Chapter 1318

What's more, trj-900 regional trunk airliner can not be limited to the positioning of a large branch line and a small trunk line. When designing trj-900 regional trunk airliner, China Tengfei has actually reserved a lot of space for later improvement and upgrading. In addition, it has the same aerodynamic layout as the mainstream civil aviation airliner, In the future, China Tengfei will launch a series of extended and improved models on the basis of trj-900 regional trunk airliner, thus forming its own single channel narrow body trunk airliner system, officially benchmarking Boeing 737 and Airbus A320.

At that time, as long as the domestic economic development maintains the current economic growth rate, the domestic civil aviation market will at least quadruple in less than 20 years, and the demand for medium and long-distance trunk airliners will usher in explosive growth. In this regard, the strategic Department of China's take-off has predicted that the domestic demand for such airplanes will reach more than 1500 by 2015.

Not much. As long as China takes off 30% of the total, it can not only recover all the R & D expenses of trj-900 and its derivatives, but also make a lot of profits.

As long as we can achieve this goal, no matter how much we earn, it will in fact rewrite the pattern of the world aviation industry.

It is important to know that the reason why domestic and foreign aviation manufacturers default to the red line drawn by Airbus and Boeing is not that these manufacturers do not have technology, let alone the immature supporting parts, but that Airbus and Boeing control the market access threshold of such aircraft.

It's like a sea king who wants to go to a nightclub, but the door is taken down by the security elder brother, and you are not allowed to enter. Even if you are flooded with sea water, what can you do? It's just sea water.

The same is true of the civil aviation market. Europe and the United States, as the largest market aggregation, are firmly controlled by Boeing and Airbus. Although there are a large number of large developing countries, the problem is that these developing countries are too fragmented. In addition, they have to follow the baton of developed countries step by step, According to their standards to rivet their own aviation products.

In this way, the entire international civil aviation market has become a cake in the hands of Boeing and Airbus. It doesn't matter how they share. No one else wants to get in.

If you can't eat the cake, you have no choice but to die hungry, unless there is a strong national entity behind this aviation manufacturer. For example, the former Soviet Union, whether it is Tupolev, Yakovlev or Ilyushin, was no worse than Boeing, McDonnell Douglas or Airbus in the 1970s and 1980s.

At that time, the domestic aircraft in the Soviet Union were all domestic airliners.

According to European and American economic theories, the Soviet Union's population size and market situation could not digest so many aviation products at all, but it could not support the Soviet Union's strong family at that time. It was natural for the Soviet Union to play as much as it wanted... Until it completely killed itself.

Of course, China's take-off can't follow the old way of the Soviet Union. Even if we want to take the domestic way, we can't give all our subsidies to China's take-off and enter the overseas markets such as Europe and the United States. Because of market access, we don't even need to think about it. At that time, not only China's take-off will be suppressed, it is estimated that even foreign airlines that buy China's take-off products will be targeted by Boeing and Airbus.

Therefore, if China wants to take off, it has to take a new road with Chinese characteristics, that is, closely link its future and destiny with the domestic national destiny, and take advantage of the opportunity of China's rise to realize China's real take-off.

With a population of one billion and a completely unified single market, as long as the economy rises and China takes off, even if it does not rely on the overseas market, the domestic strong demand alone can survive and maintain the field of civil aircraft.

As long as China's flying civil aircraft survive, the rest will be easy to handle. Whether it's a water war or a price war with Boeing and Airbus depends on their mood. Anyway, they can't kill themselves, let alone strangle them. In the end, they can only let Boeing and Airbus accept the reality and turn the current two male civil aircraft club into the three kingdoms' ambition of attacking each other.

Since Zhuang Jianye is ready for the next big game of making China take off by virtue of China's National Games, he naturally pays more attention to the construction of domestic economy. He not only actively gives advice and suggestions, but also directly participates in some fields.

For example, the industrial gas turbines urgently needed by the power sector, the mobile high-power power generation equipment of the petrochemical sector, the mechanical equipment in the field of infrastructure, and so on, all have China's deep participation in taking off.

In addition, China's take-off in military products is also very active. As Zhuang Jianye said at an internal meeting, "our military products are not only for profit, but also for the guarantee of our future development. Security and development complement each other. We should grasp both hands hard, so we can't have your or our ideas, In the final analysis, making military products is the fundamental interest of all Chinese people! "

Because of this, China's take-off is actually more attentive to the air force's target indication and command and control system than the army's, and has really moved out all the good things that can hold down the bottom of the box.

Of course, these complicated and tortuous processes are unknown to the commanders and leaders of the troops who are in the underground command center to observe the experimental confrontation exercises at this moment, and even if they are, they probably have no time to think about them, because when chief of staff Feng introduced them, Several air defense missile positions under the command of Liu Xiaolin, which are covered by camouflage nets and underground bunkers, are suddenly switched on the central screen.

It was the image detected by the synthetic aperture radar imaging system on the yun-34 command plane, which almost wiped out Liu Xiaolin's carefully hidden position, which made several air defense leaders present look very ugly. There's no way. The camouflage used by Liu Xiaolin's troops is the most advanced among the domestic air defense forces. Even so, he is still seen as naked in front of the yun-34 command plane. How can he fight in the real battlefield? When the leaders of these air defense forces were thinking about the solution in amazement, the pictures on the big screen switched again. Even if they saw groups of dynamic pictures, although the angles were different, the final effect was one, that is, the picture of the anti radiation missile launched by j-8e hitting the target. Seeing that the radars of the integrated air defense forces under Liu Xiaolin's command were knocked down one by one without any fighting power, the leaders who came from the air defense forces closed their eyes in pain as if they had been gouged out“ It's over. The air defense forces have lost again this time! " A leader who was born as an air defense soldier closed his eyes and at the same time, as if his soul had been drained, he uttered a sad murmur. Liu Xiaolin, a powerful integrated air defense force, has no fighting power in the face of the "golden helmet" that only has a preliminary grasp of the target instruction and command and control system. Is it more unbearable to face a foreign power with more comprehensive strength? Do the old troops in their hands not even have a chance to be on the table? These problems can't be ignored by the leaders of several air defense forces, but the more they think about them, the colder they feel. However, just when the heart of several air defense leaders fell to the bottom, the communication station of the director's Department suddenly heard the alarm call of the captain of the yun-33 early warning aircraft: "Damn, where's the missile? I'm locked... Shit..." with the rude remarks of the captain of the yun-33 early warning aircraft, the brain and nerve center responsible for air command and guidance was directly shot down. At the same time, the head of the headquarters, who had not spoken for a long time, looked at the yun-33 early warning plane, which had returned home in dismay, and said with a strong smile to the people on the scene, "shoot people first, shoot horses, catch thieves first, catch the king. This bamboo pole has directly poked 500 kilometers. Liu Xiaolin is tough enough!"