But it can be clearly seen that the gray gas has strong shielding.

Is all this an illusion?

"God, look at what is dancing in the gray gas? Is it the legendary dragon?"

Someone screamed and attracted everyone's attention.

It is true that in the gray gas, even not far from ye Yun, there is really a white dragon dancing and soaring.

In fact, it's not just one.

Soon, the second white dragon appeared, and then the third.

Like everyone below, ye Yun also noticed that there were dragons dancing and flying around.

At the beginning, ye Yun was even startled. He thought it was Kowloon coming out of the Longmen, and then he was exposed to the public's sight.

After determining that it was not Kowloon, ye Yun was relieved.

But it was only a sigh of relief, because so many white dragons came out of the gray gas, and I didn't know whether they were enemies or friends.

Soon, ye Yun completely relaxed.

Because mental power can be clearly perceived, these white dragons also have no attributes.

Obviously, they are illusory, even illusory, like the gray gas around them.

For some illusions, of course, they are not terrible, because they have no attack power.

Below, although many people can't detect these at such a close distance as ye Yun, they also guess that the white dragon is fake.

Because these white dragons did not stir up the slightest vision of heaven and earth.

Ye Yun continued to climb.

For these gray gases and soaring white dragons, I chose to completely ignore them.

Surprisingly, after ten thousand feet, the more you climb, the smaller the gravity is. At the same time, the difficulty of climbing is also greatly reduced.

Therefore, ye Yun's climbing speed is very fast.

Eleven thousand feet.

Twelve thousand feet.

Thirteen thousand feet.


In less than half an hour, ye Yun reached a height of 18000 feet.

At this height, ye Yun even judged that the difficulty of climbing was almost the same as that at 8000 feet.

The people below didn't know this. They just saw that ye Yun was getting faster and faster, and their chin was getting longer and longer.

Finally, ye Yun reached a height of 19000 feet.

At this height, ye Yun stopped again, not because the climbing difficulty suddenly increased, but because there was a black fog ahead.

According to Kowloon, the height of 20000 feet is a huge barrier, or even a greater barrier than 10000 feet.

"From 10000 to 20000 feet, although there is endless gray gas, we can still vaguely see the scene, but at 20000 feet, it is filled with black fog, which completely blocks the vision. If the clouds enter it at night, we will never see his every move."

On the rostrum, the Lord from the cardinal holy land spoke.

To tell the truth, she doesn't want Ye Yun to continue to step, because there may be great risks in the black fog.

It is possible that ye Yun will never return.

Most importantly, according to historical records, the height of Longmen below 1000 feet is called Longmen five pass, the height of 1000 to 10000 feet is called Di pass, and the height of 10000 to 20000 feet is called Tianguan. The height of more than 20000 feet is collectively referred to as death pass.

From the literal meaning, entering the height of more than 20000 feet is at least bad, and even will die.

"Stop. You've done well enough. If you go up again, you'll die in vain!"

The Lord of the holy land of green Xuanwu even shouted at Ye Yun directly.

It would be a great pity if such an amazing genius really died on the road of climbing the dragon's gate.

More people are shouting at Ye Yun.

Even soil and fifteen.

They also know something about Longmen.

The more you know, the more you know how dangerous the east gate is.

Ye Yun turned back and shook his head.

Ye Yun's face is permeated with a smile that is determined to win.

After that, ye Yun continued to climb.

Direct crossing!

Ye Yun's body directly climbed to a height of 20000 feet.

Even ye Yun was shocked by the result.

According to Kowloon, the height of 20000 feet has a greater barrier than 10000 feet.

Thinking of the difficult experience when climbing 10000 feet, ye Yun plans to work hard for several hours, but it is impossible for him to climb 20000 feet at all.

But who would have thought that he went up once.

And it's easy to go up.

However, when ye Yun really reached a height of 20000 Zhang, he really understood the horror.

Ye Yun feels that the black fog is the most corrosive gas in the world.

The defense quickly released by Ye Yun was directly corroded.

After that, ye Yun's clothes were completely corroded, and then his body began to corrode.

Ye Yun watched his body and began to melt very quickly.

Can't stop it at all.

And during this period, the pain is difficult to describe in words.

Soon, ye Yun was corroded, leaving only an eternal heart.

But before ye Yunqing could at least keep his heart, there was a more vast black fog roaring, which completely corroded the eternal heart.

For a moment, ye Yun left only a translucent soul.

The black fog is extremely overbearing and even corrodes Ye Yun's translucent soul.

Ye Yun subconsciously wants to quit.

It's not a way to wait and die like this. Ye Yun needs to think out the way to deal with it at the bottom, and then continue to climb.

But then ye Yun found that there was no way out under him.

Or more accurately, it can't move downward at all, but upward.

At this moment, ye Yun understood why the holy master of the green Xuanwu holy land would say that this was the death pass.

Ye Yun had no choice but to move on.

But what makes Ye Yun depressed is that the body and even the eternal heart can be reshaped, but it is too difficult to reshape the soul after it has been corroded.

Fortunately, at this time, Jiulong, which has been inside the Longmen, moved.

They let Ye Yun stick his hands on the stone wall and keep still for at least ten breathing times.

Although Ye Yun didn't understand what medicine they sold in the gourd, he knew that Kowloon could never harm himself, so he did it.

At the next moment, Kowloon began to pass a kind of gas to Ye Yun's hands.

Ye Yun quickly recognized that this was the dragon breath from Kowloon.