Chapter 1556

After hearing this, Jiang bingshen, a reporter from kbs TV, smiled noncommittally and didn't speak.

Big brother said that. What else can I say? It's over.

But Mou Qianyi, a CCTV reporter in charge of this report, was unhappy.

As the executive director of CCTV international channel ztm-nb live special program some time ago, Mou Qianyi was promoted because of the success of the program. However, unwilling to work behind the scenes, Mou Qianyi took the initiative to apply to become a reporter and producer and began to report some important external activities of CCTV.

This activity of returning the remains of volunteer martyrs, after several times of careful consideration, the superior entrusted the task to Mou Qianyi. It is precisely because of his excellent performance in ztm-nb live special program. Therefore, Mou Qianyi not only undertakes the task of reporting, but also needs to protect his country's dignity and honor on this occasion.

Therefore, in the face of George king, Mou Qianyi could not be indifferent, so he said solemnly, "Mr. king, if it is Arlington Cemetery at this time, where do you think it is appropriate for me to make a beautiful advertising film?"

"What's wrong with that? Freedom, my dear Mr. Mou, news is free news, do you understand..."

To Mou Qianyi's surprise, instead of being angry, George Kim smiled and talked about freedom. Finally, he even invited Jiang bingshen and Mou Qianyi to see what press freedom is in the United States.

Needless to say, Jiang bingshen's face is filled with longing. As a South Korean, he yearns for the United States. Even Jiang bingshen, who has been among the high-class society in South Korea, can't avoid vulgarity.

Mou Qianyi is also very moved to tell the truth. It's not that the green card and nationality promised by George King moved Mou Qianyi. He is just a simple pioneer with a long experience in freedom and beauty.

After all, his old boss Ju Tao has lived in a free and beautiful room for several years. His life is chaotic, not to mention for the time being. His perspective of thinking and his grasp of the likes and dislikes of the audience are really powerful. In contrast, people in other domestic literary and art circles seem so rigid that the programs they produce are difficult to win the favor of the new generation of young people, This is a warning for a media person.

Since there is a crisis, we should start to solve it and learn. Freedom and beauty take the lead in this regard. Naturally, he has his uniqueness and is worth learning.

However, just when Mou Qianyi had some imagination, George King's words sounded again: "however, this freedom brings not only freedom in the news, but also freedom in science, technology and technology. For example, who else in the world except the United States?

Of course, some people will say that Europe's Airbus has indeed made great achievements, but the fact is that they are inseparable from American technology in the key materials, processing equipment and manufacturing processes at the bottom.

This is not to say that Europeans do not have the spirit of innovation. After all, they have the two conditions of close friends and dish cooking, but their level is a little lower than that of the United States. Because of this, Europe is not as good as the United States in the underlying technology... "

Then George Kington looked at the airport with the north wind and continued: "This logic also applies in Asia. Japan and South Korea do better in cooking and close friends, so their scientific and technological development level and economic development level are better. In contrast, a country is somewhat unsatisfactory. Therefore, its development level is much worse than that of Japan and South Korea, not to mention those fake cooking countries in Southeast Asia, which are a group of failed countries Home, can't talk about the level of development... "

Before he finished speaking, George king looked at Mou Qianyi and said something earnest and sincere: "so the only thing on the news is on the one hand, and the most important thing is the overall dish cooking and close friends. This is the essence of the problem. Why does the United States have a super large company like Boeing, and why does the United States have a big selling plane like Boeing 747 and Boeing 737?

That is because America's dishes and best friends are the most abundant and do the best.

Why can't Japan and South Korea do it?

It's not that the chaebols and family forces in Japan and South Korea are deep-rooted, which have destroyed pan Zhu and close friends to some extent, resulting in the limitation of their development limit. Once they can break through this shackle, their future achievements will be absolutely unlimited.

Similarly, a country is the same. The reason why its economy has developed so rapidly in recent years is that it has made great progress in dish cooking and close friends? But why do you think it is still inferior to people? Is it not that dish cooking and close friends have not developed sufficiently?

Therefore, Mr. Mou, I understand that you attack what I just said out of the so-called "patriotic" mood of nationalism, but what I want to say is that a nation with only nationalism in its eyes has no future. Only by seriously understanding pan Zhu and close friends and seriously pushing forward, can a country have hope.

Based on this, what about taking a Boeing plane? It has been more than half a century since the war. Do we still have to pay for those simple and rough personal decisions in those years? No, my dear Mr. Mou, you should open your mind and look forward, rather than live in a chattless history. Where there is no truth, only cooking and close friends can solve all the eternal problems …”

George King's words are clear and correct. Just like a close neighbor uncle, he tolerates all the sins in the world with the most warm attitude, and simply gives full play to the four words of universal value.

Jiang bingshen was so moved that he felt that today's trip to the airport was not in vain. He simply found the light of mankind, the direction of struggle, and strengthened his mind to settle in the United States.

Mou Shiyi is also somewhat relaxed in telling the truth. You know, there have been discussions on the future development in China in recent years, and the internal debate on how to go is not small. In this case, many people have put forward the prescription of cooking dishes with close friends. Coupled with the exaggeration of many public intellectuals, it still has a market in the society.

Mou Shiyi said that it is impossible not to be affected. What's more, some of the things George king said are also true. Why can Europe and the United States make big planes, but Japan and South Korea can't? Why is the scientific and technological level of Japan and South Korea higher than that of China? Is it people or system?

Mou Shiyi, who likes to think, turns his head rapidly, thinking about some taboo topics he doesn't dare to think about in ordinary days.

Seeing that Mou Shiyi began to frown and meditate, George King's face became more and more gentle. At this time, there was a roar of engines in the sky. Soon a twin engine plane appeared in the sky. George king did not forget to remind Mou Shiyi: "Your plane is coming. It looks like a Boeing 737. It's a pity that it's not a Boeing 747, but it doesn't matter. After all, the sales volume of 737 is larger and the technology is more mature!"

Hearing the speech, Mou apologized and Yi was stunned, but before he could react, Ju Tao, who was sitting in the capital, came from his headphones: "the live broadcast will begin immediately. Are you ready?"

Mou Shiyi was a little confused, but he hurriedly replied, "ready!"

"That's good, but don't worry. There are still a few minutes before the plane lands. Some details have been adjusted. Look at the latest speech first and get familiar with it quickly!"

Before Ju Tao finished speaking, the assistant came with a laptop and the files downloaded from the e-mail filled the whole screen. Mou Shiyi only looked at it, and the whole person was stunned. His heart trembled. Domestic... Large aircraft

At the same time, the twin engine aircraft that has been close to the airport has finally revealed its lineup, which is different from the semi-circular engine compartment like Boeing 737 and the short, thick and cute like Airbus A320. It is a brand-new aircraft that tends to be more streamlined, slender but strong in shape and more in line with aesthetics.

After only one look, George King opened his eyes like a life mentor just now: "this is not a Boeing plane, this is by no means a Boeing plane..."