Chapter 357

Evans quickly picked up the newspaper and saw a big headline: "wait and see: zeus-3, the world's most advanced UAV, will be equipped in Italy.".

An irrepressible smile immediately rippled on Evans's face, and then continued to read. The headline of the next newspaper was even more exaggerated: "Zeus UAV, the new symbol of Europe's leading world.".

Evans still wanted to read down, but he didn't know French. He just shook his head and put the newspaper on his desk. He laughed at Owen and said, "it seems we're right this time."

"Yes Owen was also very excited: "I didn't expect Zhuang to give us so much support."

Evans got up and poured Owen a cup of coffee. Then he filled his own cup and took a sip. Then he said, "I told you a long time ago that Zhuang is a reliable good man. When we made the model plane, I knew he was a good man."

"That's right!" Owen nodded with great approval, but in the twinkling of an eye, he sighed with regret: "it's a pity that according to the current European law, we can't use the engine produced by Tengfei factory. It's a pity."

At this, Evans's face was helpless.

It's true that they want to copy the success of H company, but Evans and Owen don't have the same calculation as Liszt and Linderman because of their personality. They just want to make a little money in Europe by relying on the products of Tengfei factory. After all, if they have nothing to do all day, they will have nothing to do. It's better to find something to do.

So Evans and Owen's expectation is that they want to be middlemen and earn a price difference. They don't choose the upstream materials, the intermediate manufacturing, or even the model. As long as they can get them to buy and sell, they will.

In this regard, Owen's personal letter to Zhuang Jianye was very clear. What they did not expect was that Zhuang Jianye not only replied in time, but also gave them many suggestions. The most important point was to understand the current laws on the use and sale of the most aviation products in Europe.

I don't know. It really surprised them. I didn't expect that Europe has extremely strict regulations on aircraft production, sales and use.

Fortunately, most of them are manned aircraft. There are not many hard and fast rules in the field of UAV. It should be no problem to take off the factory's technical strength. However, there is one thing that makes Evans and Owen have a headache.

That is, in terms of avionics equipment and engines, the European regulations are very dogmatic, that is, products that must meet the safety qualification examination of the European aviation authority can only be allowed to use, otherwise they are not allowed to enter the European market.

For this reason, the two men went to the government agency in charge of aviation in Federal Republic of Germany to ask questions, and hired lawyers to put forward legal explanations to the European community. After some twists and turns, the final reply given by the European aviation safety committee is as follows:

due to the particularity of UAV, aircraft and Avionics can be allowed to use parts and finished products suitable for unmanned flight, but the aero-engine must comply with the requirements The current European flight safety standards and specifications are implemented.

In other words, Europe does not have the experience of UAVs and does not know what to do. Therefore, avionics and aircrafts can relax their standards and do whatever you want. However, aeroengines must have the airworthiness certificate issued by the European Aviation Safety Council before they can be allowed to use. Otherwise, there is no need to talk about it.

In this way, the d-30at turboprop engine based on the D-30 ignited turbine power plant, which is to be installed on the zeus-3 UAV, is excluded.

Because if the d-30at turboprop engine wants to be sold to Europe with zeus-3 UAV, it must obtain the airworthiness certificate of European aeroengine.

It's just a simple process to obtain airworthiness certificate. The problem is that Europeans like to pick a bone in the egg when they do this. They want to take an electron microscope to look for and examine the virus on the product, and then say that your engine virus exceeds the standard, which may endanger European security. They should pass your product.

No way. After all, apart from the high sounding safety reasons, airworthiness certificate is also an important means for Europe and the United States to raise the entry threshold of the aviation market and crack down on the aviation manufacturing industry outside Europe and the United States.

After all, in today's world, Europe and the United States are still the world's largest market, but also the most high-end market. Whether it's the private aircraft used by the rich, the large airliner used by civil aviation, or the fighter used by the military, each one is worth a lot. The average country can buy more than a dozen of them, while in Europe and the United States, the average airline operator can easily get more than 100 Buy more than 100, not to mention countries that don't need money.

Therefore, the European and American aviation giants attach great importance to the European and American market. They are not only internally dog biting and killing, but also externally very vigilant. They use all available means to exclude potential competitors. Airworthiness certificate is their most important means.

In the name of safety, build the entry threshold of changing ~ ~ ~ state level, and then refuse with a strong reason: "it's not that we don't value your product, but for the safety of the people, sorry, take it back for reform, work hard, come on, I value you!"

And then Once it's changed, it's bankrupt.Others don't understand the twists and turns in it. Is Zhuang Jianye, who has lived for two generations, still unclear? Zhuang Jianye knows exactly how much the domestic aviation industry suffered in this respect in his last life. Moreover, he is not allowed to waste more time in order to snipe H company.

So when the whole machine failed, it immediately replaced scheme B, resolutely abandoned the d-30at turboprop engine and replaced it with the tpe331 small turboprop engine of 428 kW low-power version produced by Honeywell in the United States.

The reason why we choose this engine is that this engine is used in the new UAV of raytheon-3 prototype take-off factory, and that this engine and several derivative models are used in the production line specially approved by Honeywell in Europe, and several small aircraft produced in Europe are all equipped with this engine, so it has been approved by European Aviation Safety Commission for a long time The certificate of Airworthiness of the aeroengine issued by the Civil Aviation Commission.

In this way, thor-3 was officially born.

As for the control and avionics systems, Qin Hongjun's aviation computer research has already figured out the supporting system of Discovery-1. Therefore, Zhuang Jianye will give domestic production to those that can be produced in China, and those that can't be produced will let actor companies look for alternative production enterprises with similar technologies in the world.

Then according to the framework given by Tengfei factory, it will be re integrated in Europe.

With such a busy work, zeus-3 has become a new manufacturing mode which breaks through the traditional production mode, realizes the preliminary global production and global OEM, and reduces the overall cost by 28%, obtaining incredible unexpected gains.