Chapter 3055

Lin Fan sighs.

He looked at his father-in-law and knew what he was asking for.

In fact, not far from this small mountain village, there are traces of the tribe that once existed, but finally disappeared. The traces of existence are almost covered up.

Along the way, he found not only one such relic, but also some tribal relic, where the bones were incomplete and pressed under the collapsed ruins.

"OK." Lin Fan opened his mouth, and then he looked at the people in the village and said, "forget it, I've been in your small mountain village for so long, I'm afraid..."

He sighed.

How can we guarantee that after he leaves, no killers will come to clamp down these people and threaten him?

"You wait."

Lin Fan sighed, and then he sketched in the void with one hand and turned into a glittering butterfly.

This is the creature he sketched out in the method of visualization. It's better to use it to send a message.

"Wait here. King Luocha will send someone to take you away and settle you." Lin Fan opens his mouth.

"Big brother..."

At this moment, the girl spoke timidly.

Everyone in the small mountain village turned pale.

We all know that Lin fan is a great practitioner; So many high practitioners were killed by him alone.

At this time, the girl called them so that they were afraid of offending Lin fan.

Nannan's mother suddenly knelt on the ground and wanted to apologize to Lin fan.

Lin Fan smiled and lifted him up with a soft breath. He half bent and came close to the girl's eyes and said, "what's up, little guy?"

"Big brother, can I be as powerful as you when I grow up?"

The little girl is not afraid of life and speaks with a milk voice.

Lin Fan smiled, reached out and scraped on the little girl's small nose: "yes."

"That's great." the little girl waved her arm vigorously and pretended to be a bully: "in the future, I will be as powerful as my big brother, and then protect my parents."

Lin Fan looks at the little girl.

At this time, he suddenly remembered Xiaodie.

The woman was very sticky to him when she was young and hung on his shoulder. However, with the growth of age, she became more and more silent. She shut herself in the courtyard, enjoying flowers and planting grass.

"Big brother, you're distracted." the little girl was angry, as if she was annoyed why Lin Fan was distracted when talking to her.

"Big brother thinks of a person who has the same nickname as you." Lin Fan smiles.

"That must be a beautiful sister," said the little girl.

Lin Fan's eyes were quiet and far, and said, "it's very beautiful. It's the best starry sky."

"Is she the mother of the big brother?"

Lin Fan suddenly looked at the little girl, shook his head and said with a smile, "No."

"Since she is so beautiful, why doesn't the big brother marry her and stay with her forever?" the little girl frowned.

"Ghost spirit." Lin Fan scraped off her nose, then looked at the old man and said, "I'll treat her to play. I'll see you in Luocha palace later."

The old man and others, of course, did not refuse, nor did they dare to refuse.

The king of Luocha replied quickly. At most half an hour, the right envoy of Luocha came, accompanied by many monsters for riding.

Lin Fan took his little girl on his shoulder and turned into a rainbow.

Until this time, these people knew who the man was just now.

Then, how terrible that identity is.

Only because the practitioners' world is too high for them to touch, so they don't know what the name Muyi stands for until now.

"Big brother, where is the beautiful sister in your mouth? Can I see her?" the little girl was on Lin Fan's shoulder. All the oncoming vigorous winds were isolated by Lin fan.

"I can't see it." Lin Fan said.

The little girl said sadly, "has the beautiful sister gone far?"

Lin Fan didn't speak. The little girl's words sank and mumbled, "my brother is gone. My parents said that he went far away and watched her grow up happily, but in fact, what she knew, her brother is gone."

Lin Fan didn't open his mouth. With a sweep of the soul, he easily knew who the brother in Nan Nan's mouth was and what happened.

It was under the command of King Qingmu who came to select people. Nannan's brother was selected and hasn't come back since then.

Only three pieces of gold and a bloody rag were left outside her house.

"Big brother... Can you teach me? I want to avenge my brother." the little girl said, "my brother dotes on me and brings me fresh red fruit every day... He often starves himself and wants to feed me. The girl misses him."

Lin fan is silent.

But the speed of galloping slowed down and said, "it will be hard for you to avenge your brother."

"Girls are not afraid of hardship."

"Meet a lot of blood."

In Nannan's eyes, there was a trace of fear, but she stubbornly bit her lips and said, "Nannan is not afraid."

"I'll find you a master who suits you very well. She's fierce and strict, but on the whole, she's a good person with a knife mouth and tofu heart." Lin Fan smiled.

In his mouth, the master he wanted to find for his daughter was, of course, King Luocha.

"So big brother, can you avenge me?" the little girl added for a long time: "I want to avenge my brother, but I'm afraid that man will die and he won't wait for me to grow up."

Lin Fan looked back at the little girl: "I can't avenge you. You know, revenge needs to be avenged by yourself. That's revenge. If you fake someone else, that's not revenge."

"Oh." the little girl was a little low.

Suddenly, Lin Fan's eyebrows stood up: "Nan Nan, don't you want to practice Taoism? Aren't you afraid of blood? Then open your eyes."


Suddenly, a sharp sword suddenly inserted into Lin Fan's chest.

The sword was green and bright. As soon as it appeared, the little girl's face turned white, and there was a strong sense of sleep in her eyes.

"Do you killers like to dye your weapons with these dirty things?"

Lin Fanli grabbed forward with one hand, grabbed the sword in his hand, then kneaded it directly into a ball and threw it to the side.

With a puff, a blood stain exploded directly.

However, another cold sword broke through the blood mist and continued to kill Lin fan.

Moreover, the attack and killing is far more than this sword. At least seven terrible killing machines bloom at the same time, aiming at all the harm of Lin Fan and nailing him to the sky.

Lin Fan roared, and the whole person rotated. Two golden dragons rotated to the sky with him. Countless sword nails came, but they were all blocked by the two dragons.

"Do you also need to cooperate with others?"

Lin Fan scolded angrily. He went forward with one hand and killed a female killer on the spot, but his eyes were like a knife gouging out to the front.

He looked dignified.

Along the way, I met Tianji killer for the first time.