As Barry Allen wished, the lightning fell and hit him.

Zizi! Zizizi!

Batman lifted his cloak, stood in front of him, and jumped out for a distance to avoid being affected by the current.

Luke stood still. He even walked through the core of the sun. This damage is estimated to be a problem.

Relying on the golden Trident, the current was driven and concentrated on Barry.


The iron chair firmly imprisoned the struggling flash.

The glass bottle of chemical reagent burst, all kinds of potions poured on the body, mixed with electric current, and suddenly burst into flames.

As Luke described, Barry, tied to the chair, was frying like ingredients on an iron plate.

"Save people quickly!"

Seeing that Barry was about to burn into coke, Batman rushed up with an arrow, ready to put out the flame with his cloak.


Luke stopped Thomas Wayne's move. With a golden Trident in hand and controlling the power of the current, he could ensure that Barry Allen's life was not in danger.

Although it is said that the flash has been severely burned and is on the verge of death.

But according to Luke's prediction, the other party can last about four or five seconds.

Superheroes are usually tough. He thinks he can see the situation again.

"You're crazy! He's dying..."


Another flash of lightning fell.

It ran through Barry like a spear, and strands of hot electric light wrapped each other.


Luke nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that he didn't have to wait again.


Thomas Wayne looked with shocked eyes at the upward floating chemical liquids that violated the laws of physics.

The bombardment of lightning seemed to form a certain force field, enveloping Barry Allen.

"My divine speed... Is back!"

The most direct feeling is Barry himself.

He felt that time seemed to slow down and everything slowed down.

The exciting energy surging like lightning surged again in the body.

It's like blood. It's born with milk and water.

"I'm flash."

Barry broke free from the shackles of the chair through high-speed vibration in just a moment.

Then he quickly ran around Wayne's house and found the pleasure he had not seen for a long time.

That kind of wind and air flow are all assimilated by God's speed force, and the whole person is transformed into a wonderful experience of electric light.

"Dr. Wayne, as I said, I'm the fastest man in the world."

Barry ran to the bat cave, found the uniform against lightning, changed the fiber tissue with high-speed vibration, and turned the yellow suit into the red of flash.

In his new uniform, he appeared in front of Thomas Wayne, waiting for his incredible eyes.

"Well, for men, too fast is not something to show off."

What Barry did, in Thomas Wayne's eyes, only less than a second passed.

But he did not show too obvious emotions, but casually said a dirty word of an adult.

Barry was embarrassed by his calm appearance. He could only turn his eyes to Luke.

However, the latter is also very calm.

Luke snapped his fingers and whispered, "congratulations on taking back your own divine speed, so next, it's time to reverse all this."

"Just, I have a question. Barry, can you open the passage through time and space at your current speed?"

He knows what he's asking.

Flash can't do it right now.

On the one hand, the existence of counter lightning makes him unable to give full play to his strength.

Every step Barry takes, the divine speed force generated will be absorbed by him and counter lightning.

Unless counter lightning is willing to cooperate, it is difficult for him to open the wormhole of space-time again.

On the other hand, he just got back super speed and is in a weak state.

"It's hard."

Barry also knows himself.

As he was running around Wayne's house, he noticed that his speed had slowed down.

"Is there any way to get you back to your original speed?"

Luke continued to guide Barry. He actually had several ways.

The simplest thing is to kill the counter lightning and let the flash absorb the complete divine speed.

It's just that Albert swan is probably hiding in a corner at this time. It's not easy to find him.

"Cosmic treadmill."

Barry seemed to think of something.

Flash has a treadmill specially used for fast people. If he has to travel through time and space, he will run with all his strength and use his resonance with the universe to determine the place to go.

This sounds like no scientific basis, but the divine speed force itself is a thing that rubs the laws of physics on the ground.

"Well, I've heard of this magical... Treadmill."

Luke nodded. This is a feasible way at present.

"However, I need a helper who can conduct professional data analysis and model calculus. It's best to have a supercomputer."

Barry asked.

He has just seen that there is only a desktop computer with a slower network speed than a snail in Wayne's residence, and there is no qualified scientific research equipment.

No top scientist can rub materials with his bare hands.

"Dr. Wayne should be able to solve these problems. These are problems that can be solved with money."

Luke looked at Batman, who shook his head.

The Wayne family, who has never lost in wealth, said there was nothing they could do?

Now even Barry was surprised!

You know, Bruce Wayne has always appeared in front of everyone with the image of rich and spendthrift.

In fact, a large part of the justice alliance's financial expenditure and scientific research funds come from Batman's sponsorship.

In addition to acting as a think tank and leader, he is also the father of the gold Lord.

"I'm sorry, Wayne group doesn't belong to me. I haven't been a doctor for many years. I'm afraid I can't help with supercomputers and purchasing materials."

Thomas Wayne said frankly without any embarrassment.

"What do you live on?"

Barry asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Being a superhero is actually a more expensive career.

The purchase of various clothes and the construction of secret bases all require certain economic strength.

Flash himself relies on laboratory funding and investor sponsorship.

Superman has krypton legacy, and the lonely fortress in Antarctica is enough to solve all problems.

Batman, green arrow, such rich people don't have to say much.

Even wonder woman Xia has the rich accumulation of Paradise Island as a reliance.

In a word, superheroes are not a popular profession. Everyone can go to it.

"I run a casino."

Thomas Wayne coughed twice and said something unnaturally.

Yes, Batman of flash point world partnered with penguins to contract a third of Gotham's underground casino business.

Compared with the group boss, it's really not decent and honorable to say it.

"Well, I think Batman will always be the richest man in any world."

Barry make complaints about it.

"Well, we have to find another way."

The space treadmill can't be done with a little money. It's very expensive.

"Someone should be able to help in this regard."

Thomas Wayne's eyes twinkled. He thought of the electronic man working for the government, which is one of the members of the main cosmic justice alliance, steel bone.

In the flash point world, he did not get the master box technology, but transformed himself into a semi biochemical and semi human existence.

"This guy is the spokesman of the government. He is responsible for supervising 'unstable factors' like me, scientific research team and financial problems. He can handle them."

Thomas Wayne added.

The electronic man has come to him many times and wants Batman to join the government.

But whether Thomas or Bruce, they don't like to intervene in politics and are very anti official.

"The government..."

If Luke thought, he didn't forget that Superman in the flash world fell into the hands of the government.

The krypton spacecraft, which was supposed to fly to Kansas farm, found a change of direction and fell directly into the city center.

This also led Superman to become the private property of the military as an alien from the beginning.

"I think it's a good plan."

Luke's mouth was tickled.

Finally have a chance to meet my little cousin.