After the premiere, word-of-mouth and quality became popular on the Internet, causing a hot search.

The super high quality and tear scene make many audiences tear into the cinema, and countless people share and recommend the movie in the social circle, such as friends circle, micro news, etc., and make complaints about the ending and Chen Mubai's Tucao!

In this powerful offensive, more people who didn't watch the film had a strong curiosity about Titanic. They immediately changed their entertainment activities in the afternoon to watching the film and bought tickets one after another.

Soon, all the movie tickets of all theaters sold out that day!

The more so, the more popular the movie is. Those who don't get tickets can only buy tickets for the next day.

Then, we found that the slower ones didn't even have tickets for the next day

There's no way. I can only buy tickets for the third day and the fourth day

People have a certain herd mentality. When everyone thinks this movie is good, even people who are not interested in this love movie will want to see it.

In addition, seeing this movie so popular, it's hard to buy even movie tickets, which deepened our curiosity. The more so, the more we want to see it.

In this kind of psychology, on the contrary, the movie tickets sold very well, and the popularity of the movie exploded.

Different from the popularity of iron man, Titanic does not have an advantage in theme and public opinion.

Iron man was originally promoted with the title of China's first "science fiction film" and "the biggest investment". To a certain extent, it has the publicity strategy of binding the hearts of the people, so it has many advantages in publicity. Coupled with the intentional promotion of the state, the film's momentum in publicity is unprecedented strong, so it has created a strong box office of iron man!

Although Titanic is not so well publicized, the accumulation and explosion of Chen mubai's previous works let us see his ability. In addition, the film itself has a lot of topic elements. Although it is not as hot as iron man, it is not weak.

Because the two films are released in succession, so Chen's popularity is not over, "Titanic" continues Chen's high popularity. After all, it is the work one year after iron man's big sale.

If after a few years, the heat is certainly not so high, and time is also a very critical factor.

Under the superposition of several factors, "Titanic" pre-sale box office performance is very high, which is also a reasonable thing.

But the first day box office to sell, but also need word-of-mouth and quality factors, after the premiere, word-of-mouth and quality burst high, for the next big outbreak of the film planted the seeds.

"Titanic" box office over 500 million on the first day, once again set many records of domestic films!

The last record was created by iron man, and the record holder is Chen mubai. This time, he personally sent the record to a higher number!

The fastest movie to break 100 million box office

The fastest breaking 200 million box office movies, breaking 300 million, 400 million, 500 million

Including pre-sale box office close to 300 million, these data make "Titanic" become glittering!

At the beginning of the movie, no one thought that this "huge investment" love movie would have such a big response!

Follow up on Jack and Ruth's love, netizens are divided into two groups.

One group thinks that this is the greatest love, the other group thinks that the love between the two sides is more from passion. How deep can they feel after only one day of knowing each other?

Netizens do not doubt the love between Jack and Ruth, but some people think it is not so profound.

After all, the time is too short, and what Ruth wants is to escape from her life, not just because of her feelings.

Jack's appearance gives her a glimmer of light to escape from the predicament, so she went to save Jack not only because of her feelings with him, but also because of other factors, which is the view of some netizens.

The main argument for this view is that Ruth later married and had children, as if she was not influenced by Jack at all.

In their opinion, if they really love each other so deeply, they are afraid that it is not so easy to get out of this relationship. But from her subsequent life, they can see that Ruth is not immersed in that "unforgettable" love.

Because the topic is becoming more and more intense, many film critics also join in, and give their own opinions while commenting on the film.

"First of all, there is no doubt that this film is good. It can be said that Chen mubai never let us down. We are lucky to have such a filmmaker in our country."

First of all, I praised Chen mubai. Whether it's this film or other films, Chen mubai has actually produced quite a lot of works, which is worthy of this praise.

"What is the most difficult thing to do? It's not the difficulty of the matter itself, but to meet everyone's expectations of you, especially because Chen mubai has made too many excellent works, which makes us expect a lot more from him

"If the qualified score of a film is 60, we will give encouragement to all the works that can reach this score. But for Chen mubai, our expectation may be 80. If he makes a work with 70 points, he will be criticized. Therefore, when he makes a work, he will bear more things. This is also why after a world-famous director makes a film, he will be criticized, The city will take a few years off to prepare another work because it needs enough time to prepare everything, so that the details of the work can be polished better and the quality can be improved. "

"Chen mubai did the opposite. After making iron man, he immediately began to prepare for Titanic. To tell you the truth, at the beginning of the film, I was very worried. I was afraid that his works didn't meet my expectations. But after the premiere, I was very happy. Chen mubai told us that we can always trust him!"

"Before the release of Titanic, all of us should expect about 80 points for the work. However, Chen mubai gave us an answer with more than 90 points, which completely exceeded our expectations. We film critics have also discussed this point, and all of us admire his strength. I believe this film will be a benchmark for love movies in recent years, It's going to make a big impact on the world film history. "

"The picture of Jack and Ruth hugging and kissing each other will become a classic scene. Maybe there will never be a love movie with such a high artistic conception that it is hard to achieve."

"The film is divided into three processes. The first half is the generation of the love between the man and the woman and the account of the film background and the society. It is full of metaphors, and many pictures reflect the roles of the characters, such as..."

"In the later stage, it is not limited to love, but has entered into a deeper level of discussion, human nature, right is human nature!"

"When a disaster comes, you can see all kinds of life. Some people shine with the brilliance of human nature, while others expose the ugliness of human nature. These are the most real aspects of human nature. In a love movie, it takes only a few scenes to set off. Chen mubai's ability to tell stories is really powerful, It's more impressive than what many art directors tell in two hours. "

"There are many satirical techniques in this film, and they are not expressed directly. Through the metaphorical blank space of the lens, the audience can think for themselves, such as the morbid society, and the fundamental reason is the political atmosphere at that time..."

"As for whether Ruth loves jack or not, I think Ruth loves jack, but what she loves more is herself. That's why she makes so many choices. If she really loves jack, she should not refuse jack at the first time, but choose to be with him resolutely. When Jack is framed, she should stand up and believe him instead of being silent."

"The first time Jack saved her, when she was framed, Ruth stood up. On the contrary, when they appeared hand in hand together, it showed that she was ready to face everything. When Jack was accused again, she hesitated, which showed that her heart still valued her gains and losses more, because once jack was convicted of stealing, the man she wanted to be with was a thief, Can Ruth, who has been influenced by culture, accept the fact that she is wenqingnv in essence? "

"Why did she choose to stay with Jack and even save him later? Because she knew Carl's nature. The first time she just warned, but the second time she slapped her. This shows that her status in Carl's heart has declined. Even if she is with Carl in the future, life will not be much better. After all, she has learned from the past. Anyway, she really gives Carl a green hat, Even if they get married, her life won't be much better. She will go all the way to the end. "

"Jack gave her a new life with her own life. Her greatest affection for Jack is to use his surname instead of her original surname, which can be regarded as an end to their feelings. Therefore, in later life, she erased the mark of Jack's existence. At least I don't think two people who have been together for a day will have unswerving love."

A well-known film critic's answer, let Ruth love Jack's popularity to climb the peak again.

From the perspective of his answers, many of them are traceable answers, so we have a high degree of recognition.

But soon, someone came out to overturn his statement and gave a completely different answer.

"I think Ruth loves Jack very much. It's just because she has erased all traces of Jack that she shows her deep love for Jack, because Jack has made her life a new one. Her later life is the promise she once promised Jack. No one's deepest secret will be known easily. This is the secret she cares about most, Isn't it? "

"To avoid the topic about Jack is because it's the biggest pain in her heart. As long as she thinks about Jack, she will live worse than death, which will make her want to die and break her promise to Jack. Only by hiding this secret in the bottom of her heart can she enjoy life and fulfill her promise to Jack."

"I don't know if you have noticed. The movie tells us the story through flashback. Why does old Ruth tell us everything about Jack, and then throw the heart of the sea back to the sea? That's because this is Jack's burial ground, and his soul rests here. Ruth comes here to tell Jack that she has fulfilled her promise to live well, There is no waste of life. "

"The last shot of Ruth lying on the bed recalls the past. All the victims on the ship appear again. We wish the couple good luck. I think Ruth is dead and she left peacefully."

"She's back to Jack, where he died, so she's not sleeping, she's dying, and her looks won't go back to the beautiful young days."

"Ruth has fulfilled her promise to Jack, and has returned to the most desired and secret place in her heart. Her mission is over, so she smiles and goes back to the stairs, just like the note that Jack gave her, waiting for her there!"

This interpretation is more sought after by netizens, so that the two views, which were equal in strength, are inclined in an instant.

Because, from the perspective of human nature, everyone will have secrets, but few people will choose to say the secrets, just in the bottom of their heart, which is very similar to Ruth in the film.

And then, the hesitation of Ruth does exist, but it is also because they only know each other for one day. The love really comes too fast, which may cover up a lot of problems. After careful thinking, she chooses to believe in Jack. On the contrary, this detail is more in line with ordinary people's psychology, and on the contrary, it strengthens their feelings than Jin Jian's!

Most of the film reviews about this film are excellent. On the global film and television websites, the score and evaluation of this film are very high.



During this period, there were not many blockbusters in the North American market. Most of the works they valued were released in the second half of the year. Even American dramas were released in the winter break.

Caitlin took advantage of this time to go on holiday, a rare pleasure to enjoy the holiday.

She returned to the company, the first time to find trilith, asked about the "Titanic" information.

Chen mubai's film, however, focuses a lot of attention.

After all, they also pointed out that the film got nothing at the Berlin Film Festival and used it to attack Chen mubai's heroic words released in front of the public.

"I heard that the box office response of Titanic was not very good." Caitlin was smiling.

In the North American market, the film is in the cold.

The main reason is that the audience doesn't like this kind of love movie. Except for those who like this kind of work, most people think it's too boring.

It's so hard to make new ideas in love movies.

There are many classic love movies in North America. You don't want to buy them in cinemas. You don't think they are worth it.

In their opinion, although the film has a large investment, the publicity is very good. It's just a gimmick to make a 1:1 ship, but it adds a different element. In the final analysis, it's still inseparable from love. Men and women meet, then they have conflicts and quarrels, and finally they live happily together.

Or quarrel points, and then meet again after many years, the end of the film, nothing more than two endings, tired of watching.

"The box office in North America is really bad. It's only about $30 million on the first day, which is not as good as" iron man. "

"That's natural. Science fiction movies have special effects, especially 3D effects. Watching them at home and watching them on TV are two viewing experiences. The box office of this type of works is the most popular with the audience. That's why science fiction movies are popular now, or the market." Caitlin was not surprised.