Chapter 1385

Name:Super Working Man Author:e lang
Qian Duoduo sat quietly in the middle of the air wall, closed his eyes, as if he didn't feel anything.

Several girls were kicking and playing outside. They were in high spirits. After playing for a while, they leaned against the air wall and looked at a lot of money. Their bodies were inclined and looked very strange.

Murong Xue said, "Xiaomei, when practicing, Duoduo has been able to release true Qi and form an Qi wall to protect himself. His practice has been successful."

Ding Xiaomei nodded: "yes, the energy gained by relying on thunder and lightning is really extraordinary. It takes only two days to practice, which is more than that of ordinary ancient martial arts experts for decades."

Yang Liuqing said, "sister Xue and sister Mei, Duoduo's Qigong is no worse than Tang Zhengtai."

Ding Xiaomei said, "I don't know yet. Tang Zhengtai's Qigong is also very powerful. After Duoduo wakes up, he knows it in his mind."

Murong Xue gently rebuked: "Xiaomei and Qing'er, we should respect Xiaoxiao's grandpa in the future. We can't always call his name. In the past, people in Tangmen were impolite to us, mainly because there was a misunderstanding between them and Duoduo. Now the misunderstanding has been eliminated. Everyone works together. In common, we always put harmony and development first. Moreover, Duoduo has achieved so much Great achievements and abilities in all aspects are much better than before. Tang clan has contributed to them. To tell you the truth, I am very grateful to them. "

Ding Xiaomei nodded: "yes, Duoduo really can't achieve so much without the intervention of Tangmen. I'll change it. In the future, I promise to respect grandpa Tang as Grandpa Yang."

Yang Liuqing murmured, "I'll change it too. In fact, I know the truth very well. It's just that I'm a little uncomfortable when I think of what happened that day."

"If the people of Tangmen were really cruel, the people of happy village don't know how many deaths and injuries were. And Xiaoxiao is still lying in the hospital bed. I don't think we should mention that day anymore. Qing'er, you are still young. In another two years, you can realize that only when you learn tolerance can you really grow up and mature."

Yang Liuqing nodded.

Ding Xiaomei looked at Qian Duoduo: "this guy, it's a whole day again. Can you wake up tonight?"

As soon as the voice fell, Qian Duoduo slowly opened his eyes.

Yang Liuqing exclaimed in surprise, "brother, you're awake."

Qian Duoduo saw them leaning one by one, as if they were going to fall to themselves. He was very puzzled and said, "Qing'er, you..."


The three girls screamed and fell together to qianduoduo.


The three girls crushed Qian Duoduo to the ground. Yang Liuqing lay on Qian Duoduo, Murong Xue lay on Yang Liuqing, and Ding Xiaomei lay on Murong Xue. Several people seemed to be overlapping.

"Sister, you three bullied me. You're too much, huh..." Qian Duoduo lay on the ground and shouted angrily.

Yang Liuqing was lying on his body, just bent down and blocked his mouth with two red lips.

Qian Duoduo hesitated twice and hugged Yang Liuqing's waist and enjoyed it with peace of mind.

Ding Xiaomei and Murong Xue stood up one after another. Murong Xue bent over and stroked Ding Xiaomei's stomach, expressing concern: "Xiaomei, are you okay?"

If it affects the baby in Ding Xiaomei's stomach, it will make a big deal.

"It's all right." Ding Xiaomei smiled and shook her head, pointing to Qian Duoduo and Yang Liuqing. "Sister Xue, look at them. They're just separated for two days. It's like they haven't eaten meat for two years."

Murong Xue joked, "Hey, you two chew and chew. Should we avoid it? We should perform later. It's not suitable for children."

Yang Liuqing left Qian Duoduo's mouth, "sister Xue, you can't go. This guy is so powerful now. I'm a little afraid."

After that, he got up quickly and hid beside Murong Xue.

"Qing'er, what are you afraid of?"

Yang Liuqing pointed to Qian Duoduo: "look."

Qian Duoduo lay on the ground, holding a pillar of Optimus in the wind.


Murong Xue and Ding Xiaomei laughed happily and trembled.

Qian Duoduo stood up, calmed his mind, closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

The three girls stared at him curiously. In less than half a minute, Qian Duoduo returned to normal.

"Wow, it's completely retractable."

The three girls were amazed.

Qian Duoduo opened his eyes: "sister, how long have I been practicing this time?"

Murong Xue smiled and said, "like last time, it took 24 hours."

Ding Xiaomei added: "Duoduo, you have made great progress in this practice. Now you can put your Qi inside and outside and form a solid gas wall around you. Ordinary people can't get close to your body at all."

Yang Liuqing said, "yes, we were just blocked by your air wall. It seems that the monkey king drew a circle around you. We can't get close to you."

"Yeah, I succeeded!" Qian Duoduo shouted excitedly, ran forward, shook Murong Xue's shoulder, and his eyes shone with joy, "Elder sister, Meijie and qinger, forming an air wall is the highest level of Tangmen's internal skill cultivation. So far, only one person in Tangmen has reached this level, that is Tang Sanqiang, the ancestor of Tangmen. Tang Sanqiang is an ancient martial arts expert who has really entered the congenital perfection. He has lived for a whole 231 years without taking any elixir."

"231 years old! Really?"

"Really. You see -"

Qian Duoduo was so excited that he ran to his desk, found the ancient Tangmen book and turned to the front page: "sister, you see, it's clear."

Murong Xue took the ancient book and read it with interest: "Sanqiang Tang, Sanqiang character, No. Xishan immortal, born in 1368, died in 1599, aged 231, is the founder of the Tang clan in Xichuan, with 15 wives and 46 children in his life..."

"Ah, 15 wives!" Yang Liuqing shouted and stared round.

Ding Xiaomei said with a smile, "Qing'er, there are more than 1000 people in Tangjia village. They are all handed down by the Tang ancestor. Do you think a wife has such great ability?"

Murong Xue said with a smile: "the Tang grandfather was born in the heyday of the feudal dynasty of Dahua. At that time, three wives and four concubines were very common. Moreover, the Tang grandfather lived 231 years old. His wives were mortals and could not live that long. When his wife died, he had to marry again. I don't think there are too many 15 wives."

Ding Xiaomei nodded: "yes, such an excellent man. At that time, if he was greedy, how many wives he wanted, not to mention 15, 100 is not much. At 231, he would live much longer than the emperor."