The next day, like a criminal, Barry was personally escorted by Nick Frey to Superman's house, a suburban manor in San Antonio.

Then the black man with no sense of humor walked into the courtyard. He saw a beautiful lady.

"Black tea or soda? Luke, he's over the pool."

Peggy lifted her drooping hair, glanced at Barry, who was nervous and cramped, and said with a smile.

"The soda is ready."

The latter thought and replied.

Pizza, fat house and happy water are his favorites.

Fast runners burn terrible calories and calories.

At the beginning, Barry had to inject several bags of glucose every day to fill the nutrition.

"Go by yourself."

Nick Frey sat in the living room and pointed in the direction of the pool.

Push open the window and the noon sun shines down.

Barry saw the figure on the couch, wearing swimming trunks, sunglasses, fine red upper body and a glass of juice in hand.

Like tourists on vacation in Hawaii, life is leisurely and relaxed.

"Which Barry are you?"

Luke asked aloud the first time he saw the flash.

He didn't just deal with Barry Allen, the flash point paradox.

Then there will be flash in the second time branch line reopened.

In that world, Luke was Superman's big cousin and lex Luther's godfather, which completely affected the direction of the story.

In theory, the flash of that branch will know his existence.

"How many me do you know?"

Barry scratched his head and asked curiously.

There are too many secrets for cousin Superman, just like Batman.

As his teammates, it gives a sense of security.

But if it's an enemy, it's a headache.

"Well, you should be the flash point Barry."

Luke took off his sunglasses and said lazily, "if it's the flash on other time lines, they'll solve the parting question first."

"For example, which parallel world is this?"

Barry Allen, who has experienced the flash point, is probably the fastest person who knows the parallel universe most except the lightning boy Wally West.

No way, who let them be the first to sacrifice to heaven every major event.

Like the bat family, most of them have their parents dead and have a miserable life experience;

At the growth stage of Superman family, we always face many problems and feel confused.

The significance of the existence of the lightning family may be to create a switch that can be restarted at any time for those who are located in the omnipotent universe and control the fate of heroes.

Before the infinite earth crisis broke out, Barry Allen, the second-generation flash, was the focus of sacrifice.

After that, three generations of flash Wally West took over with honor.

In comics such as zero hour, rebirth and metal, dead and alive are sacrificed to heaven again and again.

Lightning family, full of heroes.jpg

"Obviously, this is not my multiverse at all."

The flash smiled bitterly, looked at Luke and said, "I have lost the divine speed force, and I can't feel its energy, its force field and its existence."

Divine speed force is a magical force belonging to DC Universe, and Barry acts as a "generator".

He is most closely connected with the wall of divine speed force. Every step he takes will produce divine speed force.

"At the beginning, the guy with white hair couldn't catch up with me at all, but the longer he ran, the slower I was. The speed of my body was consumed clean and could not be supplemented... This is a problem I've never encountered!"

Barry calmly analyzed and drew inferences.

"The divine speed power does come from outside the wall of origin, but it is closely connected with me anyway."

"Several times, I have lost the lightning speed, but it is only a test. As long as I feel it with my heart, I can always find its existence."

"But now, the speed power has disappeared."

Luke nodded. It seems that all members of the Justice League can regain their intelligence as long as they get rid of Batman.

He has already understood what happened. In terms of speed, fast silver is definitely not the opponent of flash.

But this is Marvel's set. Barry Allen fought away. Without a continuous supply of divine speed, he will soon be drained and become ordinary people.

Anyway, yesterday's competition across two sets.

Finally, the silver won.

"You can understand the world as a mirror universe similar to and different from each other."

Luke stood up, stretched out Superman, hooked Barry's shoulder and said with a smile: "or, you think of them as two comic companies with the same business. It's normal to learn from each other for serialization, sales and topic... So there are superheroes like you, Superman and Batman."

"See that guy? He looks serious, as if someone owed him money. He is the special agent leader of the Divine Shield Bureau, who is responsible for docking with the superhero group. His status and use are similar to Amanda Waller of the eye of heaven."

"In addition, there are billionaires, superheroes and billionaires who can make high-tech armor, a Nordic God whose father is Odin, and..."

Luke, like a family treasure, pointed out the identity background of the members of the avenger alliance one by one.

"Did you find anything, Barry?"

Flash was a little confused. He was almost stunned by the relationship between various characters vomited out of Luke's mouth.

He quickly sorted out the complicated information, and finally he noticed something wrong.

"I see what you mean."

Barry smiled bitterly, which was too similar.

This time, he rushed out of the wall of origin and came to a strange space-time that is not parallel to the universe.

"Well, the world background is over."

Luke snapped his fingers and pulled the crooked topic back.

"Now it's my turn to ask. How did you find me? Exactly, how did you get here?"

It is well known that flash can reverse time and restart the universe.

But when did he still have the ability to play?


Barry blinked and looked through the French window at Peggy, who was at home in her apron.

And Malena, who had just stepped down from upstairs, and other women, had strange expressions on their faces.

"What picture?"

Luke asked subconsciously.

Barry pulled out an old yellowing photo with a slightly blurred picture.

Above is Luke and wonder woman.

Their group photo in flash point world.

"I won't tell Diana - if she doesn't ask."

Barry is very honest to guarantee.

Needless to say, Luke is a romantic guy like Bruce.

This is totally different from Superman.

In most cases, Clark's real girlfriend will only be Louise Ryan.

"Oh, I don't need you to worry."

Luke didn't believe a single punctuation mark in flash's promise.

He and Hal Jordan, the green lantern, are the famous gossip king of the Justice League and the gossip disseminator.

"It seems that you have found a guy who stole the ten years of the universe and changed the origin of superheroes."

Luke didn't care about this little problem. He took the picture and said softly in his eyes.

It should be properly kept in Diana's hands.

Flash didn't know where to get it. He borrowed its special nature as an anchor and ran to marvel set.

Barry Allen did his best not to have a trip or a mirror and eat an extra lunch box.

"Yes, Wally told me that there is a terrible existence trying to secretly manipulate the justice alliance and manipulate all this!"

Barry's color is dignified and no longer relaxed.

"His name is Dr. Manhattan."

Luke is outspoken. He still remembers that the blue man owes himself an account. He hasn't figured it out yet.

"We can say the details on the way. Now I need you to run, Barry."


Flash closed his eyes and still didn't feel the speed.

How can he cross the set without this energy?

"Run and you're done!"

Luke said faintly.

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, shrouded in pure white light.

Sitting in the living room, holding black tea, Nick Frey stared at the disappearance of the two figures.

"If I hadn't been prepared, I would have felt like I had drunk too much."

The black director sighed.

When the task is completed, it's time for me to go back to s.h.i.e.l.d.

He put down his cup and glanced at a lovely cat lying on the sofa.

"Meow, meow... Come here, little guy, let me touch it."

Nick Frey usually looks serious, but just like most humans on earth, unable to resist the charm of meow people, he has become a shit shoveling officer.

He couldn't help but want to tease and roll his super cat.