
"Barry Allen."




"Ah? Am I not obvious enough?"

"Less nonsense! Be lenient when you confess and strict when you resist!"

The young agent in the interrogation room patted the table hard and said in a harsh voice: "the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. will not wronged a good man or let a bad man go! Be honest with your problems!"

"Well... Man."

"Where do you come from? What's your purpose? We'll give you a mental test later to confirm whether you have anti social and anti human tendencies."

"I didn't, sir..."

A weak voice came from the darkness.

"I just ran a little faster, but I'm not a bad person!"

The young agent sneered and said in a deep voice, "everyone who comes in says so! Answer the questions well!"

"I'm from Zhongcheng. I'm looking for someone."

Replied the low voice.

"Looking for someone? Who?"

The young agent stopped taking notes and looked up.

However, the opposite is a long silence.

In the dark room, only one lamp on the table was on.

The agent hit the light on each other, illuminating the face being interrogated.

With messy blond hair and beautiful blue eyes, it looks like a big boy next door, giving people a sense of intimacy.

Young agents are not confused by their looks. Villains are like good people these days, and good people are like villains.

In the words of director Nick Frey, it is that "gentle scum" and "dressed animals" are popular at present.

"You should have heard his name. His name is Luke Carville - Luke said he was very famous here and was... A super idol?"

The young man who calls himself Barry Allen, says organizational language.

He was confined to a metal seat with shackles on his hands and feet.

If you want to twist your body, it's difficult to change a slightly more comfortable position.

As a member of the Justice League and a superhero in midtown, Barry experienced the feeling of being interrogated as a criminal for the first time.

"What are you talking about?"

The young agent sitting opposite suddenly changed his face when he heard the answer.

"Your hearing seems too bad, sir."

Barry repeated it seriously and said: "... Luke is a good man. We fight side by side to prevent the catastrophe of flash point."

Caught off guard, hearing Superman's name, the young agent didn't know what to do.

A few seconds later, he heard the low voice of director Nick Frey in his ear.

"Don't review it for the time being. Paper files are sealed and electronic data are deleted."

The young agent nodded, packed up and stood up.

He went around Barry's back and neatly put a powerful anesthetic in each other's neck.

Outside the interrogation room, the monitoring room on the 15th floor.

Nick Frey's dark face didn't change, but his expression was more gloomy.

Luke Carville.

That's Superman's name.

Now qualified, or dare to call it so.

Except for veterans like Ms. Carter, Captain America, Mr. Howard stark.

No one else.

Everyone will add a prefix of respect more or less.

For example, Mr. general, Mr. director, the God of the world... And so on.

"It's about Superman. I have to report to Ms. Carter."

Nick Frey narrowed his eyes because Captain Marvel was brought back to earth without causing subsequent twists and turns.

That looks like a cat, but it's actually a dangerous yuan eater.

It has become Luke's domestic pet, which has saved him from being disabled.

"This little thing will disturb... Will that one look too incompetent?"

In the monitoring room, Garrett coughed twice.

He sat next to Nick Frey, talking casually, looking relaxed and unrestrained.

"Concealment and non reporting is the real manifestation of incompetence."

The black director said in a deep voice.

He and gattler were once incorporated into the secret team of the "Zodiac" and assigned to carry out tasks around the world.

In a sense, they are old comrades in arms.

Having had such feelings, naturally there is no need to deliberately abide by the rules of superiors and subordinates.

"I'm worried - that one has retired behind the scenes for a long time and has given us the power of the Divine Shield Bureau."

Garrett rubbed his chin and felt the pricking beard carefully.

"Maybe he doesn't want to be disturbed by us."

Nick Frey didn't say he just came back from Superman's party.

Over the years, it seems that your Excellency has retreated behind the scenes and generously delegated power, but in fact, he has shifted his attention to a broader place.

Parallel universe

Nick Frey thought of the word and his eyes flashed.

He is in a high position and is qualified to know these secrets.

"Garrett, you know, no one has escaped our sight since the s.h.i.e.l.d. implemented the insight plan."

Nick Frey looked serious and said seriously, "but I conducted a global high authority search for the name 'Barry Allen' in the database."

"I didn't get any right results! He seems to have never existed!"

Gattler's face changed slightly and realized that something was wrong.

Human beings cannot be ghosts. As long as they exist and live, they will inevitably leave traces.

"It seems that something big is going to happen."

Garrett couldn't help taking out his cigarette. He didn't light it. He just sniffed the smell.

There was a trace of excitement in his eyes. The world had been quiet for so long that many people felt a little bored.



"Barry Allen?"

Luke raised his eyebrows and the party was over.

After chatting for a while, the old friends all left.

He leaned back on the recliner, watching the beautiful scenery in the pool and chatting with Peggy.

Nick Frey is not qualified to talk directly to Superman.

The news he reported was generally relayed by Peggy Carter, the former director.

"Flash came to... My world."

Luke was not too surprised. Instead, the corners of his mouth lifted up and showed a faint smile.

"Your holiday is coming to an end, isn't it?"

Peggy asked, sitting in a recliner with her chin in one hand and her head tilted.

Her relationship with Superman is so close that she can communicate at a negative distance, which is more secret than Nick Frey knows.

Parallel universe, box theory... And another set.

"It seems so. The five gods, the life court... They have been waiting too long."

Luke stretched out and said with emotion, "me too. I've been idle for too long. I feel that my body is about to rust."

"The vacation is over, and then there is a magnificent... Grand war!"

Peggy curled her hair with her fingers, blinked her beautiful eyes, and vomited enchanting words like a sea demon——

"Tonight is the last holiday. Do you want to have a thorough carnival?"

Luke looked serious and asked, "for example?"

Peggy smiled and just looked at the women in the pool.

"This is also a war."

Luke became interested and asked Barry to wait one night. He has more important things to do at present.