Chapter 3056

Heaven, man, ghost, demon, the hierarchy of the killer world is insurmountable, and the hierarchy is so strict that it scares people to death.

At this time, many human level (chaotic world called prefecture level) killers all came to Lin fan, pointing at his vital points, and a sky level killer looked around, which was too bad.

Tianji killer, who dares to underestimate?

Not even the ancestors of a family!

It should be noted that the most fundamental reason for the defeat of the first ancestor of the royal family is the knife that Luocha left envoy hit him.

Moreover, in the history of the chaotic world, there is no shortage of Tianji killers who kill the Liezi of the ancestors.

"Tianlei world!"

Lin Fan drank fiercely. With him as the center, a terrible thunder suddenly expanded, and recklessly drove most of the killers out of the thunder boundary.

And will also force out the true shape of the killer who is still in the thunder world.

He did it on purpose.

It is a sign of weakness, making people think that his strength is only here.

In the thunder world, the killers can't see their true faces, but they are all gloomy. They are like fierce ghosts coming out of hell. Holding the killing sword, two beams of cold and faint eyes appear on the face shrouded by the ferocious mask.

The little girl who had to be well sheltered by Lin Fan turned pale. She cried, "big brother... Is this a group of fierce ghosts?"

Lin Fan sneered: "it's human, but it's always living in the dark night. It's not much different from ghosts."


At this time, a killer drank lightly. He took a step forward. He could see that the space was dense and he wanted to hide again.

But soon, there was a scream. The killer who had just disappeared into the air fell out of nothingness, convulsed violently, and there were golden arcs all over his body.

"Oh, on my day, the thunder world is still trying to hide?"

Lin Fan scoffed. As soon as he rushed by, he stepped on the killer's head and killed the sky. A head immediately rolled out.

"Woo woo."

"Woo woo."

All the killers changed color, and then attacked and killed Lin fan at the same time.

It's too bad that they can't be invisible in this thundering and field like environment. What they have cultivated since childhood is only killing skills. They can't be invisible. Just like a tiger without teeth, their power is reduced to the extreme.

They are wonderful killers. They immediately confirmed the situation. Only by attacking and killing forward together and cutting off Muyi can they survive this disaster.

"Tut tut... You are like the Yin God in the dark night. Killing is invisible. Today, I asked you to try this taste."

Lin Fan smiled strangely. He raised his hand, and the little girl was reduced many times by his means. He held her in the palm of his hand, and then he disappeared.


Suddenly, a heavy halberd appeared behind the head of a human killer and nailed him before he had any reaction.

When they hear their companions' screams, all killers change color and kill them at the same time.

It's too cruel and spicy. In order to kill Lin fan, he doesn't hesitate to cut the bones of his companions to pieces.

The sense of the sword and the sense of the sword were so strong that the thunder world was surging that day. It seemed that it was going to explode. It couldn't bear the full blow of several human level killers.

But when everything calms down, it represents nothing.


Suddenly, a killer was blasted.

It was a golden fist, like a holy mountain, which exploded into bones and meat.


Killer roar.

But it didn't work.

At this time, Lin Fan seems to be the real killer. They are the targets of being attacked and killed. There is nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide, nowhere to avoid. They can only passively wait for the fists or halberds killed from the dark.

They were frightened and trembled.

This is not normal. They are killers. They have long ignored life and death, but now, they all roar and wave their swords and soldiers to kill a tight killing net; They can only defend passively. Besides, they really can't think of a better way.

Unfortunately, I still can't. The fist is too terrible and the halberd is too sharp.

"Your honor..."

A killer shouted with despair in his eyes.

Why hasn't that big thing on the top been shot so far?

Soon, a killer laughed miserably.

They knew and understood the meaning of the great thing.

They should use their lives to find out the falsehood and reality of Muyi.


They have no choice.

This is the killer world. It's hierarchical.

No one dares to refuse the order or demand of the superior, even if the order is to let you die.

One killer after another died until it subsided.

Lin Fanyi was not stained with blood. He appeared. The last drop of blood fell from the bright halberd blade: "you can't help being angry."

He held the halberd and still looked to which side.

"I like to hit with one blow."

The heavenly killer finally made a noise with indifference.

"Hehe... I paid dozens of subordinates' lives just to find out my reality? The question is, are you sure you can see through me?" Lin Fan sneered.

"Oh... You're hiding, but it's useless. Under my Jiuyou heaven's eyes, you have nothing to hide."

Lin Fan's pupil shrinks.

Jiuyou heavenly eye.

This is one of the innate talents. It's terrible. It's not as weak as the heavenly eye of martial arts.

"Your honor."

At this time, the still surviving killers appeared together, but it was only a moment. They appeared just to worship the sky killer.

The killer didn't hide his true face, but his face was very pale, but his lips were red, like just drinking human blood. The whole person looked weak, but inadvertently, when his eyes stood up and bloomed black dark awns, it was frightening.

"The world's assessment of you is wrong, but that's all. Send you on the road."

The sky level killer opened his mouth and took one step. Hundreds of thousands of shadows were vivid. Lin Fan was confused for a moment. I don't know which one is his real body.

"If you can hide and kill, I'll let you kill enough."

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of residual shadows were hidden, and all the Qi machines disappeared, just like there was no such person in this world.

"Oh." Lin Fan sneered and glanced at the sign in his eyes. He saw through the nothingness one after another.


A long needle, at least a foot long, plunged down from the sky to pierce his celestial cover.

Lin Fan took a step forward and was so wonderful that he just avoided the attack of this needle. Another chopping knife came to cut his waist. Lin Fan gently touched the ground with his toes. The whole person lay flat in the air for a short time and just let the knife pass.


At this time, dozens of terrible fists were killed from Lin Fan up, down, left and right at the same time!

It has to be said that the day level killer is really terrible. He pushed Lin fan into the Jedi he wanted step by step. From beginning to end, this fighting rhythm seems to be firmly controlled by the day level killer, and Lin fan can only accept it passively.