Vol 5 Chapter 151

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 151

It was a little disappointing when the Eighth Prince regained consciousness right before Eunuch Heng gave in to Da Bei's assault.

Without regaining full consciousness, the Eighth Prince had already started moving to attack Doctor Bai. Feeling guilty for his head injury as well as the fear of the little prince facing more disadvantages, Xiao Hua quickly speaks up. "Heise, go and take a bath quickly or the storytelling will start without you!"

The Eighth Prince blinked and needed nearly a full minute to get what Xiao Hua meant. He glowered, wanting to protest.

"Are you intending to stay like this till the end of the conversation that might go on for hours?" Xiao Hua asked and pointed at his dirty attire. The flour mixed with brown sugar was already hardened quite a bit, hindering his movement. If he continues to leave that mess on him even longer, that layer of flour might be his new layer of skin then.

The Eighth Prince had felt uncomfortable long ago, but only his desire to kick Doctor Bai's ass that helped him to overcome his discomfort. "Don't you dare start without me! Heng Xin! Prepare a bath for me quickly!"

Doctor Bai, Xiao Hua, and Da Bei were ushered out of the Eighth Prince's bedchamber to let him take a bath in privacy.

Doctor Bai smiled with eyes shone in amusement throughout the whole thing. He sat down on a chair gracefully and took out a familiar looking pouch. He loosens the opening and the annoying system quickly flew out of the gap. As the pouch was a low grade spatial dimensional bag that does not need ownership to be able to use it, whoever got their hands on it could use it.

"Host!!!" The Rubik cube crashed onto Doctor Bai's chest, with digital black tears flowing down from its eyes.

A loud crack reached their ears, which could only be made from the wooden bathtub, followed by a loud roar of anger coming from inside the bedchamber.

"You stole my bag!"

"Your Highness, no! You are not dressed!"

With a heavy sigh, Xiao Hua quickly lifted her wide sleeves, thanking her lucky stars that it was thick enough to cover her eyesight, just in time before the Eighth Prince burst out from his room, assumingly naked.

Da Bei helpfully stood in front of Xiao Hua so that the PG-18 scene would not enter her eyes, accidentally or not.

"Ah, host! They are evil! Look at my poor beautiful body, I'm nearly destroyed!" The Rubik cube floated in front of its host, showing off its injuries, trying to earn pity with everlasting fake tears.

"You had suffered rather serious injuries," Doctor Bai noted with an indescribable feeling. This was the first time he had seen his system being injured. Its sparkling white appearance was gone, replaced with a pitiful state filled with fingerprint dents.

"Host! That evil girl's spatial dimension has high-grade materials that can heal me!" The Rubik cube radiated colourful lights excitedly. It fully expected that its host will grab the evil girl's bracelets to help heal his precious system.

Hearing it, Xiao Hua lowered her arms quickly, her eyes glaring at the Rubik cube fiercely. She even went as far as pulling out few knives from her bracelet in preparation to stab them deep in the annoying Rubik cube.

But when she saw the Rubik cube's digital eyes literally lit up with rainbow colours did she retract her thoughts of throwing her knives at it.

It would just absorb her knives! This young lady doesn't give out free food!

"It's those materials!" The Rubik cube squealed excitedly. "All I need to do is consume them and I will be healed!"

"These are mine, thief," Xiao Hua hissed angrily and quickly hide her knives back into her bracelet in case the Rubik cube would launch itself at them. "You ate them without my permission! Crushing you is enough compensation for their losses. As you survived, I am willing to let it go, but if you continue asking for what's mine, then I will tell your host what you did!"

"Do you think your silly threats could scare me? Tell my host then, whatever you think will scare me, idiot!"

That was just a guess but... "The points you used to buy the smoke bomb... is your host's, right?"

The Eighth Prince, who Eunuch Heng had hurriedly covered his birthday suit with an outer robe, grinned maliciously. His bloodthirsty eyes and long wet hair clings over his face, giving him the appearance of a vengeful spirit. "1,000 points is just a small amount. Surely the great, oh so generous Bai, would not care about such measly sum?"

The Rubik rube let out a sharp ear-piercing 'eep'. "Host! I-I have no choice! They forced me to!"

Despite Doctor Bai was still smiling, his gentle aura was already gone with his sharp eyes piercing his system like knives. 1,000 points were what he could get if he succeeds a B grade task. How can his heart not ache over the loss of 1,000 points?

Yet his anger was quick to pass, for he understands that if the system did not use the points, it might have died, and then he might be stuck in this world forever.

"Xiao Hua, if you let my system consume the knives, I would be honoured to accept you as my daughter."

With a deep frown, Xiao Hua asked sharply, "Your meaning is if I don't agree, you won't adopt me?"

Doctor Bai smiles faintly. "That would depend on who you are and what do you want from Long Zhu. If you agree with the trade, I will not ask you about your identity."

"Hey Xiao Hua, there's no need for you to bargain with him." The Eighth Prince sneering at Doctor Bai. "Just beat them up and they will speak."

Xiao Hua: Are you a thug now? Did you also realize you have lesser than 10 percent chances in landing a hit on Doctor Bai? ( ̄  ̄|||)

"If I agree to heal your system, you will immediately adopt me as your daughter in name and tell us everything about you, the 'plot' and other necessary information," Xiao Hua bargained, ignoring the Eighth Prince.

It hurts to see her knives gone, but they were just weapons. She will have to explain properly to her boyfriend about them being used properly in exchange for securing Doctor Bai's promise in adopting her. If she could help solve one of the Third Prince's concerns, she would do it.

"It's quite a disadvantage for me."

"You can ignore the deal then," Xiao Hua said indifferently despite feeling otherwise. She chooses to gamble that Doctor Bai would agree quite a bit of extra conditions just to make sure the system will survive. There was no novel she had read that allowed a host to change their system in a situation where a system was destroyed so she can only bet on it.

"Host..." The Rubik cube was conflicted. It wanted to heal itself, but in exchange for that, the host's plans will be compromised.

Doctor Bai smiled reassuringly at his system. "Right now, it's important to get you fixed. You should also know that they aren't the original Xiao Hua and Eighth Prince so the original plan won't work anymore."

The Rubik cube sniffed and stopped releasing teardrops. "I'm sorry, host."

Doctor Bai patted the Rubik cube gently before turning to face Xiao Hua. "Alright. But you won't be my daughter in name only. If you want this adoption to work, you will have to agree with blood adoption, with a relationship of true father and daughter between us."

"Why?" Xiao Hua asked suspiciously.

She does not have reluctance in treating Doctor Bai as her father as she would not feel guilty. Le XiaoTing was too young to remember her biological father when he passed away but her mother always told her stories about him, but those were not enough to leave a deep feeling in her. But wanting her to be his daughter more than a promise written in a piece of paper would naturally have a catch.

"It would only be right since we do not know each other well yet. This would also keep Long Zhu safe."

"Are you planning to stop the Third Prince from marrying me?" Xiao Hua asked guardedly.

"Of course!" The Rubik cube exclaimed in a righteous manner. "Why would we let Long Zhu marry a vile person like you?"

"Da Bei, crush that annoying buzzing sound," Xiao Hua ordered darkly and watched in glee when Da Bei immediately moved as she commanded.

"Ah!!! Help me, host!" The Rubik cube flies straight into its safety net a.k.a Doctor Bai's arms.

"So that's how it is. You can hear the sound of machine humming from the system?" Doctor Bai looked interested before he flashed to a side to avoid a fate similar to the chair he had sat on.

The wooden stool was chopped into two by the Eighth Prince's sharp spear. What a sly person, to sneak attack when Doctor Bai was preoccupied with his system's safety from Da Bei.

"The talk failed, so I can kill you!" The Eighth Prince reasoned with the confidence of a justice man.

Xiao Hua: ( ̄_ ̄)・・・

It took her a moment to gather back her wits that had dropped onto the ground to stop the ongoing chaos as Da Bei and Eunuch Heng had joined the fray.


However, only Da Bei obeyed and returned to her side with a confused look. She quickly explained, "Doctor Bai is still useful and really, none of us can defeat him anyway."

With a flick of her sleeve, she grabbed her whip from her spatial dimension and unleashed it right at the object that caused this entire problem to arise in the first place.

"Ah! Host, help me!" The Rubik cube could only scream for help when the whip wrapped around it and tugged it right onto Xiao Hua's hands in a speed that Doctor Bai's eyes could follow but because she did that too suddenly, it took him off guard and delayed his reaction.

Happy that she was successful in coiling her whip around the system, she laughed pleasantly as the fighting stopped. "See? It's not so bad to keep silent, right?"

With a lovely smile, her fist gripped the Rubik cube in a threatening manner and it wisely stopped screaming.

Heise: '...' Xiao Hua hangs around Duan XiYing way too much! Σ(°△°|||)︴