Vol 5 Chapter 148

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 148

Without introducing, the Empress could guess that the man with clean features dressed in a white robe with blue clouds embroidered on it was the Legendary Doctor Bai, who was also Long Zhu's esteemed teacher.

The Empress' first impression of meeting Doctor Bai was 'this is how my son could be when he gets older'. Although both the doctor and her son have a different appearance, it was the way they carried themselves that gave her a sense of familiarity. Their gentle gestures that gave off a sense of patience that speaks of wisdom and age was truly similar, but Long Zhu still has a long way to go to reach Doctor Bai's level.

On the other hand, the Emperor was busy glaring at his biological father and does not pay much attention to the stranger.

It would be rude for the Empress to greet the guests on behalf of the Emperor, but with the way her husband was currently acting, this rudeness could be overlooked.

"Greetings to the 19th Emperor and Honoured Doctor Bai. Welcome back to the Guilin Kingdom," the Empress greeted in a warm and friendly manner with a perfect curtsy that she perfected after years of experience.

Despite being a man in his sixties, the 19th Emperor hardly looked his age. His appearance would make one assume he was the current Guilin Emperor's elder brother.

The 19th Emperor laughed charmingly. "It is still Ling Yi that cares for this father and smart to figure out who is this good friend of mine, unlike my foolish son. Look at him, trying to get me to answer a simple guess for him with that desperate expression."

The Emperor's attention was stolen when he heard 'Doctor Bai', but when his father insulted him by calling him foolish, his initial intention to greet the doctor was pushed aside.

"Why did you return? Did you not say you wish to travel around the world and help those in need?" The Emperor asked and does not bother hiding his mockery filled with hostile.

The father and son's relationship had turned sour after the son caused his elder brother, the Crown Prince, to die. Their argument turned their sour relationship to bitter and since then, nothing could fix their relationship.

"Do you think I want to see your ugly face? It's only because of my good friend Bai wanting to meet my grandson that I agree to be his guide in Guilin."

"Thank you, Doctor Bai, for taking care of Long Zhu for all these years," The Empress said gratefully.

Doctor Bai's expression since the moment they met was a gentle smile with a hint of distance. But when the topic comes to Long Zhu, his smile was warmer, and his handsome appearance becomes even more attractive.

"Long Zhu is a good student."

Doctor Bai's favourite apprentice was Long Zhu. No one unimportant knew, but the three next guardians of the celestial beasts and the 19th Emperor of Guilin knew it.

He treated Long Zhu very much like his own son, very patient to Long Zhu's complaints, and even willing to teach him what he needs to know to survive in this world. But he also knows how his favourite apprentice's fate ends, and wished to change it. After all, he had known Long Zhu for many years and could see the young man was a good person with a good attitude.

But his system forbids him, saying that he must follow the script and that Long Zhu needs to go through the betrayal of his maid. Doctor Bai thinks it was a stupid thing to do but he can only teach Long Zhu how to counter the poison and instill some view to stop him from blindly trusting his saviour.

"Doctor Bai, perhaps the news had not reached you, but Long Zhu is currently in South Guilin Village, handling an important matter. It would be a while for Long Zhu to return home," the Empress informed.

Doctor Bai nodded. "I've heard from Long Yuen about it. I've planned to stay until Long Zhu returns."

"If Doctor Bai does not mind, We will prepare a courtyard for you to stay," the Emperor kindly offered.

"I will have to trouble you," Doctor Bai bowed.

"This is just a small matter. If Doctor Bai has any request, please inform the servants. We will do our best to fulfill it."

The Emperor does not find it to be below him to cater to Doctor Bai, for he was a revered figure in the world. Many had heard of his talents and glowing reviews. There were countless people who offered a large amount of wealth for his healing, but he refused them, claiming their illness to be curable by the younger generations in the same profession.

It was his understanding of his juniors in the same profession and does not fight for their chance to feed their family that earned him great respect from his juniors. No one claimed to be his senior, because Doctor Bai's age was rumoured to be three digits at least and no one had reached past that age yet.

After a few exchanges of pleasantries, Doctor Bai excused himself to look for his surprisingly missing system, leaving Long Yuen to continue to antagonize his only son left in this world. He rejected the Empress' offer to have a servant to act as his guide, giving an excuse that he prefers solitude.

His Rubik cube system always hangs out around him, but even when it goes around it would be only for a while. Strangely, his system had left for quite some time, and he was a little worried.

Confirming that there were no people around him, he lowered his mental shield between his and the system's connection that he built just to maintain his privacy.


Doctor Bai suffered great damage! His full, green health bar immediately dropped to the red, dying zone! An uncountable blood vessel had burst in his head!

Fortunately, no one was around or they will witness an elegant, good-looking man with a deadly pale face, supporting himself on the wall as he rubbed his head to ease the pain.

Doctor Bai quickly raised his shields up and swallowed a medicine pellet to heal his own injuries. After the medicine fixed him, he straightens from the wall before slowly lower down his shields, an inch at a time.


The system naturally knew its loud booming mental voice had hurt its host as it could sense the host's pain from their linked mind.

"Where are you?" Doctor Bai asked calmly, not at all angry at the injuries he suffered.

"I'm at the Eighth Prince's residence! Help me, host! They are bullying me- bzzzt."

Doctor Bai blinked his charming eyes in confusion. He was surprised at the sudden cut of communication but fortunately, his system had told him where it was.

Spotting a servant not far away, he approached him with the intention to ask where the Eighth Prince's residence was. He wondered why his system would go to the traumatized Eighth Prince's residence.

Whatever the Rubik cube said to its host was heard by Xiao Hua and the Eighth Prince, for the Rubik cube did not bother learning how to communicate through thoughts. It was too used to being invisible to others except for its host.

For the first time, the system understands its host's difficulty when he learned how to communicate with his system through the mind.

As the Rubik cube's usefulness ended, the Eighth Prince quickly throws it into an empty spatial dimensional bag. He patted his hands to remove imaginary dust with an evil grin on his face.

They guessed that the system would not be able to communicate with its host when it was inside a spatial dimensional and judging from the panicking system inside the storage now, they had guessed right.

"Your Highness...?" Eunuch Heng's voice filled with confusion travelled inside the room. They could see his shadow through the door.

"Oh goodie, I got an extra hand to help to set up traps!"

"Traps?" Xiao Hua asked weakly, her face pale from pain and blood loss. Da Bei had pulled out the rusted dagger and was currently pressing a bundle of cloth over her bleeding wound. He had scattered a sweet-smelling powder over the stab wound and it itches!

"Traps to catch him off guard and avoid us being injured in case that Bai fella decided to kill us and ask questions later!"

Heise: Honestly, I just hate people with 'Bai' name! (メ' ロ ')

By now, Heise had forgotten that because of his hatred for 'Bai' name, he had thought up a misery background history for his character, Doctor Bai.

"Da Bei, slowly carry Xiao Hua into my room and lay her down on my bed."

"But I want to watch," Xiao Hua protested weakly.

"Too bad for you," the Eighth Prince said without sympathy. "This whole room will be filled with traps for that Bai fella so stay at a safe place."

"I want to listen-"

"I will get him to heal you first before making him talk, to both of us. Now quickly go away. You are wasting my time to make traps. Heng Xin! Bring three bags of flour, melted sugar, and some spicy powders! And thick ropes too!"

Xiao Hua: (-_-;)・・・Are you planning to trap him or piss off Doctor Bai?