Vol 5 Chapter 152

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 152

'Beep! Player 999, the information you asked for is complete. For further inquiries, press the 'HELP' button. To file an issue, press the 'SUPPORT' button. The Central wish you a nice day.'

"Ah. Just in time," Doctor Bai waved his sleeves and revealed a slender, jade white hand that a pianist would dream of. He poked his finger around in mid-air like a mad person in the eyes of an ordinary person.

Only the duo transmigrator could guess that he must be poking on an invisible screen if the novels they had read could be trusted.

Pressing on the 'receive file' button, in just a blink of an eye, the information was transferred into Doctor Bai's mind, free of pain. "Transmigrated souls? Ah, that would make sense," Doctor Bai murmured thoughtfully.

Xiao Hua's heartbeat quicken as the Eighth Prince demanded urgently, "Hey, you can send us back to our world?" To Heise, being able to return to his original world was more important than finding out about Doctor Bai.

"I can't. But I can inquire about the reason for your transmigration for you." Doctor Bai quickly typed in mid-air as if sending a message.

"Host, that sort of inquiry would take weeks or months to be answered," the Rubik cube informed.

"That's what points are for."

The Rubik cube let out an eye glaring red light. "No, host! You earned those points from your hard work!"

"This... you don't have to use your points. We can wait," Xiao Hua said, albeit it was rather difficult for her to open her mouth to say so. She had itched to know why she was transmigrated since the first day! However, time could not replace his hard-earned points. She genuinely pitied those people that had been picked by systems to be their unwilling workers!

"A hundred points is just a small amount to have them reply to me quickly." Doctor Bai gave Xiao Hua a small, understanding smile. "It would be better to have the answer sooner than later."

Feeling guilty, Xiao Hua pulled out all her knives from her bracelet, creating a small mountain beside her. She tossed the system on top of the pile none too gently. Since Doctor Bai had kindly used his hard earn points to help them, it would be cruel of her to not help out in kind.

"Hey! Treat me with care, vile-"

"Call me bad names again and I will dump you at the cow dung," Xiao Hua threatened seriously.

The Rubik cube wisely shut up and silently consumes the materials needed to heal itself. Doctor Bai pressed a few buttons and open his palm to receive his purchased goods. Too quick for them to do anything, he already flicked paper talisman onto Da Bei and Eunuch Heng's forehead before they noticed.

A second after Doctor Bai spoke, "Activate", their eyes immediately turned blank. If Xiao Hua did not know better, she would think they were Chinese vampires.

"Da Bei!"

"You jerk-"

"I just erased their memories of the system and me. They will be released when our conversation ended. This world has its own rules and letting them know about us have unbalanced the scale even more."

"But... they know about us being transmigrated!" the Eighth Prince argued.

"That's why I did not erase their memory of it. Somehow this world does not view them knowing about it as dangerous. This world does not treat both of you like a bug that needed to be eliminated either."

"Are you saying... I and Heise are supposed to be transmigrated here?" Xiao Hua asked slowly in disbelief.

"Perhaps the answer from the system central will explain that too." Doctor Bai waved both of them to have a seat with him. "Now that we know the truth of each other, then it's time for me to tell you why I am assigned to this world."

With a loud crash, the Rubik cube emerged from the smaller pile of knives frantically. "Host! That's a stupid thing to do!"

"I know what I am doing, system." Doctor Bai might still have a gentle smile, but his eyes were firm.

With a sad hum, the Rubik rube returned back to the pile of knives to continue absorbing the material.

"I apologize for egging you two earlier. I was buying time until the information I needed to arrive before I can make any final decision," Doctor Bai admitted.

"It's alright," Xiao Hua smiled, understandingly his decision. His apologetic gaze also conveyed that his words were not false.

"Tsk!" The Eighth Prince crossed his arms. "Only a shameless person would do such a thing."

Doctor Bai laughingly said, "Author Heise, I am not your hateful Bai."

The Eighth Prince's face turned in an alarming shade of red as he spurted. "How much do you know?!"


"Which is?!"

"I know your real name is Ma Chi Cheng, age 22, the cause of death is a car accident. You grudgingly wrote a twisted story just to court a guy you liked. Unfortunately, your guy falls for another writer, a female with the pen name of Bai-"

"Enough! Okay, you know quite enough!" The Eighth Prince cut in quickly.

Xiao Hua suddenly feared how much information about her that Doctor Bai knew of.

"Miss Le XiaoTing..."

"Just call me Xiao Hua. It's less confusing," Xiao Hua hurriedly said, feeling panicky at what he wanted to say.

"Xiao Hua, then. I will not stop you from marrying Long Zhu once I've adopted you, but as a concerned father, I have to ask if you truly wish to marry Long Zhu, and not because of anything else."

"I want to marry to the Third Prince," Xiao Hua admitted with a blush, unable to meet anyone's eye. "It's because... I... I have feelings for him."

At her innocent honesty, Doctor Bai smiled gently. "Then I will let it be."

It was not Doctor Bai’s first time in meeting a transmigrated soul during his world-hopping, but this was the first to be interacting with them in a friendly manner. Those transmigrated souls usually acted rather chaotically and Doctor Bai’s character setting at that time does not allow him to expose his real identity to them.

"How long will it take for the question to be replied?" the Eighth Prince asked impatiently.

"The earliest date is three working days from today."

"Is there possible to have us return back to our world?" The Eighth Prince asked again.

He refused to accept the answer easily. He might be lucky compared to other transmigrators, but acting like a stupid prince every day was quite a dangerous task, especially around that cheap uncle of his! There was no freedom that allowed him to do whatever he wanted either.

"No, unless you wish to enter the cycle of reincarnation."

The Eighth Prince groaned. "So no return or you will die, huh? Fine."

Xiao Hua feels guilty for being relieved for unable to return back to her original world. "Doctor Bai, why are you in this world? Is it because of the original Doctor Bai's desire to revenge, or because this world has a bug, or you are here to steal the male lead's heart?"

Doctor Bai coughed, looking embarrassed. "Xiao Hua, I'm as straight as a ruler."

"There are bendable rulers," Xiao Hua replied automatically before realizing what he had actually meant. "Oh! I'm sorry! I should have said 'steal the female lead heart'! I'm so used to reading female lead and BL web novels that I did not notice what I've said, hahaha."

The Eighth Prince snickered. "Or maybe your mind is telling you something. He does look like a gay person with how much smiling and hair swaying gesture he made. I had to look around to confirm there's no video camera filming him for a shampoo commercial."

"I have a video setting," the Rubik cube injected under the pile of slowly declining knives. It hurt Xiao Hua's heart to see it being eaten, so she refused to look at that direction, intending to ignore it.

But why does that damn Rubik Cube's chewing noises so loud?! (╬ Ò﹏Ó)

"We cannot trust the usual stereotyping, Heise. Or else your personality would be more gentle," Doctor Bai said gently, with the attitude of a sage imparting his life lessons to youngsters.

"I'm dominant okay! I'm supposed to be manly!"

Xiao Hua quickly interrupted before another fight happens. "So, Doctor Bai, why are you here in this world?"

Doctor Bai's gentle expression turned serious. "I'm here to prevent two main events from happening. The first is the death of Long Zhu and the second is the demon invasion," Doctor Bai answered without hiding anything. He considered them to be in the same boat, so they should help each other out.

After hearing the first reason, Xiao Hua felt her heart stopped and scalp tingled. "Death by Liu Chu Chu's poison during his imprisonment?"

Doctor Bai shook his head. "That is the first plotline, which he had avoided. In his second life, he would be poisoned to death by Xiao Hua. Because of his death and all Long family, Azure Dragon has no vessel and the Guilin Kingdom has no defence against the demons."


"Don't worry; this matter was prevented. The task is updated and labeled completed, which I assumed it's because you took over Xiao Hua's body."

"Why?" Xiao Hua choked out the word, her heart feeling stuffy with disbelief and anger. "Why did she... how could she?"

"I could not understand the way she was thinking either, but from the world script, she was unsatisfied with Long Zhu's level of love to her. She felt she deserved more from him. Then she noticed the Second Prince had treated his wife well and wanted to be treated the same way. She seems to have the misconception that she would be loved by Long Shan if she kills Long Zhu and that was how Long Shan and Liu Chu Chu able to use her to target Long Zhu."

Xiao Hua: ( ̄_ ̄)・・・

"What's with that gaping hole in her mind?" The Eighth Prince asked in pure disbelief.

Doctor Bai shrugged elegantly. "Well, that's why the system sent me here to fix things."