
Luke grinned and walked out of the shadow.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Clark..."

Barry's surprised voice stopped suddenly, because the man in front of him was not one of the three giants of the justice alliance.

Although the opponent is wearing a similar suit, dark red cloak and metal armor.

Moreover, they are equally tall.

That broad shoulders, strong body, full of a sense of oppression.

But without that handful of iconic little curls, it's like losing the soul.

They are quite different in temperament. The man standing in front of them is more aggressive, or a palpitating sense of fear.

"Do I remind you of a friend?"

After Luke showed his supernatural ability, Batman calmly stepped back and pressed his right hand on his belt.

Through super vision, he saw that the belt was equipped with smoke bombs, poison gas bombs and bat darts with various functions.

Sure enough, in any case, Batman will always be ready in advance.

But facing the disadvantage of lack of time and effective information, Luke believes that even Bruce Wayne himself can't turn out any waves.

"Bruce Wayne is the real father of the editorial department. Isn't Thomas Wayne their real grandfather?"

Luke made a silent joke.

Because in previous lives, many people said that Superman was the son of the editorial department and hanged any super villain, but Batman was the father of the editorial department and hanged any Superman.

These two most popular superheroes perfectly form a food chain.

"Are you the... Superman of the world?"

Barry asked hesitantly.

When he found out that Luke was not the real Superman Clark Kent, he had other guesses.

Although there are many different changes in the flash point world, every important person still exists.

Barry didn't find Clark's trace in the keywords such as Superman and metropolis.

But another way of thinking, maybe he, like Batman, has been modified to what should have happened.

For example, it may be Clark's father, Joe Al, who came to earth in a spaceship.

Or general Zod?

Without waiting for Luke to answer, Barry himself gave the other party a reasonable explanation.

"I'm Superman, but I'm not Clark Kent or Carl al. You know what I mean?"

Luke said faintly.

He finally became a Riddler and made an answer similar to "know all".

Lies have a chance to leave flaws, but if you leave the problem to others and let them mend their brains, you can avoid rollover to the greatest extent.

As for identity setting.

Luke has one ready.

Superman's big cousin.

Anyway, the main universe has super girl Kara.

It is also reasonable that there is a big cousin of krypton in the flash point world.

"Got it, got it."

Barry showed a clear look.

In the bat cave, only Thomas Wayne looked confused and couldn't hear the encrypted call between the two people.

"I mean no harm. I'm here to help, Barry Allen."

Luke sent out a team invitation. It can be seen that the situation of flash is not very good.

Batman can hardly believe him and will not provide any help until he has produced strong evidence.

At this time, we need a strong teammate to break the deadlock.


Barry looked at Thomas Wayne next to him with a tangled face.

When Superman and Batman appear in front of him at the same time, which one should he choose?

"I know what happened in the world."

Luke made no secret that he needed the flash man to fix the flash point and return to the main universe with himself.

"Barry Allen, you need divine speed now, you need super speed to disappear!"

Barry nodded hard, and there was an excited expression on the face that his mother didn't know.

Finally someone can understand their situation and provide a solution!

Thinking of Thomas Wayne's beating, Barry resolutely pressed the light on Luke and accepted the team invitation!

"Dr. Wayne, I hope you can join in. If Barry Allen successfully corrects this mistake that has occurred, your son, Bruce Wayne, can live."

Perhaps the director of s.h.i.e.l.d. was used to it, and Luke automatically took the role of giving orders.

But at this time, no one came out to compete for the right to speak with him.

Flash never had the habit of being a leader, and Thomas Wayne wanted his son to live.

"If you can save Bruce and save all this, then I'm willing to join."

Batman nodded.

Although he didn't fully believe what flash said.

But the opportunity is in front of us. It's worth trying anyway.

"Well, it seems that we have reached a consensus happily."

Luke clapped his palm to express his satisfaction.

"By the way, Dr. Wayne, I forgot to remind you that if Barry Allen corrects the world, you will no longer exist. I mean, you and Mrs. Wayne will die in that criminal alley."

Thomas Wayne's tone remained low, and his hoarse voice did not waver.

He looked at the family photo and said calmly, "this is what I want to see. Let this terrible world collapse in the torrent of time and space."

Luke smiled. He thought Bruce Wayne would be moved to tears for this heavy fatherly love.



"What does it take to copy that accident?"

After determining each other's willingness to cooperate and their respective goals, Thomas Wayne entered the stage of implementation.

He doesn't like procrastination. It's in line with Batman's style to finish what he should do quickly.

"Thunder guiding needle, chair that can be electrified, ninhydrin..."

Barry made a long list. Fortunately, he remembered the chemicals in the laboratory.

As Luke said, the top priority is to get lightning back to speed.

The simplest and most effective way.

Nature is——

Let Barry Allen be hit by lightning.

"Throwing chemicals on yourself and then connecting a lightning needle can turn you into the 'fastest person in the world'?"

Thomas Wayne could not restrain his inner impulse, make complaints about it.

In his opinion, it's no different from suicide.

"That's how I became flash for the first time."

Barry carried the prepared things to the roof of Wayne's house.

What Gotham needs most is rainy weather.

Thunder and lightning are just common.

It saved him a lot of time.

Otherwise, I don't know how long it will be wasted just waiting for the lightning to come.

"Barry, have you ever heard the saying, 'lightning doesn't hit the same place twice'."

Luke looked up at the leaden clouds. To tell the truth, he wasn't sure if flash would succeed.

In his memory, Barry seems to have experienced a failure before he narrowly regained his strength.

"Many people told me that the lightning chose me."

Barry sat in an iron chair, wearing a helmet with a lightning needle and a restraint belt on his hands and feet, like a prisoner sent to an electric chair for execution.

"Now, it's time to prove who fate tends to!"


Silver lightning rips the clouds!

"I'm here! Come on! Come here!"

Barry summoned to the rolling thunder like a madman.

Cold raindrops hit his face, adding a sense of coldness.

More than ten minutes later, his throat was hoarse. He was stunned that there was no lightning coming.

This makes Flash's courageous move seem a little silly.

"I suddenly felt a little stupid. I even accompanied you in the rain on the roof, and then waited for this guy to be struck by thunder..."

Batman said silently.

The lightning needle stood upright, but no lightning was attracted.

He didn't know whether Barry was lucky or unlucky.

"Otherwise, come back another time."

Barry, shivering in the cold rain, seemed to think it was an unreliable plan to wait for lightning to chop himself.

Maybe he should go somewhere, under a tree, or tie himself to a kite.

"Wait, don't give up in a hurry. I may have a way."

Luke frowned and thought, and found a golden Trident from the underworld.

When he beat namo before, he collected the other party's weapon, that is, the sea god trident of Atlantis.

Later, it was handed over to the s.h.i.e.l.d. and kept in the warehouse of the secret base. It was not used much.

After Depriving death god Seth of his authority and obtaining the right to use the underworld world.

He threw all those miscellaneous things into it.

After all, the security level of s.h.i.e.l.d. is not as high as Superman.

"Are you... Imitating Arthur?"

Barry looked at Luke who raised his trident.

Using Superman's image to do the action of sea king is somewhat contrary to what you think.

"I wish you success, Barry."

Luke glanced at the lightning man waiting for the lightning strike, holding the golden Trident in both hands, causing changes in the sky.



An electric light, like the spear of God, dropped straight and hit Barry Allen sitting on the chair.


Electric current travels all over the body. After a few breaths, there is a burning smell of barbecue on the roof.

"Flash iron plate burning... Too greedy, oh no, too cruel."

Luke narrowed his eyes and stared at Barry, who was about to turn into coke.