Chapter 1182

Zhuang Jianye has said all this. What Gu Jingyou can do is to squeeze the Indonesians.

As for the result

Of course, it's just what it is now. It's just too much to say.

So Gu Jingyou leaned back in his chair and thought for a moment. Then he suddenly got up and said to the other negotiators, "let's go, we'll meet Xingzhou!"

"Star Island?" A senior executive of Tengfei group was a little surprised: "but this negotiation..."

"No more!" Without waiting for the executive to finish his speech, Gu Jingyou replied without hesitation, and immediately walked out of the meeting room with his head held high


"Gu Jingyou, they are leaving the capital, not talking about it?"

That night, Wahid was a little surprised to learn that Gu Jingyou, the negotiation leader of Tengfei group, left. However, he soon put a grape on the table and said with a smile: "without Tengfei group and aviation industry group, even if aviation industry group is not interested, can their CITIC Group refuse Indonesia's huge mining industry "The interests of the industry?"

After that, Wahid took the wine from the table and poured it to Suharto, the special representative of Indonesia national aviation industry group, who participated in the negotiation. Then he filled the wine himself, picked up the wine glass and shook it in his hand. Then he said confidently: "after all, what we want is a national loan, not a corporate loan. The Chinese don't like it I will refuse. After all, nothing that can be settled with money is a big deal! "

"You're right, Mr. Wahid. Tengfei group wants the Southeast Asian market with all its heart. What they don't know is that it needs strength to develop the market. It's not advisable to show its strength in the era of strong ships and powerful guns. However, hidden strong ships and powerful guns are everywhere. In this respect, Tengfei group is not only weak, but also naive!" Suharto sipped the wine in his glass and said the truth with a smile.

Wen Yan, Wahid nodded with approval: "that's the main reason why I don't recommend having too much contact with super giants like Boeing and Airbus. If we really want to let them in, then the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Group will be a piece of fat that has no bones and can only be slaughtered..."

After a pause, sipping the wine and moistening his throat, he continued: "on the contrary, China is different. Their economy has just started, just like the upstarts. When they suddenly have money, they don't know what to do, but whether they have too strong strength is just our best goal.

Therefore, I agree with the domestic nationalists who have caused such a mess. Can't we let people vent their emotions? Then let all countries, especially China, have a good look. If they want to keep their interests in Indonesia, they will either pay to help Indonesia tide over the difficulties or bear unnecessary losses. "

Before the words came out, Wahid put the cup back on the table and continued: "there is an old Chinese saying that the two evils are the least. I believe there should be smart people in the Chinese people, and finally they should know how to choose."

When he said this, Wahid was full of self-confidence. His round face with a moustache exudes the wisdom and arrogance of Indonesia's elite. It seems that the whole universe can be played with by him, which makes the whole soul sublimate.

As a matter of fact, Wahid's self-confidence is not without reason. Even Suharto, the special negotiator of Indonesian national aviation industry group, who is also in power, has to admit that Indonesia's selection of Wahid to take charge of the overall situation is not only correct, but also extremely wise.

The reason is very simple. Wahid is not only a senior expert in aviation industry, an outstanding enterprise manager, but also a famous Chinese expert.

If you take out one item alone, it's nothing, but if you combine the three items together, it's very important.

You know, in the past few years, Tengfei group's pace and momentum of marching into Southeast Asia have become more and more sufficient, and even once had a great pressure, so that at a certain time, the whole staff of Indonesia national aviation industry group were in a panic.

Only Wahid didn't like it. He just said: "there are too few mature technologies in Tengfei group, and there are too many domestic constraints!" Then he formulated a dogged procrastination tactic, which really made the take-off group relying on Thai Royal aviation industry company and repeatedly pointing at Southeast Asia weak and unable to make any progress.

You know, at that time, the momentum of Tengfei group was very strong. Let alone attack everywhere, it was also blooming everywhere, so that even giants like Boeing and Airbus were afraid and prepared to join hands to suppress it.

At this time, Wahid was able to see that the Tengfei group was just in vain, and he blocked the Tengfei group out of the Southeast Asian market at one stroke. Wanru pierced the emperor in full dress, and immediately let the world see the foundation of the Tengfei group.

In this way, Boeing and Airbus are not afraid of Tengfei group. Instead, they take Tengfei group as an outstanding supporting supplier, competing to be included in their own supply chain. As a result, they gradually assimilate into half hanging aviation production enterprises such as those in Japan and South Korea, who can only do part but do not understand the whole at all.

As a result, Tengfei group's orders were soon filled with OEM parts from Boeing and Airbus, resulting in a sharp decline in the output of a series of export models such as tm-9, which made the fixed wing aviation products with poor sense of existence even more touching.But all this is what Wahid wants to see. Tengfei group's OEM products of Boeing and Airbus are really soft to make money, but Wahid is not envious, because he knows very well that this kind of OEM is just like pulling a beautiful girl from a bar to spend the night. The pleasure is just a few days, and it won't last long at all.

If you want to be long-term, you can only be honest about the grinding technology and polishing process, so that you can have a foothold in the future.

So when Wahid led the national aviation industry group of Indonesia, he also undertook the outsourcing orders of Boeing and Airbus, but he didn't regard them as the main business endlessly. Instead, he divided a lot of production capacity and R & D into the production of new models, because he firmly believed that his own is the future, and others' is always unreliable.

Since Wahid can see the essence of Tengfei group and the industry so thoroughly, as a China expert, can't he understand the current domestic weaknesses?

Because of this, Wahid once again firmly added: "I am still saying that Indonesia should continue to make trouble, and the bigger the trouble, the better. We are here to have more contact and talk with all parties in China, just like we used to deal with the Tengfei group, they can't bear to drag on."

"That's what we'll do. Just as Tengfei group has left, we're not in a hurry to find a home. It's said that the scenery around Suzhou and Hangzhou is good. We might as well go there to relax first Ding Ling ~ ~ ~ "Suharto nodded, but before he finished talking about the relaxation plan, the satellite phone inside suddenly rang.

Suharto could only stop talking. He got up and went in to answer the phone. After listening to one sentence, the whole person lost his voice and exclaimed, "how can this be..." They sent large transport planes to East Timor? It's impossible No way They what? I beg your pardon? Not one, but four My God, where did the Chinese come from? "