Huayun University

The sun is shining all over the sky, and strange clouds appear from time to time.

As usual, ye Qingzhu carries his old briefcase to work.

The difference is that Mr. Ye has special expectations today, and there is a trace of joy on his face.

Ye Qingzhu, the school's rating material, finally reported it. In terms of academic achievements and qualifications, he thought he would be able to be rated as a professor this time.

In addition, he publicly opposed the anonymous poster on the "teacher student care website" yesterday.

Ye Qingzhu's mood at this time is as happy as young people's gold list in the college entrance examination.

At this time, director Qian came to find Ye Qingzhu with his hands on his back and light cutting cat steps.

When Mr. Ye didn't pay attention, he glanced at Ye Qingzhu's desk. It seemed that only by looking at it this way, he would be able to find some shady secrets.

Then he cleared his throat: "Lao ye, come to my office."

Ye Qingzhu was still immersed in the good things in pairs. Director Qian called him so clearly.

Ye Qingzhu said, "good things are really coming."

Humming a tune from the 1950s, he happily followed director Qian.

Seeing director Qian, ye Qingzhu released some of his smile: "director Qian, what are you looking for me?"

"Oh, sit down and I'll make you a cup of tea."

Director Qian pushed the myopia glasses about Baidu three times, picked up the teacup close to him and made tea for ye Qingzhu in person.

Ye Qingzhu was flattered: "don't be busy, director Qian. I just drank it."

Director Qian is also abnormally enthusiastic, which makes Ye Qingzhu feel more confident.

The steaming tea scented Ye Qingzhu. Director Qian smiled: "Professor Ye, are you familiar with Miss Huang in our school?"

Ye Qingzhu was stunned: "haven't you officially announced the results? Just call me professor. This rating is really successful?"

"Oh, Mr. Huang, the one who has just worked in our school for a few years is a very good young man."

Ye Qingzhu is famous for spitting out lotus flowers.

Director Qian smiled, but looked a little deep: "that's not what I asked. Mr. Huang is the child of our principal Wang's cousin's family. I'm afraid you don't know about it?"

"This is really the first time I've heard of it, ha ha."

Ye Qingzhu doesn't care about this.

"The point is, there is only one place in our school rating this year, Professor Ye. There will be opportunities in the future, and you are not bad this time."

Director Qian said, squinting slightly with Fox eyes, waiting for ye Qingzhu to retreat.

Ye Qingzhu is not stupid. He immediately heard the clue inside: "no, director Qian, even a quota must have qualifications and academic achievements. Mr. Huang, he just..."

"Lao ye, don't move your old rules to talk about things now. Mr. Huang is a returnee, his father is also a famous figure in Huayun City, and he is also a direct relative of President Wang. What else are you fighting for?"

Director Qian seemed to be affected when he suddenly came out of the powder magazine, and his voice was ridiculously high.

Ye Qingzhu still looked like he didn't give up: "what kind of world is this? Do you want people to live? I've been evaluating it for several years? Changing patterns every year makes me wilt. I can't kill people, but I have to torture people to death."

"Ye Qingzhu, I didn't say it's enough to give you face. You're still kicking your nose on your face. I haven't settled with you about that website. You still have the face to say what social injustice is here?"

Director Qian suddenly stretched out his index finger and wanted to point it on Ye Qingzhu's forehead.

Ye Qingzhu righteously retorted: "what's wrong with the website? What I said is wrong? It's all justified truth. This kind of outspoken is the most attractive to fans. Don't think I don't know."

"Hey, hey, you're still a cow. I tell you, do you know that the rich second generation is posting? It doesn't matter if you offend him alone. The whole school will suffer with you. Can ye Qingzhu bear this responsibility?"

Director Qian then warned Ye Qingzhu: "I tell you, this rating is not just because Mr. Huang is a relative of President Wang. You talk nonsense on the website and dig your own grave, hum!"

Hearing this, ye Qingzhu didn't want to say anything. He knew that it was useless even if he said that the flowers would bloom and fall next spring.

Ye Qingzhu's house.

Walking home, ye Qingzhu was like a frost eggplant, and his spirit was extremely depressed.

He took out the key and looked up fiercely. All the things were pasted on the door: "what false and lofty social scum, vicious teachers who harm students, and representatives of gardeners who are moral..."

Words, cartoons, and even traces of feces almost spit blood on the spot.

His anger warmed up again. He tore away those vicious things that were unfair to him, and ran downstairs to throw them into the bottom of the dustbin.

Ye Qingzhu even opened the door louder than usual, "ping pong click", as if he had a fight with someone.

After entering the door, Mrs. ye saw that he was unhappy and asked softly, "is the rating gone wrong again?"

When ye Qingzhu threw his briefcase on the sofa, Mrs. Ye guessed the result: "it doesn't matter. Apply again next year."

"Next year? Monkey years and horses, alas!"

Ye Qingzhu slumped down on the sofa.

Ye Qingzhu's daughter was like a little witch. Hearing their conversation, she immediately ran out of the room: "Dad, you didn't comment on the professor?"

Ye Qingzhu buried his head very low. I don't know what to say to the child?

The girl screamed hysterically as if she had been insulted by someone: "I doubt your ability, comrade Ye. When can our family get rid of poverty? Can you give us a time limit?"

"Nan Nan, how can I talk to my father?"

Mrs. Ye dragged her daughter's arm and advised her.

"Lao ye, you have a thick skin. My skin is thin and tender. I can't afford to lose this man with you."

"Pa"! Ye Qingzhu couldn't bear it. He slapped his daughter in the face.

The red prints, like several rainbows, shine on the girl's face in an instant.

"You're a dead girl. On the contrary, you think I've lived up to any student. In your eyes and heart, my father is poor and worthless? What's your value? If you have a lot of money, you'll be sought after and loved by thousands of people? If you're treated unfairly and can't be rated as a professor, you'll be despised by thousands of people?"

Nannan pushed the door and ran out crying. She was bumping into Zhang Zheng who was going to knock.

Nannan pushed away Zhang Zheng and ran downstairs madly. Mrs. Ye hurried after her.

"Who are you looking for?" Ye Qingzhu asked Zhang Zheng.

Zhang Zheng heard some of their fighting outside the door: "you're teacher Ye Qingzhu, aren't you?"

"Do you know me?" Ye Qingzhu looked up and down at the next Zhang Zheng, and his remaining anger didn't disappear.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ye. I'm the one who posted the website you targeted!"

Zhang Zheng said and bowed to Ye Qingzhu.

Before they officially entered the topic, they suddenly heard the broken footsteps of many people in the corridor.

When Zhang Zheng looked back at the door, a group of gangsters had been crowded at Ye Qingzhu's door.