Chapter 3064

The house master's face suddenly changed!

He suddenly turned back and said sadly, "brother Qianying?"

This is his close friend and good friend. Cheng has lived and died together for many years.

Qianying shazun didn't have any superfluous expression. He just drew out the shadowless sword to Lin Fankeng: "Prince..."

Before he finished, the master of the house laughed wildly: "Muyi! With the help of brother Qianying, it's not difficult for me to escape here. For the rest of my life, you will be in..."


He was split.

The merciless killing sword was only one foot long, but the sharp end of the sword was three feet. The head was cut off, and a bunch of blood line was shot out from the fighting body of the house master. He was cut in half.


The master of the mansion screamed. He is still alive!

Heaven level killer can dye the blood of his ancestors. Even if his accomplishments are less than that level, he is the lowest ancestor level; Vitality is too tenacious and terrible. It is impossible to die in a moment if it is cut in half.

However, his life should come to an end, just because the sky shadow killed Zun and stared at him darkly.

"Thank you, Prince, for giving me life!"

Qianying shazun opened his mouth. With a flattering smile, he clenched the shadowless sword with both hands.

"It's easy to say." Lin Fan waved his hand with a smile, but soon his eyes stood up: "but he's not dead yet."

"Jie Jie... He died soon."

"Qianying, you treacherous and ungrateful bastard..."

The two halves of the master's body were wriggling, as if they were to be glued together again, scolding and roaring.

But soon, he was speechless and was all blocked in his Adam's apple by screams.

Thousand shadows kill Zun too bloody and fierce!

Take shadowless killing sword as a big knife for cutting bones, chop and kill thousands of swords in succession, and directly cut the master of the house into pieces. Even half a silk spirit could not escape.

Lin Fan's eyes were slightly cold.

So cruel.


Qianying killed Zun, and he knelt on one knee: "I have beheaded the cruel master for Zun. In fact, the family is simple, but because of him, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked."

"Oh? Really?" Lin Fan slightly raised his eyebrow.

"Exactly." Qianying shazun spoke solemnly. Then he smiled and said, "of course, the end of the house is the prince's arbitrary thing. I don't dare to talk about it."

Lin Fan shrugged, noncommittal.

"Dare you ask your highness, can I go now?" the thousand shadows killed your highness and asked tentatively, and their hearts and minds trembled at this time.

"Of course, I never say empty words." Lin Fan waved his hand and motioned to Qianying to kill Zun to go.

Thousand shadows kill Zun's eyes and burst into brilliance!

I can really escape.

Can escape from this death!

It's not easy. It's beyond his understanding.

In fact, he just wanted a chance to kill the old friend of the house master.

He faced Lin Fan and bowed back a hundred feet. Then he slowly turned his head.

Obviously, he has been on guard. This way of retreating is indeed a show of respect for Lin Fan in a way.

But on the other hand, it is to deal with Lin Fan's possible reneging at any time.

When he turned around, his mind relaxed a lot. He stepped on the cloud and was about to leave.


At this time, a beam of cold light directly took the head of Qianying shazun. As soon as his mind relaxed, he was suddenly attacked and suddenly half of his head disappeared!

This is the shot of Luocha right envoy.

"Prince, do you want to eat your words and get fat!"

Qianying killed Zun, screamed and roared, and his eyes were full of panic.

"You made a mistake." Lin Fan was very calm: "I really didn't do it to you!"


Thousand shadows kill Zun roar.

He knew that he fell into the word trap and was deducted by Lin fan.

"How can I eat my words and get fat? It's just that you are so cruel and can hurt your brothers. Xiaoyou doesn't like you and wants to kill you. It's normal." Lin fan is too busy.

At the same time, his eyes were suddenly cold: "kill."

Luocha right envoy shot.

To Lin Fan's surprise and shock, Luocha right envoy, a woman who was always teased by him with red cheeks, used a huge Xuanhua board axe. It looks strange, but it does have an alternative beauty.

"Muyi! Even if I become a ghost, I will not let you go. I will cry by your pillow every night and ask for your life."

The sound is too vicious.

Even those who come here are practitioners, but it's still chilly.

Lin Fan sneered.

How can he not have tens of thousands of lives in his hands since he started to practice? He doesn't know how many times he has heard similar curses. How can he be afraid?



The first axe, shadowless sword, is broken.

The second axe, Qianying dies.

Lin Fan slightly raised her eyebrows.

The woman was too domineering and wild to fight. When Xuanhua's axe was dancing, she was like a human Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Your honor."

Xiaoyou came and said, "my king has orders to let his subordinates serve around."

Lin Fan waved his hand and said, "go back, but drive the car and leave it for me."

Xiaoyou frowned, but finally, he obeyed and left. Of course, he left a driver.

The breeze calmed down when it came to the mountain. It seemed that even the breeze dared not be presumptuous. When it came here, it blew a lot lighter.

But Lin Fan's eyes are gloomy now.

There were few people on the top of the mountain.

In the senro world, none of the great men appeared.

Suddenly, Lin Fan smiled, and the corners of his mouth set off a range of banter.

Is this going to threaten him?

Clearly, the opening time of the banquet has been set, but there are less than one of the real characters.

"Go away, and don't let anyone mention your coming here, otherwise..."

Lin Fan's eyes were cold and the cold light bloomed.

He flew into Kowloon with his little girl in his arms and drove away directly.

Thousands of miles away.

A group of real senro giants meet here.

"Isn't that good?"

Yecha left envoy frowned: "no matter what, Muyi is also the husband of King Luocha. We are so negligent..."

"Hum! Husband? What's the matter? When there is no formal coronation, nothing counts."

"Indeed." an emissary gently shook the wine in the cup: "let him dry it, or let him know that this is the senro world, but it is not the chaotic world. First warn him not to be self righteous. I thought that the senro world is like the chaotic world, and he can let him stir the wind and rain."

Yecha left envoy sighed: "well, it's up to you, but don't go too far. It should be noted that king Luocha does not help his relatives. If she is angry... Even if she really dares to hit our king's court, even with the protection of kings, we will be very uncomfortable. We have to take off our skin if we don't die."

"Ha ha... I wish I could."

The right envoy of Shura sneered and said, "if that Muyi is really so incompetent and is forced by us and needs the king of Luocha to come forward, then... What face does he have to stay in this Senluo world?"