Chapter 1426

As soon as the voice falls, three big words "Lancang River" will appear on the screen!

"This is a brand new aeroengine built by China Tengfei aero engine group. The cruise thrust is 72 tons, the afterburner thrust is 125 tons, the total mass is 1.38 tons, and the thrust to weight ratio is 9..."

Tang Lili is holding a laser pen to introduce the basic situation of the aero-engine on the screen, but the experts and Navy leaders on the scene are not so simple as dumbfounded, but completely petrified on the spot.

To be more precise, when the word "Lancang River" appeared on the screen, many senior people who knew the situation of the domestic aviation industry were already speechless. In particular, Huang Feng and other Northeast aviation industry group people almost dropped their chin on the ground.

Immediately, a series of questions appeared in my mind

Isn't the Lancang River project suspended? How can China persist in taking off?

Isn't it certain that al-31 heavy-duty aeroengine made in Russia is the main engine in aviation industry? How can China make a new start?

The most important thing is that the national level of heavy-duty aero-engine obviously only supports the aviation industry. Where does China's take-off come from?

In fact, Huang Feng and others are not the only ones who have doubts about this. Almost all of them are different from China's take-off. They actually put forward the "Lancang River" project. It is reasonable to say that as a backup plan for the al-31 aero-engine imitation project, with the overall progress of imitation, the spare wheel like "Lancang River" should have been in a state of cold palace, How to appear so suddenly in front of the public?

So much so that the people in the arena are just like ghosts, and it's hard not to be shocked.

The reason for this is very simple, "Lancang River" aeroengine project as a de facto project should not appear here.

And the twists and turns are complicated.

With the rapid development of China's take-off in the field of air launch, more choices have been given to the army. Therefore, when China's take-off launched the development of the third generation core aircraft in the 1990s, and made breakthrough progress, and even made a pilot medium-sized aircraft with a thrust to weight ratio of 9, the army adjusted the development strategy of heavy-duty aero-engine, That is to say, the aviation industry group, which was reorganized by the Ministry of aviation industry before, should be adjusted to the pattern of paying equal attention to the aviation industry group and China's take-off.

The specific situation is that the aviation industry group takes the lead in the imitation of the Russian made al-31 heavy-duty aeroengine; Taking China Tengfei as the core to develop domestic heavy-duty aero-engine, namely the so-called "Lancang River" project.

In the mid-1990s, even China's take-off has built a wd-70 heavy-duty aeroengine with the third generation of core aircraft. The afterburner thrust reaches 128 tons and the thrust to weight ratio is 8.5. All performance indexes are no less than those of the Russian al-31, especially the fuel consumption ratio, As a result, it has been highly praised by the head of the headquarters and many other army leaders.

If the development follows this technical path, wd-70 heavy-duty aero-engine will surely mature and become the preferred power of No.10 project, new carrier based fighter and even the next generation of combat aircraft.

But the problem is that there is a "if" before this assumption, which means that everything is illusory.

In the second half of 1998, the headquarters organized an expert group to find out the progress and maturity of the two heavy-duty engines. The result shows that although the wd-70 heavy-duty aero-engine of China's take-off is advanced in technology and outstanding in capability, the maturity of the overall technology path based on the third generation core aircraft is low.

In contrast, al-31's imitation version, though not advanced in technology, has a higher maturity and can fully meet the demand of domestic heavy-duty aero-engine in the next 20 years.

The reason why the expert group came to such a conclusion is based on their high altitude bench test of two engines for half a year.

But just because of this, it also exposed the disadvantages of China's lack of take-off information.

After all, there was only one aero-engine high altitude test bed in China at that time, which belonged to China aviation industry group.

When there is no obvious competition between China's take-off and China's, the high altitude platform can naturally open to China's take-off. Because of this, China's take-off development is relatively smooth on the second generation core aircraft and the 2.5 generation core aircraft.

But when it comes to heavy-duty aero-engine, there is a clear competitive relationship between the two sides. Although the aviation industry group has not obviously banned China take-off from using its own high altitude test bed, it has made a lot of small moves in the approval and scheduling, resulting in the research and development of the third generation core aircraft of China take-off lagging far behind the established plan.

That's all. Competition is everywhere. As long as the wd-70 heavy-duty aero-engine can survive, it's worth it. However, at this critical moment, the Russians gave the wd-70 heavy-duty aero-engine a fatal blow.

Because the Russians, who had been very strict with the al-31 heavy-duty aero-engine technology, suddenly began to open the door to cooperation with the aviation industry group. They not only opened up the supply of relevant parts of the al-31 heavy-duty aero-engine, but also shared the core technology with the aviation industry group.

In this way, it would have taken ten years to complete the imitation al-31 heavy-duty aeroengine, and it would only take less than five years to complete all the development tasks and put it into mass production.

This is not only the aviation industry group excited, even the whole army excited.

We should know that heavy aero-engine is the biggest weakness of today's aviation forces. The earlier we solve it, the earlier the production bottleneck of J-10, J-11 and other advanced fighters will break through the upper limit. This is of inestimable strategic significance to the preparation for military struggle along the southeast coast and anti intervention operations.

Based on this, the headquarters, which was originally a bowl of water, began to tilt its resources to the aviation industry group to fully support the imitation project of al-31 heavy-duty aero-engine.

Russia, seeing that China attaches so much importance to it, also actively cooperates with it. It not only establishes a joint venture with the aviation industry group, but also sends a large number of technical personnel to assist the aviation industry group in completing the imitation of al-31 heavy-duty aero-engine. Therefore, the framework agreements, cooperation intentions and specific contracts signed by the two sides are more than 500.

In such an atmosphere, the public opinion in China has shown a surge in favor of Russia. Even some people in the industry have compared the cooperation between Russian National Aero Engine Group and aviation industry group in the field of aviation development to the Soviet Union's technology export to China in the 1950s, which is very flattering.

But in fact, the Russians are not so kind-hearted. The reason why they changed the previous blockade on Aeroengine technology and began to seek cooperation is to see that China's wd-70 heavy-duty aeroengine is about to go on the right track. If it is not strangled, Russia will completely lose China's heavy-duty aeroengine market. In this case, there is no hesitation, How can nature kill the wd-70 heavy-duty aeroengine quickly.