hours in the rescue room, Dong Cui was finally pushed out. Because she didn't drink highly toxic pesticides, she just ate a lot of drugs at the same time, so Dong Cui didn't hurt much.

Looking at Dong Cui, who had woken up in the hospital bed, Liu Bingyan was stunned, then turned her mouth, hugged Dong Cui and cried: "you scared me to death! You! What are you doing! Why scare me! Fool! I won't tell you!"

"It's all right." Zhang Zheng smiled.

Dong Cui looked up at Zhang Zheng, but there was no light in her round eyes: "thank you for saving me... But I... Really can't live anymore..."