Chapter 1587


Zhang Changyou, Qiu Mingyuan and others were at a loss. They couldn't help it. The word earthquake was too far from their lives. However, at this time, several Chinese staff members hurried over and said: "I'm really sorry, everyone. Our group suffered serious losses due to the sudden earthquake. This activity was temporarily cancelled. President Zhuang instructed us to send you to a temporary shelter. Please follow me..."

Zhang Changyou, Qiu Mingyuan and others only paid attention to the key words of earthquake and temporary shelter due to the sudden incident. They didn't pay much attention to the serious losses, because although there was a strong earthquake just now, the overall intensity was not large, and there was no trace of damage to the surrounding buildings. If there was a loss, it was estimated that the precision equipment in the plant would be damaged Some impact.

But the whole is not big. It's just that some blanks have been scrapped, which is still affordable for China's take-off. Therefore, these hundred and ten people, including Zhang Changyou and Qiu Mingyuan, don't care much about the loss. Since people say so, just listen. Anyway, they have come to China's take-off for free. They can arrange as they like 。

But in fact, the losses suffered by China Tengfei were far more serious than expected. Not long after the earthquake hit the fcnb-220 passenger plane production plant in Shuangfei City, Anhui Province, the headquarters of China Tengfei group in Beijing informed Zhuang Jianye of a very unfavorable news. The big data center in the headquarters suddenly lost the aeroengine production plant in cotton and the non-profit center in Huancheng Real time data transmission signals of man-machine production plant and solid rocket production plant located at the south foot of Qinling Mountains.

In addition, the big data transmission signals of Shipborne aircraft production plant in Xingzhou, special aircraft production plant in the south of Qinling Mountains and aeroengine high-altitude test-bed were abnormal.

As soon as the announcement was put down, the shipborne Aircraft Research Institute in Xingzhou reported an amazing news through satellite telephone. They encountered a strong earthquake and some power, water supply and communication were interrupted. The specific situation remains to be found out.

Without waiting for China's top executives to digest the news, Zhuang Jianye's mobile phone, which only a few people know, suddenly rang. The phone was called by the new head of the headquarters who had just taken over the leadership of the headquarters. In the phone, he only asked one sentence: "how many planes and materials can you use there?"

"Now I have to count the materials first, but in terms of aircraft, there are 240 aircraft of various types that can be deployed, including the inventory of Shuangfei plant and Xiangzhou plant, as well as the aircraft belonging to Spring Airlines and take-off rescue team."

"OK, lend them all to me. I want to send troops to the epicenter!"

"No problem!"

Zhuang Jianye promised happily. He immediately put down the phone, looked up at his assistants and said only one sentence: "start the group's special emergency plan. It's time to test me!"

Several assistants were surprised to know that the group's special level emergency plan was only launched in response to major national natural disasters and all-out war. The frozen natural disaster at the beginning of the year was powerful enough. It was only the group's first level emergency plan, but now

Several assistants did not dare to think much and hurried to convey instructions. In the process, they also received news one after another. A magnitude 8.0 earthquake occurred in W area in the southwest. According to the news from the front, the losses caused by the earthquake were particularly huge, the communication at the epicenter was interrupted, the roads were cut off, and the rescue forces could not get in at all.

That's all. The key is that dozens of aftershocks with a magnitude of more than 5 made the disaster worse.

What we have to do now is to follow the time. After all, the golden rescue time is only 72 hours, so we must invest all the forces that can be invested and send the rescue forces up in a short time, which is an extremely heavy test for any unit.

Therefore, after explaining the matter, Zhuang Jianye immediately took a fcnb-200 regional airliner to Jinguan city at the airport of the plant area, because he was temporarily appointed as the deputy director of the disaster relief headquarters by his superiors, mainly coordinating his aviation forces and other rescue materials to connect with other departments.

Just when Zhuang Jianye arrived in Jinguan city an hour and a half later and began intense work with other headquarters members, the news of a major earthquake in W area quickly spread all over China with the media, and soon it was known all over the world.

The revolution has caused an uproar all over the world.

No way, the frozen natural disaster at the beginning of the year has come; now there has been another wave caused by the super earthquake. Even developed countries can't stand being repeatedly ravaged by such a large natural disaster, not to mention a developing country. Even if the developing country is large enough, it can't stand such tossing and turning.

So some foreign media began to jump up and down again. At the beginning, they expressed sympathy, but they changed their taste after chatting. What economy will suffer a heavy blow? The earthquake will profoundly change the domestic development environment. Even some media said that the Olympic Games in the second half of the year may be cancelled.

In a word, there were demons dancing all the time, and there was everything to say.

In some of them, experts with unique opinions pointed out from another point of view that the loss of the earthquake may exceed everyone's imagination, and China, which lacks the ability of rapid power delivery, is simply unable to deal with this level of natural disasters.

In a column published in the New York Times, Celtic Pearl sdry, who is already well-known by the world, clearly pointed out that the earthquake not only caused unimaginable losses to the people at the epicenter, but also dealt an almost devastating blow to the pace of domestic progress towards high-end manufacturing.

Because China Tengfei group, as a landmark enterprise of domestic high-end manufacturing, their aeroengine, commercial launch vehicle production plant and even the space launch site are not far from the epicenter, they are bound to suffer important losses.

It is no exaggeration to say that this strong earthquake has made China take-off lose more than a world war.

But the key is not here, but whether China has the ability to take off for post disaster reconstruction. We should know that these production capacity and R & D institutions can not be piled up with money alone. What we need is all aspects, especially the importance of timing.

The reason why China's take-off can develop is that it has grown step by step from small to large by taking advantage of the capacity transfer of developed countries. Now China's take-off can challenge the market position of Boeing and Airbus. Will the giants give China a chance to make a comeback?

The conclusion given by Shi Jun is very clear, that is, we can't, we can't, not only we can't, but also we have to take advantage of his illness to kill him. As for what to do, it's very simple to increase investment in New Delhi and speed up the replacement of new Delhi's industrial chain!