Ye Qingzhu is at home and abroad.

Fortunately, Zhang Zheng had expected long before he came and asked he Bingbing to bring the prepared invitation, accompanied by Xu Zihan and Huang Mao, and followed Zhang Zheng to Ye Qingzhu's house.

The leader of the little gangster is wearing an exaggerated design and color coat. His hair is dyed red, yellow, purple and green. He winks at Ye Qingzhu.

"Ye Qingzhu, right? You look like a coward, and you don't look like the teacher who sends those heroic words on the website?"

The little gangster leader dragged around Ye Qingzhu, like appreciating some rare antiques.

Ye Qingzhu just calmed down his anger and didn't burn himself: "who are you? Run to my house to be wild?"

"Shout? You speak very hard. I'm not happy with your wordy words. I've come to count your skin and brainwash you."

At the same time, the little gangster encouraged his accomplices and ridiculed Xi deciduous green bamboo very arrogantly.

Zhang Zheng really couldn't listen or watch. He had come to Ye Qingzhu's house in a very sunny mood.

Now the miasma caused by these little gangsters naturally aroused great anger: "what? Do you think I'm the air? Mr. Ye will be the VIP invited by the teachers and students network. Pay attention to your words."

As Zhang Zheng spoke, he heard the crisp sound of high heels in the corridor.

The gangsters immediately focused their attention on the guy who was thousands of times bigger than them: "where are you, and then dare to say some boundless nonsense. Believe it or not, I'll chop you into onion friends?"

The little gangster leader said and looked at Zhang Zheng fiercely, as if he wanted to eat people.


Zhang Zheng slapped him in the face without hesitation: "a fish is full of fishiness. It's you scum who don't know the greatness of heaven and earth that messed up the good relationship between teachers and students."

Ye Qingzhu was so frightened that he didn't know what to do.

The little gangster leader was angry in his eyes and waved his fist at Zhang Zheng.

It means it's late. It's fast then.

His fist seemed to be born with Xu Zihan's feet and hugged deeply.

"Strike a stone with an egg!" Xu Zihan, who was already standing in front of Zhang Zheng, cursed the little gangster leader lying on the ground.

Other gangsters have been bound by Huang Mao and others before they wait. It's hard to move.

He Bingbing, like the groundbreaking empress Nuwa, stepped in with an invitation: "Mr. Ye Qingzhu, I'm he Bingbing, the CEO of the teacher-student network. Now I sincerely invite you to the offline advanced forum of our website to guide your work."

Ye Qingzhu hasn't reacted from the thrill. He thinks the young man who just came will be beaten into meat and mud?

Thinking about how to go to the kitchen, take out the kitchen knife and fight with them?

"Ba Da!"

It's like Newton was in a daze under the apple tree and fell a big red apple.

Another unexpected invitation? Mr. Ye, who has not experienced ups and downs, has never been so stimulated?

"Why did you invite me?"

Ye Qingzhu asked he Bingbing, who was full of confidence in front of him.

"You are the authority in this regard!"

He Bingbing looks at Zhang Zheng and blurts out. Zhang Zheng secretly gives her a thumbs up!

The sweet smile of he Bingbing melted the teacher ye who was stunned for a long time.

"I don't deserve authority, but I'm curious to talk to the founder of teacher-student network."

Ye Qingzhu said and happily accepted the invitation from he Bingbing.

Teachers and students offline advanced forum venue.

Ye Qingzhu was about to step into the door of the venue when a familiar voice behind him called, "Miss ye, I didn't expect you to come?"

Ye Qingzhu turns around. Mr. Huang and several other teachers of Huayun university are looking at themselves contemptuously.

Ye Qingzhu humbly let them go first and said, "I just received the invitation yesterday."

The first row is filled with representatives from all walks of life, and the invited teachers sit in the second and third rows.

In order to show more respect, the guest name tablet was placed on the table in front of the seat.

Mr. Huang asked Ye Qingzhu while looking for his own place: "Mr. Ye, don't you always say that even if the eight sedans lift you, you won't participate in this forum? Why are you here today?"

Ye Qingzhu looked for a long time and didn't find the memorial tablet with his name. He replied faintly: "Oh, this forum is different from others. I appreciate it."

Mr. Huang already sat in the position with his name on it and sniffed: "I don't think you are any more honest and noble than us. You didn't come for money, power and reputation? Ha ha"

"Don't use the heart of a villain to treat the belly of a gentleman. Mr. Huang, be virtuous when you talk!"

The other teachers sat down. Ye Qingzhu still couldn't find his seat, and fine beads of sweat poured out of his anxious forehead.

"Mr. Ye, you can't remember wrong. Are you sure this advanced forum will also invite you, an ordinary university teacher who is not a professor?"

A university teacher beside Mr. Huang laughed loudly at Ye Qingzhu who couldn't find a seat.

Wang Qiang hurried over: "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, it gave me the task. You see, I forgot in a hurry. Please come here."

"Wang Qiang, right? You don't make it clear. Let Mr. ye come for nothing, ha ha."

Mr. Huang crossed his hands in front of the table and put on a posture of leadership training. While talking, he laughed at Ye Qingzhu.

Wang Qiang gave Mr. Huang a hard look. Mr. Huang was a little angry: "shout, who are you playing with? I'm a university professor. Believe it or not, I'll report your layoff immediately."

After Zhang Zheng's special arrangement, only Ye Qingzhu sat in the first row as the teacher's representative.

Wang Qiang led Ye Qingzhu to the first row and sat down. Mr. Huang and others were silly immediately.

Seeing that ye Qingzhu's name was indeed written on the memorial tablet in front of him, Mr. Huang pinched his waist and followed Wang Qiang in theory: "what do you mean? Don't you inquire before the invitation? Don't you know who is the famous and influential professor of Huayun university? He is an ordinary teacher and is arranged in the front row?"

Several other teachers also blushed like cloth.

"Who is not satisfied with his seat? If you want to say that Huayun is the most famous and influential, of course, it is Mr. Ye Qingzhu. Besides him, as far as I know, they are all people fishing for fame."

He is graceful, extremely dignified and handsome. He is arrogant and noble in his gestures.

Teacher Huang's angry face turned green: "who do you say is fishing for fame?"

The visitor was strict in his righteousness: "what I said is that you, as a teacher, don't teach and educate people well. You think about how to climb the power and attach importance to your position every day and get promoted and rich. You're not ashamed of it. Instead, you think you're proud to say that you're a professor? I think you don't sit still and be punished students. Listen to Mr. Ye's lecture."

He winked at the service staff, and the chairs of Mr. Huang and others were immediately removed.

Mr. Huang and others were trying to argue with this nosy guy. Suddenly, they shouted on the stage: "now solemnly invite the founder of our teacher-student network!"

Mr. Huang and others stared at the man they wanted to be angry with and slowly walked up to the podium.

The waiter on one side whispered to Miss Huang: "you have provoked people you shouldn't have provoked!"