Chapter 1256

In fact, it is true that this time the air force dispatched such a large transport fleet to carry out the strategic airlift mission of the army battalion level units. In addition to showing off their family background to the front line of the military struggle in the southeast coast, the most important purpose is to explore how the air force transport units can cooperate with other services and arms, especially the army, in an emergency through this strategic airlift.

After all, equipment is one aspect, how to use it is another.

If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. But if he has a sharp tool but doesn't know how to use it, it's useless.

Because of this, the headquarters did not set up any special plan for this purpose. It just selected the battalion under the command of Xiaoman from the army. After all, as a nominal motorized infantry battalion, it is actually a trump card unit of a light mechanized battalion like a fake package, which is very suitable for air transportation.

Whether it's a 92 infantry combat vehicle, a ptl-97 100 mm assault gun, or a 120 mm howitzer on the same platform, the total combat weight is no more than 20 tons. Lian yun-17 can easily carry a 92 infantry combat vehicle, and can also be mixed with an EQ140 military truck.

If it is replaced by a heavy mechanized battalion, the total amount of material will double, and 40 large and medium-sized military transport aircraft will not be enough; The light infantry is too thin to reflect the air force's strategic airlift capability.

Only the battalion under the command of Xiaoman is just right.

However, the battalion under the command of Xiaoman is suitable, but when the headquarters does not set up a plan and deliberately "let it go", many problems are exposed when the air force and the army come into contact.

The large and medium-sized transport planes and more than 100 sets of army equipment are piled up on the runway of the airport in a disorderly way. Both the air force's dispatcher and the army's logistics director are so busy that they don't occupy any land and their throats are hoarse, but they are still disorderly.

No matter the air force or the army, no one has ever experienced such a large scale of organized air transportation. Even these large transport planes of the air force have a very limited number of times to load the army's main combat equipment.

What model of vehicle should be installed? Which model is suitable for mixed loading of different vehicles. Which model is suitable for mixed loading of equipment personnel and equipment. Is it suitable to reverse into the engine room or drive directly in? The driver's skill is not up to standard. How to command and coordinate

It can be said that when the battalion under the command of Xiaoman arrived at the airport, One problem after another, even the officers of the two services would beat each other on the table and curse each other for the sake of dispatching a vehicle.

Fortunately, both the air force and the army have the tenacity to admit defeat. If they can't do it once, they can use it twice. If they can't do it twice, they can try it three times. In a word, they should try their best to find the most suitable loading scheme.

The two services were busy in the base until midnight, and then they found out a set of feasible and fast loading scheme.

For example, the imported Russian made il-76md engine room factory is more than 20 meters long and can carry three 92 wheeled infantry combat vehicles.

The engine room of yun-18nb is more than 17 meters long. It can be loaded with two ptl-97 type 100 mm assault guns or 120 mm shooting howitzers on the same platform. It can also be mixed with one ptl-97 type 100 mm assault gun and two 212 jeeps.

As for the yun-17, because the cabin is only 12.7 meters long, it can only carry two 92 wheeled infantry vehicles.

Although the take-off weight of the new large transport aircraft, which is called yun-19 by the air force, reaches 138 tons, its basic index is not much different from that of yun-18nb. More accurately, yun-19 is an improved version of wd-64plus large bypass ratio turbofan engine with higher thrust on the basis of yun-18nb.

Except for the engine, the other indexes are almost the same as those of the yun-18nb, except that the thrust of the engine is greater, which makes the maximum take-off weight of the yun-19 13 tons more than that of the 125 tons of the yun-18nb.

So the shipment as like as two peas - 18NB is exactly the same as that of Yun - 18NB.

After such a test and exploration, 40 large and medium-sized transport planes loaded 700 officers and soldiers and 128 sets of equipment, together with ammunition of one base, in Xiaoman's battalion by means of mixed loading.

Of course, many problems have been exposed in this process. The first is coordination. It is obvious that the air force and the army are too optimistic about the strategic airlift. As a result, numerous troubles have followed during the actual operation, which has resulted in the original three hour loading time being dragged down to 10 hours.

That's all. The key is that the base is full of large transport planes. More than 100 sets of equipment of the battalion under the command of Xiaoman also swarmed on, which once made the scene very chaotic.

So that the on-site chief in charge of Coordination said angrily more than once: "this is peacetime. If it's wartime, it's such a way. People will have to be killed inside and outside the base."The second is the adaptability of equipment.

Before a similar large-scale integrated strategic airlift was carried out, there were air transport units of yun-18nb and yun-19 in hand. To be honest, they didn't look up to the il-76md strategic transport aircraft imported from Russia.

Airborne equipment is not always mentioned. Airplanes are just like tractors. You can't enjoy flying at all. The key point is that TM is second-hand goods. How can we have new airplanes like yun-18nb and yun-19 to be comfortable?

It was only when the air force realized that the il-76md strategic transport aircraft had the highest loading capacity among all aircraft types. It was able to carry three 92 wheeled infantry combat vehicles. Not to mention that a 212 Jeep could be fixed on the liftboard of the cabin door at the tail of the aircraft.

The loading capacity of yun-18nb and yun-19 is not weak. Due to the size of the engine room, they are not as efficient as the il-76md. On the contrary, the loading efficiency is extremely low due to various reasons.

For example, the rear lift doors of the two transport planes were not optimized in their design, resulting in extremely low height. Let alone military trucks such as EQ-140, 212 jeeps could not be carried. They could only be mixed with some guns, ammunition or small logistics items.

After such a comparison, the air force found that although laomaozi's products are a little rough, all applications are based on actual combat. Compared with this, domestic similar products are still immature.

Because of this, after the strategic transport exercise, the air force issued more than 100 improvement suggestions, large and small, to several domestic transport aircraft manufacturers, China Tengfei.

The air force is like this, not to mention the army. In the past, the option of air transportation was not considered in the equipment design and development, so it doesn't matter if the equipment is large or small, long or short. Anyway, it can be put on the train.

However, after the strategic airlift exercise, the army found that the previous equipment design ideas could not meet the practical needs of rapid response in the future. Not to mention the others, the barrel of ptl-97 type 100 mm assault gun was too long, so that the huge yun-18nb and yun-19 could only be loaded with two vehicles, which was extremely inefficient.

Therefore, before the end of the strategic airlift exercise, the army put forward to the design unit the idea of improving the ptl-97 type 100 mm assault gun. Instead of saying that, it simply stopped all the subsequent ptl-97 type 100 mm assault guns, so that the research and development unit producing the equipment was not crazy