Chapter 3063

Lin Fan said it easily and simply. Then, he glanced jokingly at Qianying kill Zun and the house master, smiling.

The two men trembled with Lin Fan's smile.

As for the official son

It's rubbish.

What a waste.

When the right envoy of Luocha said the prince, he was directly frightened and fainted. It seems that it is impossible to wake up for a long time. Moreover, his excrement and urine flow and stink.

This makes the eyes of Luocha right envoy, who has always loved cleanliness, cloudy. If he hadn't scruples about Lin fan here, scruples would have shot long ago to frustrate the childe of the house.

"Sorry." Lin Fan shrugged and joked, "it seems... My identity is higher than you."

Qianying killed Zun and the master of the house, and his face turned whiter.

Lin Fan's eyes were cold and scolded: "so... Who kneels?"

Luocha right envoy's eyes suddenly cooled down and angrily scolded: "you are so brave that you dare to offend the prince of our domain and kill ten families."



They both knelt down, trembling and kowtowing, begging Lin Fan for understanding.

"Prince, please spare your life. I have eyes and don't know Mount Tai."


They both shed tears and trembled at the same time.

"Now beg for mercy? What about the arrogance and domineering at first?" Lin Fan's eyes were very cold. He pointed to Qianying to kill Zun: "don't you want to kill Tianjiao? Try it. I'll give you a chance."

Qianying shazun is cold.

He finally knows who this is!

This is Muyi.

There were dozens of sky class killers who died in his hands all the way.

What is he?

He threw himself to the ground, buried his face in the soil, and dared not say a word.

As for the other onlookers, they all knelt on the ground and turned upside down in their hearts.

Today, it's really twists and turns.

Unexpectedly, when people thought that the matter should end, the two people would have a big reversal when they ended with a tragedy.

"It's disgusting." Lin Fan frowns and looks at the mansion childe with disgust. He waves his hand gently, and all the smell is gone. At the same time, the mansion childe is also awakened by Lin Fan's intentional stimulation.

As soon as he woke up, he cried loudly, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Lin fan. He didn't have the demeanor of a little Lord. His nose and tears mixed together. It was disgusting.

"Prince... Please spare your life..."

He kowtowed and his eyebrows cracked. Then he suddenly looked at the evil girl who had been paralyzed by fear on the ground nearby and said with a grim smile: "prince, it's her. She confused the villain's mind with her fox flattering skill. She made a big mistake... I'll kill her now, kill her..."

He seemed to be possessed and kept saying words of understanding. Then he got up, carried a sharp sword and approached the evil girl with a ferocious smile.

Lin Fan looked coldly, and with a clang, the son of the government stubbornly cut off the head of the evil girl.

Lin Fan sneered: "I'm fair and just. My daughter broke your tianxingsi skirt. I'll accompany you."

The house owner closed his eyes painfully.

He always thought it was something big.

It turned out that it was just a skirt.

Even if it is Tianxing silk, even if it is indeed expensive and luxurious, what is it to his family?

Now it's for this dress that it caused such a terrible disaster for the family.

"Dare not... Dare not..." the official smiled, "how dare you ask big Zun for compensation."

"Be sure!"

Lin Fan's eyes were cold and just a finger, so he imprisoned the young master of the mansion. Then he smiled grimly and put his hands directly into the nine sky. He was making a cocoon of starlight, peeling the cocoon and pulling the star awn into silk!

In fact, generally speaking, Tianxing silk refers to the silk vomited by Tianxing silkworm after swallowing Xinghui. Just because no one is so extravagant, please move a living creature at least at the level of an old ancestor and operate like this directly.

But Lin fan has done so now!

"I want to take out the star silk by myself. I'm afraid it's much more expensive than the so-called sky star silk. Can I compensate you?" Lin Fan's eyes are colder.

When he thought of the fear and grievance in the little girl's eyes at first, he was even more murderous.

"Enough, enough." the official smiled.

"Just enough, then you can connect!"

Lin Fan's eyes are too cold.

He's starting, stripping the cocoon!

It can be seen that from nine days away, a starry silk thread was pulled down by him, and then there were strands of golden lightning, cutting the silk thread into sections and pressing it slowly towards the head of the Duke.

The master of the house changed color, closed his eyes for the second time in pain, and looked up hard, but still a drop of tears fell.

The star silk stripped by the ancestors is as heavy as a mountain.

In this way, they appear continuously and press down slowly.

This is to crush the Duke alive.

Sure enough

The governor screamed and begged for mercy.

But it was useless. In the end, he was buried alive by Xingsi.

Clapping his hands, Lin Fan looked at the little girl and said, "girl, this is to get rid of evil. Do you know?"

The little girl nodded.

Lin Fan said, "you know, the wicked will never do evil on you for the first time. They must have committed more before you. Therefore, you kill the wicked to avenge those innocent victims."

The little girl didn't understand, but she nodded heavily.

The right envoy of Luocha frowned and whispered, "prince, do you want this little girl carved with powder and jade to become a female demon?"

"No." Lin Fan retorted seriously, "I just told her the truth."

Luocha right envoy sighed.

Lin Fan looked at little Nan Nan and said, "Nan Nan, in fact, the son of the government, even if he is evil, is nothing. If there is no power behind him and no one sincerely invites him, how can he stir up the wind and rain and act as a bully with his ghost level?"

The little girl nodded with approval.

"So... What are we going to do?" he said, coaxing.

"Get rid of evil, and uproot the forces behind the villains. That's the real good."

Lin Fan's eyes brightened: "rotten wood can be carved!"

Then, his eyes were full of killing opportunities: "house master, you and I have no hatred, but after I cut off your parents and children, this hatred came."

The master of the house bowed his head and said, "how dare you? I'm willing to go home. This will lift the house and dissipate between heaven and earth."

Lin Fan tut smiled: "it is said that you are 30000 years old and have only one son, right?"

The house master's face changed slightly.

Lin Fan sneered, "dissolve the family, let the people walk in the Senluo world, and then... You are asking me for trouble day and night... Right? Don't pretend, why?"

The house master's face suddenly changed!

The Revenge of killing children, we will die together!

How can you not report it?

But in any case, he could not imagine that his mind had been read thoroughly.

"Qianying, give you a chance. Kill him. I won't do it for you." Lin Fan looked at Qianying and killed Zun jokingly.