After the Dragon Qi was transmitted into Ye Yun's hands, it soon spread wantonly to every inch of Ye Yun's soul.

After that, ye Yun's soul seemed to form a shield, which could resist these black fog.

In the black fog, ye Yun continued to move forward.

At the height of more than 20000 feet, the gravity is about the same as that at 89000 feet.

The most frightening place is the black fog. However, with the exhalation of Kowloon, the black fog is almost no longer a threat to Ye Yun.

Speaking of it, ye Yun seems to have opened the plug-in.

Along the way, ye Yun soon reached a height of 29999 feet.

Of course, it is impossible for the hundreds of thousands of spectators in the square below to see these.

The dragon gate has a total height of more than 38000 feet.

It is reasonable to say that there should be the greatest barrier in a place of 30000 feet.

But according to Kowloon, No.

Of course, it is also possible that the barrier is too hidden, and Kowloon can not be found.

Ye Yun took a little breath and stepped out in one step, reaching a height of 30000 feet.

Kowloon is right. There is really no barrier at the height of 30000 feet.

After stepping on it, the corrosiveness in the black fog even disappeared.

Simply, ye Yun stayed a little above the height of 30000 Zhang to grow his body again.

Then ye Yun went on his way.

Everything went too well.

Ye Yun even had a feeling that he was not climbing the dragon's gate at all, but walking on the flat ground.

Because in the next climbing process, the gravity from above disappeared completely.

But ye Yun didn't dare to neglect it at all.

Ye Yun worried that it would be quiet before the storm.

The crisis must be lurking in the dark.

After all, this height is only more than 8000 meters away from the top of the dragon's gate.

With the passage of time, it seems that ye Yun is thinking more.

Because there is no crisis at all.

Ye Yun's speed is also very fast, but he reached a height of 38000 feet in less than a quarter of an hour.

Now it's only about twenty feet from the top.

The most exciting thing is Kowloon. If ye Yun goes up to the top and uncovers the rune seal, the Longmen seal will be opened.

At the same time, the seal is inside the dragon's gate, and the terrorist existence closely related to the dragon family may also be unsealed.

Ye Yun continued to climb, carefully.

And turn all defenses on.

Although it is very quiet around, it is this kind of silence that is too terrible.

It seems to be full of danger and may break out at any time.

Ye Yun is getting closer and closer to the top of the dragon's gate.

Twenty feet, fifteen feet, eleven feet, eight feet

Five feet, four feet, three feet

Ten feet!

It is no exaggeration to say that ye Yun is only one step away from the top of the dragon's gate.

No crisis broke out.

At the moment, the black fog around is much thinner.

Ye Yun could even see a palm sized seal on the top of the dragon's gate.

This seal should be the seal that seals everything in the mouth of Kowloon.

Ye Yun only needs to go up and uncover the rune seal, which is perfect.

Ye Yun continued to climb and tried his best in the last step.


After ye Yun's step fell, a powerful momentum rose slowly from the soles of Ye Yun's feet.

This momentum is so strong that it can almost tear everything apart.

Not to mention the existence of Ye Yun's cultivation in the semi divine realm, even those who are at the peak of the divine yellow realm and even at the peak of the divine Xuan realm will be directly crushed under this momentum.

This is not a crisis at all, but a dead end.

There is no chance for people to respond. Whoever dares to step on the top of the dragon's gate will die.

But strangely, this momentum automatically spared Ye Yun.

It's like Ye Yun is an insulator.

"Is it the explosion of your character?"

Ye Yun has some doubts.

Soon Ye Yun shook his head.

It was Ye Yun who felt that with his step, the magic tower in his body moved.

And this time it's not the fourth floor, but the fifth floor.

This is the first light on the fifth floor since Ye Yun obtained the magic tower.

It was also this light that enveloped Ye Yun's whole body quietly and quickly, prompting those momentum originally aimed at Ye Yun to be completely shielded by Ye Yun.

"No matter, now that we have reached the top of the dragon's gate, we simply tear open the seal without doing anything!"

The rune seal is very old and is pasted on the top of the dragon's gate.

Even a breeze is enough to blow it away.

However, it is only as if the seal is still sealed here after so many years of wind and rain, which shows its good quality.

In other words, the man who pasted the rune seal was so strong.

Before reaching the Fuyin, ye Yun fixed his eyes on the Fuyin, but his body and mind felt a supreme breath for no reason.

The breath comes from the seal.

At this moment, ye Yun even had an illusion that in front of him was not a rune seal at all, but a top power holding the sun, moon and stars.

Even for no reason, ye Yun has a feeling of top worship for this Rune print.

"No, I can't watch any more. If I continue, I may worship a rune seal and even become a puppet of a rune seal!"

Ye Yun bit the tip of his tongue in time, and a fishy and astringent feeling immediately filled his mouth.

At the same time, ye Yun's eyes are also clear.

Ye Yun no longer looked at the rune seal, but stretched out his hand towards the rune seal by feeling.

But it suddenly touched an empty.

With a careful glance, ye Yun was surprised to find that the position of the seal had moved.

It really became a living creature and began to run around on the top of the dragon's gate.

"Didn't you release the supreme breath to scare me just now? How can you suddenly become a living little Teaser?"

Ye Yun burst into sweat.

Then he chased after the seal.

Although the rune seal only moves on the top of the dragon's gate, the area of the top of the dragon's gate is not small. The most important thing is that the rune seal speed is too fast. Ye Yun is embarrassed to catch up for a long time.

On the contrary, it was the runyin, who could not help turning his head, and even gave a laugh of ridicule.

This is really unbearable. Uncle and aunt can't bear it.

Ye Yun released the restless gray ball.

At the moment of seeing the seal, the gray ball was restless.

But in Ye Yun's opinion, this Rune seal is also of great research value. It's a pity that it has been directly absorbed by the gray ball.

But now the seal is so naughty that ye Yun can only be a cheap gray ball.