Vol 1 Chapter 4 – To make fun of this pure maiden is a sin!

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
Chapter 4

It was surprising to see a small villa right in the middle of a forest. Xiao Hua was quite relieved that they do not need to clean up at a riverside where everyone that happens to pass by could see them.

"This place belongs to the Third brother. It's a birthday gift from Mother Empress," Long Lian explained after seeing Xiao Hua gaping at the house like a village kid seeing a mansion for the first time.

Xiao Hua sighed enviously. This is how a birthday present is given among rich families!

"Princess, the bath is ready." A maid dressed in a light pink dress with complicated half bun hairstyle that was held up with a bunch of ribbons politely informed Long Lian with a deep curtsy.

Long Lian nodded and let the maid lead the way while happily pulling Xiao Hua along. Xiao Hua tried to admire the lovely scenery along the way, but the lack of spectacles make her eyes tired as she often had to squint her eyes to make things in clearer to her eyes.

Exhausted, she just let Long Lian drags her around, forced to place her trust on the princess not trip her, and just immerse herself in the sweet and refreshing air of nature. Indeed, the air in this world was very refreshing compared to her original world. Le XiaoTing stayed in the city so she often smelt smoke, rubbish, and greasy food from the air.

As they walked deeper into the mansion, Xiao Hua could hear the sound of water flowing. "There is a waterfall?"

Long Lian made an understanding sound. "I forgot that your eyesight is quite bad. That is just a small fountain connected to the ground to constantly reheat the water."

"Ground? Is there a volcano around?"

Long Lian looked embarrassed. "I don't know much about it. I've already told you everything that I know from the Third brother. I never have an interest in how it works."

"If the princess does not mind, perhaps this servant can explain to Elder Sister Hua?" the maid from earlier asked. It took Xiao Hua a moment to realize the ‘elder sister’ that the maid mentioned was her.

Flustered, she quickly clarified, "I'm actually younger than you. Calling me as an elder sister is inappropriate."

Long Lian laughed but the maid's expression did not change at all from the revelation. "Xiao Hua, An Jing calls you elder sister is because you are Third brother's personal maid."

"Um, so it's because I have a higher position?" Quite aware that her sudden rise in achievement as the Third Prince's personal maid would offend other maids so her words were spoken in a rather meek tone.

"That is how the system usually works," An Jing explained with no sign of discontent. "My name is An Jing and I am one of the Third Prince's inner maids."

Hearing that, Xiao Hua remembered that the author vaguely mentioned about the inner maid and outer maid. The inner maids were those with the privilege to serve their master closely. Outer maids were usually those that have almost no chance to meet their master as their task does not directly involve around their master, such as cleaning the manor.

The novel had mentioned that the Third Prince has two inner maids that followed him almost everywhere. They were top rated beauties, but they could never top the Third Prince's good looks.

Being curious, Xiao Hua strained her eyes to stare at An Jing. Trying to do it sneakily only worked if she had her spectacles on. She expected that An Jing would glare at her or gave her a disapproving look for staring at her in such a rude manner but her expression still remained the same, allowing Xiao Hua to stare to her heart's content.

But w-o-w, this sister An Jing has great looks that were similar to Chinese actress in her original world. Xiao Hua could not spot if An Jing had put on cosmetic or not, but she bet on the latter as her face looked clean and natural.

"Sister An Jing is very pretty," Xiao Hua praised sincerely, her voice sounds more childish than usual. 

Finally, An Jing's expression shows a little change but it was a positive one. "Princess, please follow An Wan to prepare for the soaking. Please allow An Jing to serve Elder Sister Hua."

Another female servant wearing the same pale pink dress as An Jing silently approached them before giving Long Lian a deep curtsy. She stood at least three feet away from the princess, her body language emitting submissive vibe like a proper maid.

"Alright. Xiao Hua, we will soak in the hot springs together later. An Jing, treat Xiao Hua well." Satisfied with leaving a not-so-subtle order, Long Lian followed An Wan to the other side of the building.

"Elder Sister Hua, please follow me."

"Um, Sister An Jing... can you not call me elder sister?" Xiao Hua put on her uncomfortable expression with her eyes lowered to the ground, looking just like a meek little girl. Actually, she does not mind being called an elder sister, but it would be better not to offend the maids under the Third Prince.

However, An Jing shook her head in firm refusal. "You held a higher position than me and it is required by lower-ranking maids to call the higher ranking maids as their elder. This is one of the social etiquettes most follows, including the Third Prince's manor as well."

Hearing the last part, Xiao Hua knew that if she continues making a fuss of this matter, she might offend the Third Prince. Offending the Third Prince seems to be more serious than not following the social etiquette, judging by An Jing's words.

"Xiao Hua understands," She replied reluctantly but showed no further disagreement to avoid igniting any flames.

She obediently followed An Jing towards the building beside where Long Lian had entered. It looked like a small apartment, with a small living room and a single bedroom. The room was clean and tidy, but the details of the room could not be seen thanks to her short-sightedness.

There was a bath prepared behind a pretty screen divider. Truth to be told, what Xiao Hua hates the most was the hygiene in this world. The toilet was usually installed outside and when she gets to bath, she had to be intimate with the wind!

It was hard to ignore the stinky odor coming from her body after days without a bath and that was why Xiao Hua's whole face light up when she saw the wooden bathtub filled with warm water. She immediately walked towards it and saw flower petals floating above the water, making the water smell nice.

Xiao Hua glanced at An Jing in surprise. "Isn't this too much for a servant?" She saw from TV that only rich kids have the privilege to use them!

Let's forget the next part of the show where the pretty lady will caress herself with the flower petals as if they were in a bathing contest! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

"This is the rightful treatment for a maid in your position, Elder Sister Hua."

"Do you have this treatment too?" Xiao Hua asked curiously.

An Jing answered solemnly. "Once in a while, An Jing could bath with flower petals."

But what An Jing had not said was that the flower that she bathed in was very different than Xiao Hua's! The quality and type of flowers that they both used were different! But her master had strictly told her not to let Elder Sister Hua suspect anything unusual in her treatment.

When An Jing reached out her hands to help her undress, Xiao Hua darted far away, holding onto her dress defensively with her eyes accusing the older woman as if trying to rape her.

This young lady had never let other people seen her naked, except when she's still a baby!

"I-I can undress by myself!" Xiao Hua exclaimed in a flustered manner. Her bright red face brought out a small smile from An Jing, which was not seen by Xiao Hua.

"Then An Jing will help elder sister to wash."

"No!" Xiao Hua denied loudly. Having a woman touch her naked skin and possibly grope her? No way!

This time Xiao Hua could see An Jing's smile because it was so wide until her teeth could be seen!

Hateful! To make fun of this pure maiden is a sin! (╬ Ò﹏Ó)