Chapter 1384

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
"A lot of money is alive again?"

"Yes, the boy not only survived, but also took a large team to lezhou the next day to settle accounts with Tangmen. I don't know what happened. Tangmen actually subordinated to Xingfu group. Two weeks later, Tangmen's headquarters will move from lezhou and live in Xingfu village to contribute to the construction and development of Xingfu village."

Zou Xianhong and Yu Peien looked at each other and were speechless.

This incident was not only a shock to them, but also a deep disappointment.

For a while, Zou Xianhong pointed Zhao Zhiyuan and Liu Guodong, frowning and very serious: "are you two cheating?"

Liu Guodong smiled bitterly: "Secretary Zou, how dare we lie to you about such a big thing? We dare not talk nonsense by borrowing my eight heads!"

"OK, then go to Jiuzhou hotel."

Zou Xianhong said, with a black face, and got into the car.

Without saying a word, Yu Peien got into the car and slammed the door.

Zhao Zhiyuan and Liu Guodong also got on the same car.

The rest of the people also got on the bus.

A police car opened the road, and more than a dozen luxury cars followed the police car one after another and drove in the direction of Jiuzhou hotel.

Zhao Zhiyuan and Liu Guodong sat side by side in the back seat. Liu Guodong said sideways, "Lao Zhao, it seems that they are very unhappy."

Zhao Zhiyuan smiled: "happy village is now the only 6A scenic spot in China, as well as the only six-star hotel in China. They obviously want to go to happy village and have a good time for a few days. Now their hope has failed. They must be very unhappy."

"Yes, it's hard to put the taste on anyone."

"It's no wonder that we are free to choose from them. They have no problem staying in the happiness hotel. If they lose face at that time, it depends on whether they can stand it or not."

"They just take their face too seriously. Otherwise, Duoduo is a good speaker, and he won't be so stiff at all."

"Yes, if we patronize face, we and Duoduo will become enemies, especially me. He cleaned up the nephews of the front and rear two families, and one of them went to prison." Zhao Zhiyuan shook his head and laughed at himself: "I'm not afraid of your jokes. Now I have no face in front of my family. My own sister and my little aunt scold me every time they see me."

"Ha ha..."

The two men laughed loudly.

Zou Xianhong and Yu Peien are sitting in the car in front. Both of them have black lines on their faces. Yu Peien muttered to himself, "Qian Duoduo is not dead? This is too unexpected..."

Zou Xianhong took out his mobile phone and dialed Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang was in the conference room and presided over a meeting. There were more than 20 people in charge of each district and county in Kyoto.

"... the long Spring Festival holiday is over. We should take our heart back and use it well in our work, and strive to go to a new level in the new year. If anyone fails to meet the standard, I will beat his board..." Li Xiaogang is energetic and has a loud voice, revealing the momentum of the superior.

The cell phone rings.

Li Xiaogang took out his mobile phone and answered the phone: "Hello, old Zou."

"Lao Li, are you sure Qian Duoduo is dead?"

"Of course, is there any fake?"

"We got the latest news that Qian Duoduo is not dead."

"No way. Who did you listen to?"

"We are now on an inspection tour in Jiuzhou. The Secretary of the Jiuzhou municipal Party committee and the mayor told us in person that it can't be fake. Qian Duoduo is not dead, and the people of Tangmen have subordinated Qian Duoduo to work for the happy village, so we don't dare to go to the happy village now."

"What's going on? What's going on?"

"We don't know what's going on."

"Old Zou, I'd like you to ask me something. You can find out about it and call me back in the evening, OK?"

"All right."

Zou Xianhong promised and hung up his cell phone.

Li Xiaogang hung up his cell phone. His original good mood was suddenly disturbed. His face was gloomy as if it was going to rain. He saw two cadres talking quietly at the venue and suddenly slapped heavily on the table——


The noise was deafening.

The people at the meeting were startled and looked up at him.

"That's all for today's meeting."

Li Xiaogang stood up, scowled and strode out of the conference room.

At the meeting, everyone looked at each other and felt puzzled.

In the evening, Qian Duoduo's room, Qian Duoduo sat cross legged on the floor, closed his eyes, and a thick white fog came out of his head. After a while, his body was shrouded in misty clouds.

Murong Xue, Ding Xiaomei and Yang Liuqing had dinner and walked to Qian Duoduo's room.

Murong Xue opened the door and saw that Qian Duoduo was shrouded in a thick white fog, as if on fire.

"Duoduo!" Murong Xue screamed and ran to Qian Duoduo.

Ding Xiaomei and Yang Liuqing followed her closely.


Murong Xue ran to Qian Duoduo one meter away, hit an invisible air wall, bounced her back, couldn't control it, fell back to the ground, and just fell at the feet of Ding Xiaomei and Yang Liuqing.

"Sister Xue!"

Ding Xiaomei and Yang Liuqing squatted down and helped her up.

"Sister Xue, what's the matter with you?"

Murong Xue sat on the floor, staring at the front: "strange, I seem to have hit something!"

"What? You hit Duoduo."

Murong Xue shook his head again and again: "no, I definitely didn't hit Duoduo. It seems to be an air wall."

"Air wall?"

"Qing'er, you try."

Yang Liuqing stood up and walked forward half convinced. One meter away from Qian Duoduo, a hard air wall blocked her way. It seemed invisible, but it was like a steel plate. She couldn't move forward at all.

"What the hell is this?" Yang Liuqing waved a fist and smashed it forward.

"Ah!" the girl shook her arm and cried in pain.

Ding Xiaomei also stood up, walked to Yang Liuqing's side, tried to kick a foot gently, and was bounced back.

"The internal Qi is released outside to form a natural shield. Has Duoduo's true Qi cultivation reached such a terrible level?" Ding Xiaomei turned around Qian Duoduo and kicked a foot or punch from time to time. There is no doubt that they were all blocked by the once invisible air wall and rebounded back. The heavier they hit, the more powerful they rebounded.

"Sister Xue and Qing'er, that's right. This is the true Qi of a lot of cultivation. We should protect ourselves against the sneak attack of the enemy!" Ding Xiaomei shouted excitedly.

Several girls changed from initial surprise and surprise to excitement, surrounded by a lot of money, some kicking and some playing