Chapter 697

"Zhuang ~ ~ ~ you know, I have a bad heart recently. Don't make such a joke." After listening to Zhuang Jianye's words, Liszt didn't take it to heart at all. A light word blocked Zhuang Jianye's big mouth.

Zhuang Jianye also didn't think that he could really let those noble European Masters throw money at China. If possible, after the yun10 project is taken off the horse, Airbus's joint venture should be started. Isn't it that those masters who boast of noble descendants don't like China's backward land?

So this kind of person is more suitable to cut leeks.

It is obvious that Liszt and Zhuang Jianye share the same view. Inside and outside of the story, they hope that Zhuang Jianye will copy a wave with the help of his name as a madman, and the more crazy he is, the more he will survive. Even for this reason, Liszt will pay for it.

Originally, Zhuang Jianye didn't want to deal with this. You know, with the implementation of DuPont and Toray projects, the digestion progress of Yonghong factory is speeding up, and many things are waiting for Zhuang Jianye to deal with.

Even if we don't talk about work, do you want your father to accompany you? Do you want your husband to take care of the baby's wife? And the boss of the family, do you want him to be a father?

There are a lot of miscellaneous things to do. Airbus is a proud company that can only hold money and lacks flexibility. Zhuang Jianye really doesn't bother to face to face.

However, when Zhuang Jianye was ready to decline, Liszt's next words immediately made Zhuang Jianye have to reconsider the reception of Airbus.

"My old friend, I know that you have been working for the international airworthiness certificate of the aircraft produced by Tengfei group all these years. Believe me, you will receive Airbus well. This time, maybe there will be a good result!"

Chuang Jianye didn't say a word. Despite the fact that Tengfei group's fanbaoluo air show took the high-end air material orders from Boeing and McDonnell Douglas, and obtained the investment from DuPont, Toray and other material giants, they firmly stood on half of T300 carbon fiber composite materials with their super strength.

However, Zhuang Jianye doesn't have the airworthiness certificate that he values most. It's impossible for Zhuang Jianye to say that he is not depressed. After all, the right of technological discourse in Europe and the United States is now there. Without their airworthiness certificate, the aircraft produced by Tengfei group can only be sealed at home, which is extremely unfavorable to the future development of Tengfei group.

So as long as there is hope, Zhuang Jianye still wants to try, even if the hope is very slim, but

"I know you are worried, Zhuang, but how can you know something if you don't try? The Europeans are a little arrogant, but compared with the changeability of the Americans, the Europeans are very pragmatic. So my suggestion is that you'd better contact Airbus. "

After listening to Liszt's words, Zhuang Jianye fell into a long silence, but this time Liszt didn't disturb him. After two or three minutes, Liszt finally heard a reassuring word: "well, anyway, Tengfei group doesn't lack a few pairs of chopsticks from Airbus. They want to come, and I'll follow them."


A Boeing 737 broke through the clouds and landed slowly at the Xingzhou mountain city airport. Soon, the passengers came out of the passenger passageway. Among them, the most prominent were several foreigners with high stature and extraordinary temperament, which attracted many people's eyes. They didn't care much about it. On the contrary, they gave a gentle smile to those Chinese who looked at them curiously, and even looked at them from time to time The other side said hello.

A tall and thin old man with white hair even took chocolate from Belgium out of his pocket and gave it to a child who arrived on the same plane with him, which attracted the parents' continuous thanks and took several pictures with him.

If time does not allow, these enthusiastic foreigners really want to stay at Shancheng airport for a while, because they really want to feel the enthusiasm of the ordinary Chinese people.

After all, compared with the Chinese people who are hospitable and respect them, the guy named Zhuang Jianye is not a good communication partner.

No, the white haired, thin and tall old man who had just kindly given chocolate to his children handed his suitcase to the driver, and then sat down in the Audi car specially prepared by the Xingzhou government. Just now, the friendly old face was even longer than the donkey's face: "I don't know what the American named Liszt thinks. We have to run so far to meet Zhuang Jianye fellow.

Is he the Prime Minister of the kingdom or the president of the country? Why do we travel all the way? Even if he doesn't come to Europe to find us, we have already come to the capital of China, which is already their country, and he doesn't come either. It's too arrogant. "

"I think the same as you, Mr. Jean Baker, just as you complained about why China didn't use our A320 on the Boeing 737 just now, so for our huge order of 150 aircraft in China, it's really nothing to walk thousands of kilometers more. Compared with the huge sales dividend, what's the road worth?"

Rickelson, the senior vice president of Airbus and the head of the Airbus team in China, said with a smile: "if the Chinese really want to buy me and let me climb Mount Everest, I'd like to be the leader of Airbus's technology business department Chief engineer, I always have a star of honor as a European knight, and I can give everything for Airbus, the European model, at any time. "Then Jean Beck turned his head and looked at rickelson. His wrinkled face was like a steamed crab, red and purple. Even the exhaled air was fiery, and his tone couldn't contain his anger: "but do the Chinese want our airliner? no They want to build their own aircraft. What they buy is not our aircraft, but our technology.

The Chinese have already cooperated with McDonnell Douglas to produce MD-80 and MD-90. It has been proved that they can manufacture large airliners. Why not be satisfied? "

"Of course it's because they get what they want from Americans!" Rickelson responded with a smile.

Wen Yan made Beck even more angry: "what they can't get from the Americans, they want to get from us? It's just whimsical. I don't think about it well. Even God is not willing to give up such a high profit thing as a large civil airliner. "

Then Beck glanced at rickelson: "when I get to Xingzhou, I'll take a week off. Xiping is going to visit you. I don't want to see that guy named Zhuang Jianye. He lies a lot and has no bottom line. I'm afraid I'll shake my fist in his face uncontrollably."

Rickelson nodded with a smile: "OK, OK, OK, let's take a week off together. To tell you the truth, I don't want to see Zhuang Jianye either. Apart from his own character, the one called Tengfei group also has no value for us to take the initiative. It's just a small aviation factory that wants to rely on the giant to steal its master. There are too many similar enterprises in the world, and the Chinese think that the initiative lies in us They can do whatever they want in the hands of the buyer? It's so naive Dong ~ ~ Dong ~ ~ "

as rickelson was saying this, the door was knocked by his assistant. Rickelson rolled down the window, and the assistant quickly handed in the cell phone, and then anxiously said," the president called from the headquarters. "

Rickelson was a little surprised. He took it to his cell phone and said, "Hello, I'm rickelson."

The next moment, rickelson's eardrum was almost deafened by the president of Airbus: "rickelson, what's the matter with you? Why does China cancel orders? "

"Cancel order?" Rickelson was a little confused.

"What the associated press and Agence France Presse have just reported is the confirmation just obtained from Zhuang Jianye, President of Tengfei group. Now the whole world knows that Airbus fell as soon as it opened. I don't care what method you use, you must take back the order of 150 aircraft to me."