Vol 5 Chapter 149

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 149

Feeling like an invalid, patient Xiao Hua could be seen lying down as still as a statue to avoid agitating her wound on the Eighth Prince's bed, with Nurse Da Bei staring attentively at her and frequently at the door. Her uninjured hand was left to press on the wound which fortunately was slowing down it's bleeding.

She could not hear anything from outside the room and that makes her even more anxious. Although she did not know Doctor Bai's abilities, as a player that had performed in several worlds, he would not be simple.

The Doctor Bai's character background was unknown, other than what Le Xiao Ting had read from Heise's book. He was the heroine's invisible golden medallion to boost her own reputation by ridding Doctor Bai's tailcoat. Adding it with her own spring water cheat, she managed to convince others about being Doctor Bai's apprentice. Her lie was not discovered as Doctor Bai never once appeared in the novel. Even if he did, Xiao Hua could guess that somehow or another, the heroine would be able to make him willingly accept her to be his apprentice.

Other than that, Xiao Hua could not remember much. Only the Eighth Prince himself would remember what he had written best.

Feeling headache incoming thanks to the worry, she turned her head and put in the thin bamboo tube that was attached to a teapot placed beside her pillow into her mouth and greedily sucked the liquid to moisture her throat.

Da Bei was the one that insisted she drink more water to sustain her blood lost temporarily and Xiao Hua suspected he used this method to drink water when he was too injured to move around.

She nearly choked when Da Bei jumped onto his feet with his sword drawn, staring at the door with a fierce gaze as the door slowly creaked open. Her eyes glued on the door, her heartbeat slows down in dread.

A smooth, pale hand pushed the door wider and a tall handsome man with an air of elegance stepped into the room, his gentle eyes immediately meeting Xiao Hua's. His smile was so angelic that no one would think he was a dangerous person.

Xiao Hua: '...' Shit?

Xiao Hua: '...' Such a good looking man should be illegal, ya know? I swear the sunlight follows his around as background effect.

Xiao Hua: '...' Did Heise get killed?

"You must be Xiao Hua." A soft, melodious voice flowed around the room, breaking the awkward silence.

"… Hi." Xiao Hua answered foolishly and did not move to stand up from the bed. "Can I ask what you did to my friend? He's a nice ten-year-old boy with dark green robes. He never kills anyone. He also never harms anyone without reason. He's a very good boy."

Doctor Bai laughed softly, his ink-black soft hair danced around him inside a room where no wind could enter. "He is indeed a good boy for preparing a welcome gift for me. But I don't like getting dirty, so I have to return the gift to him."

Indeed. There was no single speck of dirt on him and it looks like the Eighth Prince failed to even land a single hit on this man.

"He's still alive... right?"

"I don't kill innocent people."

Xiao Hua refrained herself from asking what was his definition of 'innocent'.

Da Bei was unprepared when Doctor Bai suddenly disappeared and appeared before Xiao Hua, without any signs of moving at all. There was not even wind movement from his sudden move! Xiao Hua let out a small hiccup from the sudden shock and winced from the pull of her injury.

Doctor Bai gently removed the rough cloth that was used to press onto Xiao Hua's wound. She reluctantly removed her hand, deciding to trust him for now. Not that she has any choice anyway. "Fortunately, it was not deep enough so there's no need for stitching and leaving a scar on your skin."

"That's good." Xiao Hua wondered if it's the Eighth Prince that asked Doctor Bai to come to heal her or he had come over willingly.

"These are blood recovery pill, fast mending pill, and a pain killer pill."

Her eyes stared at Doctor Bai warily and sneaked a glance at Da Bei, who reluctantly nodded. She stared at Doctor Bai's kind smile for a long time before she obediently swallowed the pills that Doctor Bai silently placed inside her mouth, grateful that they do not taste bad like those pills the Third Prince had given her. After that, he pulled out a small bottle from his wide sleeves and passed it to Da Bei.

"Smear this on her wound once per day after her bath. In less than five days, the cut will be fully recovered. You did well in stopping the bleeding and cleaning the wound with disinfection powder."

Da Bei lowered his head as he accepted the bottle of medicine, his ears turning red from the praise.

Doctor Bai smiled gently. "I never saw you for only seven years and you are already this big."

Da Bai raised his head, his eyes showed his surprise and his silent questions. "When you and your twin enter the world, both of you were in a very weak state. I had to feed the two of you lots of health supplements until the two of you are able to reduce most of the Ying energy in your bodies."

"Is it because Da Bei and Da An are not from pure bloodline beast that they were born weak?" Xiao Hua asked tentatively.

Doctor Bai smiled sadly. "That is why the human and beast union is not encouraged. They tend to give birth to stillborn and unhealthy children with short lifespan."

A sudden loud bang had Xiao Hua's whole body jumped and the wild movement had her groan in pain as she could feel her cut started bleeding again. However, she found she could ignore most of her pain when the sight before her was much more attention-grabbing than her wound.

The last time Xiao Hua saw the Eighth Prince, he was cleanly dressed in another of his fine, dark green robes, with tidy combed hair and clean appearance.

Right now he looked like a tiny polar bear thanks to the thick flour covered him from head to toe, with a brown slimy liquid that was melted sugar, mixed with it. Only his eyes, nose, and mouth were wiped clean from the mixtures, but the redness indicated he had used heavy scrubbing to free them. His bloodshot eyes were pretty intimidating as he glared at Doctor Bai.

The extra baggage makes it hard for him to move, but his anger was more than enough to drag himself around the place to seek out Doctor Bai for revenge.

"Shithead Bai!!!" The Eighth Prince roared and swung a tall, large spear at Doctor Bai, who easily stopped it with two fingers.

Doctor Bai flicked the spear away, which nearly sent the Eighth Prince flying away, but the young boy used his inner energy to stable his footing before springing himself at the older man again.

It was unknown whether Doctor Bai does not wish to hurt the Eighth Prince or he was just playing around, for he would always receive the attack with his two fingers before flicking it away.

Regardless of his reason, it enraged the Eighth Prince even more, and his movement gotten even fiercer but sloppy, revealing more of his weak points.

Da Bei silently stood before the bed where Xiao Hua was currently occupying, his eyes following the one-sided battle attentively. Realizing that this could go on for the whole day, Xiao Hua let out a loud 'ahem', but only Da Bei turned to look at her.

With a tired sigh, she carefully sat up after confirming that her head was no longer dizzy from blood loss, and the pills she had swallowed worked fast. Grabbing the hard as a stone pillow, she pushed it onto Da Bei's hands and ordered, "Throw it between them! We need to stop them!"

Da Bei nodded and proceeds to throw the pillow...right onto the Eighth Prince's face.

Xiao Hua: (⊙_⊙)

When the Eighth Prince stopped and fall onto the ground like a sack of flour, Doctor Bai let out a soft, amused snicker that he politely tried to cover using his sleeves.

Da Bei, with a look that wished to be praised, turned to Xiao Hua, who was staring at him with a mixture of horror and confusion. "The Eighth Prince is the instigator," Da Bei explained.

Xiao Hua: Oh...that makes sense.

Eunuch Heng, with his appearance that was similar to the Eighth Prince that was covered by flour and sticky sugar, appeared right in time to witness the outcome of the pillow attack and the Eighth Prince's collapse.

It was fortunate for Da Bei and Xiao Hua that Eunuch Heng had not arrived in time to witness it was them that thrown the pillow at the Eighth Prince.

Similar to a sad scene of a couple dying on another, Eunuch Heng cradled his unconscious lover - cough- master with teary eyes, his hand rubbing the spot on Eighth Prince's head that was injured by the pillow. "Master! I will avenge you!"

"I'm the one that knocks out the Eighth Prince!" Xiao Hua quickly took the blame before another fighting scene starts. It's not that she does not enjoy watching it but her desire to know the truth was more important.

"Sister Hua, how could you side with the enemy?!" Eunuch Heng cried out in anguish.

"It's a mistake. I don't mean for the pillow to be thrown at the Eighth Prince."

"My master had treated you just like his own sister! Sister Hua, you truly are a cold-hearted person!" Eunuch Heng cried out mournfully.

Her nerve throbbed at her temple. "Da Bei, are you stronger than Eunuch Heng?"

"Yes." Da Bei answered without hesitation or arrogance.

Xiao Hua's smiled darkly. "Tie him up and only release him until he agrees to clean the Eighth Prince up before he wakes up and gets angry, again."
