Forcing himself, he turned to the pinkette only to be kissed so deeply, he thought Jin had sucked his soul out of his body. He could barely breathe and with whatever strength he still had, he pushed the idol prince off him. His mouth parted and blue eyes blinked in shock.

Unsure what the heck he wanted to do, his arms were still outstretched and lips wet. Blue eyes watched the pink haired man dust himself off with that look, the one that made the idol look so cold.

“This is the song,” Jin stated as he walked over to the papers filled with lyrics, “The highlighted blue are your parts.”

Shun took the papers and watched as Suu Jin sat down, staring at nothing. He wanted to hold Suu Jin, but he couldn’t just give in all the time… right? Suu Jin was still together with Lisa. Suu Jin was still holding someone else. Suu Jin was here. He was here with him… alone.

Ignoring the pang pounding against his ribs, he read over the lyrics. His face warmed and he swallowed a few times.

“It is a love song,” Shun whispered and hesitantly sat beside the pinkette, “Did… You write this?”

“I did,” Jin stated straight faced and not facing him.

Shun dropped his head and read over the words again. The story of two people on different paths with the possibility of love, but neither one was able to let go. A sad love song, bittersweet and a longing pain, one he knows quite well.

‘Is this… about us?’ He looked at the pinkette who had turned on the instrumental beats of this new song.

“Ah Jin,” he whispered and green eyes looked over at him, “Is this… us?”

Suu Jin let out a short laugh and rubbed his face. He felt like an idiot. This was all wrong. He shouldn’t have said what he said because now Xiong Shun was upset with him. An idiot he was.

“How could it be? We are just acquaintances.”

It felt even worse now that he heard Suu Jin say it from his lips in person. Xiong Shun did his best to not let it bother him. Somewhere in his heart, he knew it was not true. The idol prince basically kissed him when he barely was there for a couple minutes! That meant Jin really liked him. right?

“Why did you kiss me?” Shun questioned putting the papers down and staring straight at Jin.

Suu Jin didn’t reply nor did those emerald green eyes looked away from his.

“You and Lisa… You love her, right?”


“Jin, please. I know… you like me. I really like you too, but if you love Lisa, then I think we should just not do anything with one another, especially if we can avoid it. I saw the articles and videos of you two and… She is really beautiful. If you truly love her, please… do not kiss my anymore.”

Shun stated strong and clear. His voice didn’t waver and his eyes stared, but his heart was trembling. He watched the idol prince sighed and then fingers touched his face. They ran through his silver locks and he held his heart steady.

“I love you too.”



“W… What?!”

Jin smiled at him and Shun felt his entire body flushing. Having to shake himself from his beautiful idol’s confession, it still did not mean Suu Jin was not dating someone else, that he was not in love with a female named Lisa.

“You are making this whole thing more complicated!” Shun groaned and slapped his cheeks, “You loving Lisa and loving me is just… Why even tell me that! Now it’s… you are still with Lisa though. Don’t say these things cause now my feelings are going crazy! Suu Jin! I blame you and your stupid handsome face!”

“Hm, what are you going to do about it?”

“What?! You-”

Lips were on his again and Shun melted. Damn Suu Jin and his damn lips and his damn fingers and his damn-

“Ah!” Shun cried out when they had fallen off the chair to the floor.

Groaning, he heard the laughter from the pinkette and Shun forgotten all about the pain at his side. Sighing, he leaned forward and kissed Suu Jin again, hovering over the idol prince. When they pulled away, Jin ran fingers up and down his face.

“I will leave her for you.”

“W… What?” Shun whispered with wide blue eyes.

“I love you, Shun.”

“Oh my God,” Shun flushed deeply and sat up, covering his face, “You… I… We should… We should start.”

“Dating?” Suu Jin questioned with a smirk.

“Singing! Singing,” Shun cleared his throat and Jin laughed amusedly.

Moving to the recording room, Jin made sure to begin recording. They looked at one another as the singing came so easily. The words on the paper flowed easily through their lips.

A smile, a smirk, everything just made Shun’s heart so big, he felt giddy. Once they finished the first recording, their lips would touch and Shun would laugh, then Jin would kiss him again.

They pulled away enough to overlay their voices on the recording prior, then they would kiss again. Shun, in his heart knew there was something magical about Suu Jin. A perfect idol and a perfect boyfriend, but he was not the idol prince’s boyfriend. He was just… this, whatever it was.

His phone rang and he picked it up as the pinkette held him close. His car had arrived to take him to Wang Studio. He hung up the phone and looked into green eyes.

“Even if you leave her, we still cannot be in public together,” Shun sighed and offered a defeated smile, “We will be behind closed doors. Is that even worth it?”

“You know why we must,” Suu Jin touched his face and pecked his lips.

“Right,” Shun sighed and stood up, “Gotta go record my part. I’ll see you, Ah Jin.”

Suu Jin smiled and watched Shun leave. His smile fell and he stared at the door for a moment before standing.. He needed to put his focus on mixing and fixing the recordings into a pleasing sound before he figures out what to do with Lisa and Gina.