Vol 1 Chapter 5 – Muscular Beauty!

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
Chapter 5

Currently, Le XiaoTing, a soul at the age of 26 who had taken over the 13-year-old Xiao Hua's body, found herself in a dilemma. 

When she sank into the wooden bathtub filled with warm water, it was so relaxing that her tense body loosened its tension. But Xiao Hua had relaxed too much that the moment she wanted to get out of the tub, she found herself with the difficulty of standing up.

Her legs were shaking! (°ロ°) !

Xiao Hua's body had been tense when she first saw the Third Prince and it was only after the relaxing bath did her fight or flee mode turned off. It seems that her tension had tire out her body!

The water was getting cold and Long Lian was waiting for her to soak the hot spring together. If she takes too long, Long Lian might burst into the room to find her and that was the last thing she wanted to happen! Her trembling legs had Xiao Hua made her mind up to seek help, but she must not be naked at that critical moment!

With no choice, she forced all her strength onto her arms and pushed her body up with the help of the bathtub. It sounded easy but in reality, it was truly difficult when she also does not want to alert An Jing. What if An Jing boldly decided to help her get dressed?

Le XiaoTing may be a modern woman, but she would never be comfortable in letting anyone seeing her in birthday suit!

Yes! She manages to stand up! Xiao Hua huffed in satisfaction, but when her gaze landed on the tall bathtub; her satisfaction flees as fast as a deer seeing a lion.

Xiao Hua: Why was the bathtub so tall? Do they want to practice agility even during bath time?! (°ㅂ°╬) 

She slowly lifted her left leg first, but when her leg was nearly lifted to the bathtubs' height, one of her hand slipped, bringing her back down into the tub again.

The loud splash and the sharp cry from Xiao Hua naturally caught An Jing's attention, which quickly had her step over the screen divider. 

"Elder Sister Hua, are you alright?" An Jing’s eyes quickly scanned Xiao Hua's form that was hidden under flower petals.

"I-I am fine! I'm just not used to bath using the bathtub and slipped."

An Jing held out an arm towards Xiao Hua. "Elder Sister Hua, please use my arm to help you out." She makes sure to face away from Xiao Hua as she knows the younger girl would not want her to look at her naked self.

What? Use this pretty maid's arm to get out of the wooden bathtub? This pretty maid with a fragile looking arm that was only slightly thicker than Xiao Hua's?

Slightly panicked, Xiao Hua's peach shaped eyes darted around the room as if looking for a way to escape. A small table caught her eyes. It’s height much lower than normal tables and it was used to hold bath items.

As if she had seen a savior, Xiao Hua smiled in relief. "There is no need to dirty Sister An Jing's sleeve. A stool is enough to help me."

However, the naïve Xiao Hua did not expect An Jing to turn and stepped out to grab a seating stool instead. Xiao Hua swallowed back her sigh as she knew it was her own fault for not clarifying what stool she actually wanted.

Xiao Hua found it surprising that An Jing could easily carry that heavy looking wooden stool. Perhaps those thin arms were actually muscular? It would not be the first time her blurry eyesight had failed her.

After placing the stool beside the tub, An Jing returned back to her original position outside the screen. Xiao Hua unconsciously gulped as she stared down at the stool. It was rounder and taller than a footstool but it does not have much stepping space!

Even the smallest ass would need a larger sitting space!

Again, Xiao Hua used her hands to push herself up before slowly shifted a leg out to step on the stool. It seems that Xiao Hua celebrated her success far too early, for when it was the other leg's turn; her limbs could not hold on and buckle. The fall overturned the stool, causing a loud crash.

How can a wood make this much noise! Σ(°△°|||)

The fall was painful but it had her out of the bathtub as she wished and thankfully her fall did not overturn the bathtub as well. Her eyes quickly darted to the screen divider which she had draped her clothes over earlier, but found that it had disappeared! She heard a soft gasp from behind and it was too late to cover up.

No, she's still naked! The thought that this body was not hers' was not comforting at all!

Xiao Hua's eyes widened comically when she was lifted up into the air by An Jing. She found herself covered with a thin cloth as well.

Wait, that is not important! How did An Jing able to lift her up in princess carry without much difficulty?

Xiao Hua stared at An Jing as if she was the scientist and An Jing the subject. With this close, Xiao Hua once again admired An Jing's beauty.

Do not compare those actresses that acted in historical drama! Those actresses were prettily dressed up and with their face drawn on, but the Le XiaoTing that had transmigrated into this world had found that in reality, the ladies in this world were not as beautiful.

The maids at MongLu manor were coarse and not ladylike at all. The light colored feminine dress that was the maid's uniform made them look even more unsightly! Even the rich guests that visited MongLu manor could not boast about their looks!

It was then that Xiao Hua truly knows how scary and effective those beauty products in her original world could be! That, as well as the easy life modern people was fortunate to have.

Xiao Hua's eyes trailed to the other girl's arms and noted their size was larger than she expected but from the feel of it, there was almost nothing soft on them.

Muscular beauty! (✧ω✧)

Feeling uncomfortable from Xiao Hua's blatant scrutiny, An Jing decided to tell her about the Third Prince’s hot spring. "This hot spring was especially refined by Third Prince. There are plenty of heat rocks underneath and the great fountain's purpose is to continuously reheat the water."

Xiao Hua was naturally interested in seeing a real volcano if there was a chance, but since the heating was not from a volcano, her interest on the hot spring dimmed. After all, there were many man-made hot springs in her original world. Even the Third Prince’s hot spring was man-made.

If An Jing had known what she was thinking, Xiao Hua would certainly be lectured that not anyone could own a hot spring of this size that easily!

As for the fear of getting into trouble if there really was a volcano, Xiao Hua did not think much about it. It was not that she did not care about her life, which was why Le XiaoTing would never approach dangerous things such as a volcano or sighted storms when picking a vacation spot.

Xiao Hua refused to believe that she was now merely inside a story that the author had created, for it was too real. She could feel pain and hunger as if she was still in her real body. Also, she was able to interact with other characters as if they were a real being instead of an NPC.

Even if she knows that, her evasion of danger had turned skewed when she transmigrated into the novel.

Sightseeing a volcano? She had never seen it before so let's go! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶

Without letting Xiao Hua wear more than a thin white robe, An Jing carried her out of the building in her arms. Xiao Hua would have protested at the treatment if she was unable to walk without falling on her butt. Her dignity had already suffered a blow, why ask for more?

There was a beautiful lady inside the hot spring with her long black hair sticking onto her fair white wet skin. The beauty swam towards the edge where An Jing carefully set Xiao Hua down.

Wow, this beauty is even prettier than An Jing! If Xiao Hua was a man, she would not hesitate to ask her for a date!

"What took you so long Xiao Hua?" The beauty whined with an adorable pout, her phoenix shaped eyes revealed a mild annoyance.

… This beauty is Ah Lian! The Ah Lian with a white powdered face that looks sickly is this beauty?!

How on earth could white powder have this much ability?! _(:3 」∠)_