Chapter 1464

"Yes, Mr. Zhuang, so the headquarters hopes you can come over and sit down with other relevant parties to discuss what to do next!"

The head office leader at the other end of the phone did not avoid it and directly asked Zhuang Jianye to hurry over.

Fortunately, Zhuang Jianye has moved the headquarters of China's take-off to the capital. He can reach the headquarters in less than half an hour when he goes downstairs and gets on the bus. If he is in Xingzhou, even if he has his own business plane, the flight time alone will take one and a half hours. In addition, the cost of going to the airport on both sides and the inspection before boarding will disappear for most of the day.

Otherwise, if the enterprise develops to a certain extent, the headquarters will need to speak in Beijing. It's not just for the convenience of such emergencies. After all, they are all big businesses involving hundreds of billions of output value, and they can't be delayed for half a minute.

So Zhuang Jianye agreed without even thinking about it, then explained to his administrative team, and hurried to the headquarters with two assistants.

Because of their complete certificates and special explanations, Zhuang Jianye and his party came to the headquarters unimpeded. They soon came to the multi-functional conference room on the 7th floor. As soon as they entered the door, Zhuang Jianye noticed that the atmosphere at the scene was a little dignified, just like the capital in December.

Zhuang Jianye first said hello to the head of the headquarters. Then he found a familiar person and sat down next to him. He whispered, "what's the situation?"

The other party is the person in charge of an Aerospace Research Institute. Wen Yan also shook his head with a confused face: "I heard that the navigation satellite plan is going to run aground. I don't know anything else. What's the news over there?"

"Just like you..."

Zhuang Jianye replied and immediately frowned: "it is reasonable to say that even if the navigation satellite plan is stranded, it will not be so on the headquarters side?"

The person in charge of an Aerospace Research Institute nodded when he heard the speech: "who says it's not!"

In fact, not only Zhuang Jianye, but also the heads and experts of other relevant units who have come over think so.

After all, in terms of satellite navigation, China took the two paths of international cooperation and independence.

Foreign cooperation is naturally related to the "Galileo" satellite navigation plan of Europe, while the independent is the domestic navigation system developed by introducing some foreign advanced equipment based on domestic technology.

Since 2002, the test satellite of the first generation of domestic satellite navigation system has been successfully launched. Although there is still a big gap in accuracy and timeliness compared with GPS of the United States and GLONASS of Russia, it also confirms the feasibility of domestic navigation system.

Even if Europe does not give atomic clocks or even terminates the cooperation plan, the relevant domestic units can hold up a day. They will not be like their dead father and can't see any hope.

Of course, although Zhuang Jianye and others think so in their hearts, no one says it on the face. After all, the headquarters has more and more sensitive information than them. What if they don't know the key reason?

Sure enough, the staff officer at the headquarters closed the door of the conference room, and the head of the headquarters who sat at the top was not polite and said directly: "Today is December 28, 2006. The European Aviation Administration launched their first Galileo navigation satellite. According to the news we just received, the navigation satellite has transmitted signals in four frequency bands of 1589.74 MHz, 1561.1 MHz, 1268.52 MHz and 1207.14 MHz to the ground, which has been confirmed by the International Telecommunication Union..."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was surprised. Finally, they understood why the atmosphere at the headquarters today was wrong. It turned out that the Europeans took the navigation band first.

Like gold and other non-ferrous metals, high-quality radio frequency band resources are also limited, especially in space outside the atmosphere, there are fewer radio frequencies suitable for long-distance transmission.

In order to allocate the limited radio frequency resources in outer space, the International Telecommunication Union formulated the rules for the use of radio spectrum signals in outer space in the 1950s.

After decades of development, a complete system has been formed, including the application range of navigation signals. There are five frequency bands, namely 1164-1215 MHz, 1215-1240 MHz, 1240-1260 MHz, 1260-1300 MHz and 1559-1610 MHz.

Beyond these five frequency bands, the navigation signal will interfere with other radio signals and affect the navigation accuracy.

Therefore, if you want to ensure that your navigation satellite can stably output navigation signals, you must limit the frequency to these five frequency bands.

This brings a problem that can not be ignored. Due to the limited navigation frequency band, high-quality navigation frequency will naturally become scarce. What should we do?

The ITU's approach is very simple and crude. In a word, first come, first served!

This seems fair, but in fact it is the most beneficial to developed countries. There is no way. No one can make navigation satellites a high-tech technology. Only developed countries can play. Developing countries can't even eat enough and launch satellites? It's almost a dream.

Therefore, this set of rules of the International Telecommunication Union is basically the pattern of the strong being always strong.

For example, GPS in the United States and GLONASS in Russia have the first mover advantage, so the two countries seize the middle gold frequency of the five frequency bands. Not to mention, the coverage is also large, seizing almost all frequency bands.

The latecomers who want to realize the satellite navigation function can only find some soup that the United States and Russia don't want at the corners of the five frequency bands, but also try to expand the frequency band range and realize the free switching of at least four frequency bands, so as to accurately output accurate navigation signals for the ground without interference.

As a result, only a few radio bands can realize navigation. Therefore, the navigation frequencies of several countries and regions, including New Delhi and Japan, that look to the International Telecommunication Union almost coincide.

Take the four domestic navigation frequencies applied for in April 2000, which are 1590 MHz, 1561 MHz, 1269 MHz and 1207 MHz respectively.

It is almost the same as the 1589.74 MHz, 1561.1 MHz, 1268.52 MHz and 1207.14 MHz of the European Galileo satellite navigation plan.

This is not what heroes think alike, but only the radio frequencies of these four segments are most suitable for navigation satellites to output navigation signals. At the same time, try to avoid signal conflicts with the two series of satellite navigation systems of GPS and GLONASS of Russia, so as to avoid unnecessary signal interference.

But this brings a problem, that is, the conflict between China and Europe in the signal frequency band must be abandoned. Otherwise, if there is a stalemate, it is very likely that both sides will lose.

So the Europeans threw olive branches and said to the cute little rabbit: "old iron, what do we have to fight for? Two, take money, come with my old fellow, and join him to make him free."

How simple my rabbit was. I nodded happily at once: "yes!"