Chapter 1700

In this regard, China's take-off at that time was somewhat guilty. After all, it was not complete, and the combat effectiveness was still a little worse, but the navy was very satisfied. After all, it was integrated with many new technologies of the fourth generation fighter, and the overall level was better than the third and a half generation fighter praised by Europe.

And in terms of voyage, ammunition carrying capacity and maintenance, it meets the Navy's requirements for Ship-based aircraft, so it won high praise from the army as soon as it was loaded.

However, it is good equipment for the army and a real challenge for other foreign forces.

This is the same as relatives and friends at home and abroad. You have a good life. You have added a high-grade product at home. You don't have to say congratulations, but there are always some who envy, envy and hate.

Rich and powerful people want to make good goods and come back to their homes in the town.

If the conditions are worse, you can only talk and be fearless. It's no big deal; One side can only shrink in his own home and sigh about his bad luck.

But one thing is certain, that is, those international friends and businessmen who took off in China were happy. First, Loma company, which began mass production of F-35 fighters, received a large number of orders from Asia.

Loma company is also unambiguous. Its unit price is less than 100 million US dollars. It will double directly when sold to Asia. It is still the friendship price of 200 million US dollars.

That's not enough to get the goods on time.

As for the F-35B equipped for the Navy, the unit price is even higher. The queue will not have the opportunity to obtain the size of one or two squadrons until 2025.

The second is Russia's aviation import and export group. The su-57 fighter plane, originally known as the flattened Su-27, is facing a situation of no interest after it launched its R & D plan in New Delhi.

However, thanks to China's unremitting efforts to take off, Russia's su-57 immediately felt a sense of withered trees and spring. Many countries, including Russia's aviation import and Export Group, began to make all kinds of sneak glances at Russia's aviation import and Export Group on the issue of su-57.

New Delhi, in particular, felt that it had been fooled by the Russians and strongly withdrew from the joint development plan. It believed that with its soft figure, it could obtain the support of the United States, so as to obtain the procurement qualification of F-35 or even F-22.

As a result, the US defense suppliers ignored New Delhi and pulled out the F-16 in the aircraft cemetery. Change it, put on an f-21 vest, and say that TM is the brother of F-22. You must be right to buy it.

Although the defense procurement authority of New Delhi is silly, it is not stupid. How can it not see that it is full of routines and deep pits.

If you want me to jump in... You have to TM plus a rebate!

In this regard, American defense suppliers are naturally knowledgeable, but they are still a little late. They were intercepted by French defense suppliers first, so the $200 million "gust" fighter has become the main model of the new generation in New Delhi.

The reason is also very hard, that is, the fc-23a of a country is at the level of three and a half generations, so the so-called four generation machine is nonsense, and the "gust" of three and a half generations is enough to compete.

Whether the defense procurement authority in New Delhi really believes this statement is unknown, but it is true that the rebate is soft, so the "gust" three and a half generations were blown up by New Delhi in an instant.

The problem is that in heaven, three and a half generations are three and a half generations, and there is still an insurmountable generation gap with the real four generations. What's more, fc-23a is only a carrier based aircraft. The core of a national air force is project 20, a real fourth generation aircraft.

Even if the mouth gun can sweep everything, it can be put on the right bar, and the egg hair of the mouth gun is useless.

So people of insight in New Delhi once again found the door of the Russians, hoping to make up with Russia and continue the leading edge of the soviet-57.

It's the so-called saying that you ignored me when you loved me. Now I let you climb up!

Want to cooperate with su-57? There's no way. There's only one single hair su-75 that likes to do it. That's all. The R & D cost has more than doubled compared with the su-57. New Delhi can only watch one side and can't touch any core technology.


Unless the fifth generation machine comes out, New Delhi can touch the fur of the fourth generation machine.

Of course, if New Delhi can report to American suppliers at a unit price of $500 million, it may get it a few years in advance, but the problem is that New Delhi's high deficit and high inflation can't afford such an expensive combat aircraft.

The problem is that the price of combat aircraft will be high in the future, which is an inevitable trend. If there is no solid aviation industry as the foundation, in the future, either stay still and honestly contribute to two or three rogue leaders; Or they will be cut and beaten by the two rogue leaders, and there will be no bones left!

What? With mushroom eggs and the cost of resistance?

Then I don't know what a modern war in the new era is!

Because your mushroom egg may not even have time to prepare, it was patted to death by the other party's "Tathagata palm" falling from the sky!

Mach 15 hypersonic attack weapon, learn about it!

That is the existence that can bring large surface ships such as aircraft carriers into the soul, and truly achieve the strategic vision of Americans to spread all over the world in one hour in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

In this regard, China's take-off technology is an undisputed global leader. The latest ultra-high speed gliding warhead has achieved Mach 20, which is close to the speed at which the reentry warhead of intercontinental ballistic missile enters the atmosphere.

However, the working altitude of the ultra-high speed gliding warhead taken off by China is 50 kilometers from the ground in sub orbital space, and it can maintain this speed throughout the whole process.

That's not comparable to an intercontinental missile warhead.

Because the hypersonic gliding warhead has been taken off by China and has become a higher speed UAV, while the intercontinental warhead is still a traditional parabola, which is strong or weak at a glance.

Although China Tengfei has always stated that this Mach 20 suborbital controllable aircraft is a technology verification product developed to solve the problem of human rapid flight, after all, world peace, human development and star sea have always been the goals of China Tengfei.

However, industry experts have long been unconvinced by the nonsense of China's take-off, but are convinced that once this controllable aircraft is used in defense equipment, it can become rolling equipment comparable to dimensionality reduction strike.

Because this means that conventional weapons can strangle mushroom eggs.

There's no way. China's take-off aircraft is not floating and landing, but cruising in sub orbital space. If there is a situation, take action immediately, whether solid or liquid, directly into the soul!

You know, it's a speed of Mach 20. Anyone who has studied physics knows that even without special materials, ordinary soybeans can break through a heavily armored tank at such a speed. What's more, it's still possible to use the ultra high speed flying device of the ground drilling device?

In other words, unless the earth's crust is dug through, all the so-called underground facilities are like paper paste!