Chapter 3062

"Thousand shadows kill Zun!"

Some people exclaimed, with respect, with the excitement of seeing legends.

This is an old man.

Similarly, without concealing his true face, he stood in mid air.

But the body shook like water waves, clearly standing in front of people, but it was like far away in the sky.

He stopped Lin Fan's attack, opened his mouth indifferently, glanced at Lin Fan lightly, and then looked at the two people in the house on the stone of Shentong mountain, with a slight wrinkle in the corner of his eyebrows.

Lin Fan looked at the thousand shadows to kill Zun coldly.

Kind persuasion?

That's not the case at all.

The old man had long been concerned about this place. At first, when he and his little girl were despised, ridiculed and pitied by others, he drank and drank himself.

The old man was still indifferent and calm when a human killer attacked him.

But when I saw that he was not easy to provoke and made two people in a row, I walked out slowly.

Moreover, when he stopped him from killing the house owner, he blocked the robbery for the old bastard of the house owner.

"Young man, you are really good. You should be a rising star." Qianying shazun opened his mouth and looked very indifferent. After glancing at Lin fan, he said slowly: "but your heart is too cruel and your attack is too poisonous. It's easy to attract heaven's punishment."

"Ruthless?" Lin Fan's heart could not hide his anger and murder. He roared grimly, "are you blind? They want to dig people's eyes. Why don't you say their ruthlessness and poison?"

"Boy, you have no awe in your heart." Qianying shazun's face suddenly sank.

He didn't expect that he would dare to be so presumptuous.

With a sneer, Qianying shazun sneered: "even if you have talent, but you haven't grown up, you're just mole ants in my hands. If you dare to speak more, I don't mind covering the sky with one hand and strangling Tianjiao."

"Jie Jie... What a big tone, what a great prestige, isn't it to kill Zun? Isn't it the heaven level? Try it."

Lin Fan smiles strangely.

Today, I'm really angry to the extreme.

Everyone, look at Qianying to kill Zun.

What happens to him if he offends repeatedly?

If you really do it, you will really fall into the name of strangling Tianjiao.

But if you don't do it... How can you establish dignity?

Qianying shazun sighed and said, "I really shouldn't speak like that."

A group of people praised the massive Wang Han of Qianying killing Zun. At the same time, they also knew that Qianying killing Zun must have a backhand.

As famous as him, he has never suffered a loss in anything since his childhood.

Sure enough——

"Young man, kneel down. When you see the elder, you should lose, and when you see the heaven level, you should respect. You should know this."

Thousand shadows kill the old God.

This is indeed the iron law of the senro world.

But it can't restrict Lin fan.

A group of people sucked in the air conditioner.

It is indeed a clever trick to suppress this madman with the iron law of the world.

It can be said that it takes no effort to save all the face, and even more bloodless, it can suppress all the arrogance of the madman.

Good means.

"Jie Jie..." the master of the house also walked out with a grim smile: "my master, but it's also heaven level... So, do you kneel or not?"

The last four words, he said again and again, rolled like thunder.

Two big things are high above, like Buddha and gods and demons, overlooking all sentient beings.

You kneel or not!

This is a big problem!

In such a hierarchical environment of the senro world, who dares to provoke the superior, will die miserably, and there can be no way to live. This is a provocation to the privileged class of the whole world. Who can tolerate it?

"Pay a visit to shazun and the head of the house."

One after another knelt down and soon knelt in a row.

Lin Fan's eyes are gloomy.

"Hahaha... As the successor of the family, I was born superior to others. I see that the king is superior, so... Kneel down to me!"

Even the childe who was blasted into the cliff by Lin Fan smiled grimly.

"Ah..." Qianying shazun smiled, and the killing intention in his eyes gradually became strong: "you seem very disobedient."

Lin fan is more and more murderous!

When I came to this party, I didn't think of kindness.

Then start from here.


The family level killer he held with his five fingers was directly strangled by him.

"No one can save you. If you commit a crime, it's a heavenly rule and an iron law."

Qianying shazun smiled. It was bloody and ferocious. He was going to do it.

Right now.

There are auspicious clouds coming from a distance. It's Jiulong!

Everyone turned pale.

Seeing the canopy that covers most of the sky, we know that this is the king's trip!

The king came here?

They can't help thinking that everyone kowtows down, and the whole Qingfeng mountain and all creatures crawl.

Then Jiulong came and drove to Qingfeng mountain.

Then, Luocha right envoy appeared.

The faces of the people changed again.

It turned out to be the general under the first king!

"Get up." the voice of the right envoy of Luocha was very calm.

Everyone got up, but they didn't even dare to lift their heads a little. However, everyone was suspicious. With this Luocha right envoy, they were not qualified to use this Jiulong to drive out.

This is the travel posture that the king deserves just now.

Could it be that... King Luocha is in it?

The people trembled.


That is the existence above all spirits. In front of the king, there are only local chickens and dogs who kill respect and house owners.

When the footsteps start, everyone knows that at this time, the only one who dares to walk and make footsteps is the right envoy of Luocha.

But what is she going to do?

Soon, everyone understood!

Luocha right envoy stepped down into the sky step by step and went straight to the man they had just targeted. Then, when he came three feet away, he knelt on one knee.

At the same time, the huge Kowloon also bent down, and thousands of ghost killers who accompanied them also put the soldiers in the air, and then their eyebrows touched the soldiers.

This is surrender!

This is courtesy!

This is a gesture of allegiance to the Lord!

Who is he?

"Meet the prince."

Luocha right makes the opening.

Qianying killed the statue. His body trembled violently, and his face turned white like snowflakes.

The master of the house shook his body, then his feet softened and sat down on the ground.

"Prince? Is that the title given to me by the crazy woman?" Lin Fan blinked and then said with a smile: "forget it, mind him, borrow it first."

Luocha right makes the dead man hang his head.

She dared not answer at all.

Naturally, the relationship between his own king and this man is complex and ambiguous, which is difficult to explain.

King Luocha called the wood waste.

Muyi called the king of Luocha a little crazy woman. It's not good to say anything about her.

But who dares to speak up to them?

He glanced at the right envoy of Luocha and said, "little right, what is the prince's identity in the Senluo world?"

Luo Cha's right envoy was stunned, then frowned and said, "no such identity has ever appeared. My king is the first queen of Senluo."

Lin Fan frowns.

Xiaoyou then said, "but the prince is only half a level lower than the king, only under the emperor and the king."

"All right, all right. I don't care about the left and right. Just enough."