Chapter 1158

Yes, for Yakovlev Design Bureau, Tengfei group is really the only life-saving straw.

The reason is very simple. Yakovlev design bureau is so badly damaged by Lockheed Martin company that it has a direct debt of $4.50, not to mention, and it is still a usury of rolling interest.

If you don't pay it back, you'll be blocked by European and American giants. The real thing is to make the Yakovlev Design Bureau dead. The reason is right, but it's too tall to find fault. That's to say, it's natural to pay off debts.

Because of this, lohma and other European and American giants should control and understand all the related transactions of Yakovlev Design Bureau. Otherwise, Yakovlev Design Bureau will play tricks and not pay back the money?

On this issue, Europe, represented by the United Kingdom, France and Germany, is wearing the same trousers as the United States. The reason for this is very simple, that is, the mentality of the Europeans is somewhat broken.

It's like a guy with good conditions who wants to marry the goddess, but the goddess rolls the sheets with the local tyrant's godfather.

The attitude of the Europeans is the same as that of the guys who have been green. When the Americans shout out 50 million dollars, you Yakovlev Design Bureau will rush in regardless. We will actually take out 30 million dollars, and you TM will not even pay attention to it.

That's OK. Aren't you tall? Aren't you dragging? Aren't you serious? How about now? If you've been fooled by the Americans for nothing, and you've been thrown into the pit by pulling your hair, don't come up. Anyway, it's a bitch. Since I can't get you, I'll let you destroy it.

So there's no need for the Americans to instigate them. The extent to which the Europeans fell into the trap surprised the American eldest brother. He didn't know what to say.

Although North Korea and Iran face all kinds of hard confrontations with Europe and the United States, one hundred of them are not satisfied, and they always blow up their hair. It's like they don't hold a grudge against Western powers, and they don't know how to speak. They have to show their strength.

But the problem is that no matter how horizontal you are, you can't get rid of the international currency, the dollar and the euro.

Therefore, North Korea and Iran, which are subject to sanctions, have set up a large number of purse companies in order to avoid the so-called western supervision. Naturally, they will not let others pay attention to their capital flow.

So after Yakovlev Design Bureau's entire capital movement and business activities are supervised and monitored, North Korea and Iran, the so-called real men, even if Yakovlev Design Bureau, the goddess of Western power, is willing to help in front of her eyes, but think about the foreign exchange in her pocket, which took a lot of effort to get Heart, as did not see, far away.

As for other countries, not to mention, the Americans came out with a kind face and asked, "what do you want to buy from Yakovlev?"? Do you think their products are good? Then spend more money to buy some, or there will be no chance next time, because from next month, your international financing will be cut off, don't ask the reason, our national security of the United States is great.

And then I'll show you a line of alternative products made in the United States that are comparable to the performance of Yakovlev Design Bureau.

It's up to you to buy or not. American big brother's patience is very limited!

So what can manufacturers in other countries do? Do you want to do business in America? So Loma and other giants nominally want Yakovlev to pay back the money and monitor their capital flow and product line; but in fact, they are taking the opportunity to let Yakovlev Design Bureau completely die.

The tactics and routines are the same as those of letting Ukraine dismantle the former Soviet Union's Ulyanovsk aircraft carrier by itself a few years ago, but this time Loma company has done more concealment and more elaborate routines. As for the essence, there is no difference. It is to cut off Russia's important national weapons.

Yes, in the eyes of Americans, especially those of Lockheed Martin company, Yakovlev Design Bureau's yakovlev-41m VTOL fighter is the most important weapon of our country, and its status is no less than that of aircraft carriers. The reason is very simple. In the future world naval aviation equipment, in addition to the United States JSF joint attack fighter project, Yakovlev Design Bureau's is the only one Jacques-41m VTOL fighter can take off and land on light aircraft carrier or amphibious attack ship with straight deck.

The rest, including harriers, will be out of service. Among JSF joint attack fighters, not to mention the air force type and Navy type, but the VTOL type assigned to the Marine Corps. It is conservatively estimated that the number of future equipment will be about 2000.

The total life-cycle value will exceed 600 billion US dollars!

Of course, Lockheed Martin would like to swallow up such a huge profit of 600 billion US dollars. The simplest and most effective way is to make this kind of VTOL fighter into the only one. =

only in this way can we maximize profits, and what is the result of killing a jacques-41m VTOL fighter on the way? Natural competitors, of course!

For example, one day, Egypt, a country friendly to the United States and close to Russia, wants to seek a VTOL fighter.

Loma does not dare to say that it can compete with Yakovlev Design Bureau 100%. Does that mean that this list is lost?The fat in the mouth is gone, which makes us hard up. Even domestic competitors like McDonnell Douglas have to work hard. How can we stand it? So Loma was angry, so the consequences were very serious. There was not much nonsense. I'll kill you first.

So he carefully designed this set of traps, so that Yakovlev Design Bureau could step in and not even get out. As for people from outside to save, Loma company would not have to worry. In addition to the big stick of arms business, there is also the invisible weapon of international trade. Who makes the United States the largest market?

If you want to make money, you have to do business with Americans. In that case, you've heard that you should be obedient. Otherwise, you'll get as far as you can go. Loma does not believe that there are enterprises or even countries in the world that can survive without the United States.

After all, the United States is the number one of the globalization of the world!

Even the prickly North Korea and Iran dare not act rashly in this respect, let alone other countries?

As a result, to Loma's surprise, even North Korea and Iran did not dare to move. Tengfei group just moved. It not only moved, but also shamelessly went to Loma company and said directly, "brother Loma, for the sake of my brother Tengfei, I'll let younger brother Jacques go. Younger brother Jacques is not sensible. My brother Tengfei treats him to compensate brother Loma If it's not, let's go over it, OK? Brother Loma

Lockheed Martin, I really want to say, who are you? Can you roll as far as you can? Are you tired of living? Believe it or not?

If other enterprises, even the national Loma company, can drown each other by spitting, but in the face of Tengfei group, Loma company is very happy to give the face of Tengfei group: "well, well, brother Tengfei, I'll give you face, but we can say well, next time we can't let little brother Jacques make a mess, this time it's you, too He, I'm not so easy to talk about. Tell that jerk Jacques, never again